
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

take this money 

Seeing Boss Howard again, Jane instinctively took a step back. She had almost fallen into his hands last night, and even now, the thought of his greasy big hands and bloated belly made her want to vomit.

At this moment, a person appeared behind Boss Howard. It was Principal Lawrence, whom she had just met in the morning. He smiled and waved at Jane, saying, "Little Mo, don't be afraid, come over here!"

Little Mo?

Since when did they become so familiar?

Jane had seen enough of flattering faces in the past, and she dared to conclude that Principal Lawrence needed something from her. He wanted her to please Boss Howard, either by spending the night with him or...

She didn't dodge, walked down the steps, and approached Principal Lawrence and Boss Howard.

"Little Mo, you see, there was a misunderstanding between you and Boss Howard last night. Look, Boss Howard is a good person. According to your age, you should call him uncle. This..." Principal Lawrence rambled on.

Jane almost burst out laughing. Uncle taking his niece to a hotel room, that was truly something a good person would do. She coldly interrupted Principal Lawrence, saying, "Principal, let's get straight to the point. It's getting late, and I still have to go to class."

Since she ran out of the hotel room last night, her tone had never softened. She was completely different from the previous Mallory. Principal Lawrence had no choice but to use his trump card, "Little Mo, before we went to the hotel last night, we had already agreed. Your mother needs money for the hospital, so you accompany Boss Howard for one night, and you'll be given twenty thousand yuan."

"Jane" was stunned, remembering the two photos in her phone album, the silhouette of her mother with her hair falling out... So Mallory's mother was seriously ill, and that's why she sold her virginity for money. Twenty thousand yuan... Compared to Jackie, who was generous, Boss Howard suddenly seemed more noble because of his generosity.

Principal Lawrence thought Jane was in the wrong when she didn't respond, so he quickly said, "So, you can't blame Boss Howard, and you shouldn't hold grudges. We should handle things properly. You're still young and don't understand yet, but you will when you grow up!"

Tired of his roundabout way of speaking, Jane turned around and said, "I understand, we should handle things properly, and I won't hold grudges. I'm going to class now!"

"Wait!" Principal Lawrence grabbed her arm, but Jane forcefully pulled away and stared at him, saying, "Don't beat around the bush. Even if you're the principal, I can still accuse you of sexual harassment!"

Whether it was due to the heat or something else, Boss Howard had been wiping sweat off to the side. Now, seeing Jane's fierce reaction, he smirked and said, "Oh, so you're a thorny rose. I saw that last night, but I didn't expect you to be even fiercer today!"

Principal Lawrence quickly signaled to him, and Boss Howard toned down his disgusting demeanor a bit. Principal Lawrence stood behind Jane, smiling, and said, "You see, little Mo, because of you, Boss Howard had a little disagreement with Four Young Master last night... The principal thought that since we're all friends, there's no need for such hostility. It would be awkward if we meet again in the future. So... we thought of inviting Four Young Master to come and have a meal together... Boss Howard would host, and he wants you to accompany Four Young Master, have a meal, drink some wine, and say some nice things. This way, the misunderstandings can be resolved, right?"

Jane had already guessed that it had something to do with Jackie. It seems that Principal Lawrence took her words seriously this morning. So, she went along with it and asked, "What does it have to do with me?"

Principal Lawrence laughed even more happily, squinting his eyes, completely different from his arrogant attitude in the morning. "Little Mo, since Four Young Master likes you so much, Boss Howard wants you to help him. When the time comes, Boss Howard will treat you and Four Young Master to a meal. This way, the misunderstandings can be resolved, right?"

Calculating indeed, using a woman to win Jackie's favor. Jane sneered in her heart.

As she was about to refuse, Principal Lawrence handed her a stack of red bills. With a gentle face, he said, "Little Mo, take this money for emergencies. Go to the hospital and buy something nice for your mother... Ah..."

Seeing that Jane didn't immediately push the money away, Principal Lawrence patted the money in her hand and then withdrew his hand, straightening his posture. "It's settled then! Little Mo, when we manage to invite Four Young Master, we'll come to pick you up."

"Then, he called out to Boss Howard, 'Boss Howard, it's hot today. You should go to the office and take a break. It's not a big deal...'"

"Little Mo, go to class!" Principal Lawrence turned around and waved at her, still wearing that smiling face.

Jane pinched the money in her hand. It should be around twenty thousand yuan.

She really needed this money...

She desperately wanted to go back to Silver City...

She had so many things she wanted to do, all of which required money.

She could earn enough money with her own abilities, but she didn't have the time to wait. This dirty transaction was the easiest way to make money. Was seventeen-year-old Mallory also facing a more desperate situation than her?

Jane hesitated, and at that moment, her phone rang. The ringtone was that familiar melody:

"I wonder if he still remembers? The spring and summer when we loved passionately."

"Without saying a word, the rain kept falling, and the two of them were so foolish..."

The caller ID on the phone screen read: Doctor Carter.

As the call connected, a gentle male voice came through: "Mallory, I'm sorry to inform you on behalf of the hospital, but the hospitalization fees for this week..."

Jane forced a bitter smile, realizing that Mallory was even more desperate than she was.

No longer struggling to put on a facade, Jane put the money into her bag and said to the man on the other end, "Doctor Carter, I'll go to the hospital right away, I... have the money now."

Money was a good thing, and she was willing to easily exchange Jackie's name for this money, regardless of what she would have to pay in the second half of the deal.

Jane then took a taxi to Cinnabar City General Hospital. After asking at the front desk, she found Doctor Carter's office. Knocking on the door, she heard the gentle male voice respond, "Come in."

Jane pushed open the door and saw a man in a white coat sitting behind a desk, his head lowered as his slender fingers wrote something on a form. Upon hearing the door open, he looked up... to her surprise, it was a handsome face, wearing a pair of square glasses. His eyes behind the lenses were unusually calm and serene, giving off a sense of reassurance. He was a very young doctor.

Seeing Jane standing awkwardly at the door, he smiled slightly, adding warmth to his voice. He habitually pushed his glasses up and greeted her, "Mallory, you're here? Please have a seat."