
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Unexpected Best Friend

As soon as the call connected, Jane heard a questioning voice on the other end.

"Mallory, what's going on? Why didn't you come back to the dorm last night? Did something happen? You have an early class at 6:30, why haven't you returned? If the nun killer finds you, you're done for!"

Jane saw the body of this person in the mirror and guessed that she was a young student. Now she was even more certain. Jane took a deep breath and replied, "I don't know the way back."

Yuki seemed silent for a moment and asked, "Where are you now?"

Jane turned around and looked at Shayla's dazzling smile on the big screen above the amusement park. She said, "Tianjiao Amusement Park."

Yuki sounded surprised, "How did you end up so far away? Never mind, you've always had a terrible sense of direction. I'll text you the directions, and if you can't find the subway station or bus stop, just take a taxi back."

After Yuki hung up, she sent a text message with the directions. Jane then learned that this body's name was "Mallory" and she was a student at Cinnabar City Arts Academy. From now on, if she wanted to survive, she could only rely on this identity. However, after experiencing the events of last night, a high school student with a body that had been violated, she would surely be looked down upon and unable to hold her head up when she returned to school.

Jane didn't immediately take a car back to Arts Academy. She rummaged through her wallet and found that she didn't have much money. Judging from the various small items in her bag, this girl named Mallory wasn't wealthy. The city was gradually waking up, and since this area was on the outskirts, Jane bought two pieces of clothing from a stall to change into. A white t-shirt and jeans covered up the messy marks on her body, and she tied her long, black, shiny hair up to her chest. She saw a face in the mirror of the public restroom, a face that was plain and unremarkable, with dark and bright eyes.

Perhaps it was because she had already died once, Jane felt an extra tenderness towards the girl in the mirror. She vaguely remembered what happened last night, being taken by the principal to accompany the boss for drinks and ending up in bed. If she hadn't run into Jackie, she didn't even want to think about what she would have become...

Heh, the girl in the mirror suddenly smirked and curled her lips mockingly. So, she should thank God for sending Jackie to her, shouldn't she?

With everything packed up, Jane followed the route on the text message and boarded the subway. She wasn't directionally challenged, or in other words, she was familiar with this city. It's just that the Arts Academy was located in the western suburbs, and she had never been there before.

All sorts of people were on the subway in the early morning. Students with headphones on, heads down, studying their vocabulary books. Office workers holding newspapers or scrolling through their phones, reading today's news. Everyone looked groggy... This was the world of the living.

Being alive meant countless possibilities.

Jane took out her phone and searched for any clues about the previous owner.

There were a few unread text messages, signed by "Carl."

"Mallory, where are you? Why aren't you answering my calls? You have to believe me, there's nothing between me and Yuki, I love you!"

"Mallory, I was wrong, I shouldn't have made you angry. It's not what you think, Yuki is just my dance partner, assigned by the teacher. What can I do? If you're not happy, should I ask the teacher to switch to you?"

"Mallory, please answer the phone, I'm really worried..."

Jackie guessed right, this Carl person should be Mallory's boyfriend. It's just a coincidence, or not, that he's involved with her "best friend."

Looking through the phone's photo album, the first picture was a group photo. The girl obediently nestled in the arms of a tall boy, lips slightly pursed, hands twisted in front of her, looking a bit uncomfortable. The boy's hand rested on the girl's waist, smiling happily at the camera. His bangs were dyed a few strands of wine red... From this photo, it seemed like the boy was the one taking the picture.

The girl was Mallory, and the boy should be this Carl.

Continuing to scroll, she saw many more pictures. The school gate, the practice room, the student dormitory, and even the neatly arranged bed in the apartment room...

Jackie was really amazing, she even guessed that she was a dance student just from the bed. Mallory clearly liked taking selfies, even her desktop was filled with her own photos. There were also quite a few pictures taken in the practice room. This habit of hers saved Jane a lot of trouble and guesswork.

Flipping to the second-to-last photo, it was the main building of Cinnabar City General Hospital. The last photo showed a person wearing a hospital gown, facing away from the camera, with no hair visible, making it impossible to tell if it was a man or a woman...

By the time Jane finally found Arts Academy, it was already 9 o'clock in the morning. Looking at the large letters "Cinnabar City Arts Academy," Jane hesitated. Although she knew what the practice room and student dormitory looked like, she didn't know the way around. Rushing in without caution would definitely raise suspicion.

She had just thought of finding an excuse to look for the girl named Yuki when footsteps ran past from the shade of the trees. Then, someone hugged her tightly.

"Mallory!" the person exclaimed.

The clean scent unique to young boys made Jane's heart skip a beat. Many years ago, that person had also possessed it, but now it had been covered by the dirty and decadent smell of cigarettes and alcohol.

The boy held her for a moment, but when he didn't hear her speak, he let go of her and cupped her face with his hands, leaning in for a kiss.

Being too close, Jane couldn't see the boy's face clearly, but she noticed the dyed red hair on his forehead. Instinctively, she turned her head to avoid his descending lips.

Jane's evasion disappointed the boy, who questioned, "Mallory, why? Are you still mad at me? I have nothing with Yuki, believe me, I..."

"Mallory!" Before the boy could finish speaking, a female voice sounded from behind him, calling out Mallory's name.

Jane recognized it as Yuki's voice from the phone. As Yuki called out to her, Carl's hands visibly trembled, and he turned his head to look at Yuki, filled with nervousness.

Yuki approached closer, and Jane saw that she was also an attractive girl. She was wearing loose half-dance practice clothes, revealing a flat stomach and an enticing belly button. She had applied light makeup, making her even more captivating.

She walked up to Jane, lifted her eyelids to glance at Carl, and then looked at Jane with a complex expression. "Mallory, I just heard from the nun killer that you've been expelled."