
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

someone else's body

Jackie, a person accompanied by some unforgettable pain, has always been unforgettable for Jane. Over the years, she has dreamed of him many times, but none have been as clear and explicit as this one.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Jackie's handsome face was sometimes close to her, sometimes far away. Sweat dripped onto Jane's face as his thin lips brushed against her neck, cheeks, and lips, sometimes kissing, sometimes biting, all at his whim.

"Baby, crying like a pear blossom in the rain, so pitiful." Jackie lovingly kissed away the tears that streamed down Jane's face, his face adorned with a smile, tender and enchanting, easily stirring a woman's heart.

Jane trembled all over, clutching the bedsheets with both hands, loosening and tightening, tightening and loosening. Her face buried in the soft pillow, she almost suffocated from the intense gasps and uncontrollable tears.

The Jackie in her dream had become so beastly, just like Jane herself, already broken. Jackie had shed his youthful appearance, and his skills in bed had become practiced and refined, no longer awkward like their first night.

When Jackie had finally had enough and held Jane's trembling body, he whispered in her ear with a hoarse voice, "I hate women who cry in bed the most..."

Jane's empty eyes stared at the head of the bed, all her senses so real, unlike a dream. The extreme pleasure and pain trembled so clearly, including the sentence Jackie had just said -

"I hate women who cry in bed the most."


"I wonder if he still remembers? The spring and summer we loved so passionately.

"No need to speak, the rain keeps falling, the two of us were so foolish..."

Suddenly, a ringtone sounded, and a woman's unique voice softly sang, quite fittingly.

"Baby, answer it." Jackie saw her daze and casually picked up the phone from the cabinet, tossing it to Jane without any reluctance, then got up from her and stretched his neck, walking towards the bathroom.

"Does he still recognize me, if we meet again someday? Does he still remember me, once his only one? Does he still keep me, the sentence 'I love you' he wrote..."

The woman in the phone continued to hysterically question and speculate, the song repeatedly pulling memories from the past. Jane didn't answer the call, turning her head to look towards the closed bathroom door, from which the sound of rushing water could be heard.

"It really doesn't matter, at least we always had the same secret and the same memories. Does he still recognize me..."

Suddenly, with a "click," the bathroom door opened, startling Jane. She tightened her grip on the phone and stared into Jackie's eyes without blinking.

Jackie poked half of his body out, with water droplets rolling down his tanned and muscular chest. There was a white foam around his chin, and his deep and captivating eyes were cold and impatient. "Darling, don't let me hear that damn ringtone again!"

With that, he slammed the bathroom door shut.

Even in moments of impatience, men like Jackie and William Blake could still use the term "darling". Men truly are fascinating creatures.

On the phone screen, the name "Yuki" was still flashing. Jane was about to press the answer button when the ringing stopped, and the call had already been hung up.

She didn't know this person.

Jane tried to get up, but her body was burning with pain. She had been passionately crushed by Jackie, without any mercy. But there was a noticeable wound on her thigh, a fresh scabbed cut made by something, like a prominent vermilion mole.

Vermilion mole?

Jane suddenly looked down at her chest, and the heart-shaped birthmark was still there. She reached out her hands and found that they were slender and fair, with long nails. Jane, being a fashion designer, was accustomed to not having any nails. And there was also the long black hair that reached her chest. Jane had been keeping short hair since three years ago, even when she got married to William Blake. If she were to carefully examine herself, she couldn't find anything familiar on her entire body...

Jane walked to the dressing mirror, hugging herself with her arms. When she saw the reflection in the mirror, she widened her eyes in horror - who was that person inside?

Not only her body, even the face was extremely unfamiliar. The bright and captivating eyebrows and eyes, the perfectly red lips without any makeup. The features were stunning, with fair skin. The only flaw might be the slightly childish face, with a hint of adorable baby fat. But it was precisely because of this that her unparalleled beauty had a touch of endearing innocence.

Jane furrowed her brows and reached out to touch her face. The person in the mirror mimicked her movements exactly. Suddenly, as if experiencing an illusion, Jane seemed to see a bloody flower blooming on her lower abdomen. The blood spread and grew larger, gradually engulfing her whole body. The air was filled with the smell of blood and burnt scent, along with the taste of Lafite 1982...

With a loud thud, Jane fell to the side, hitting the cabinet. She held onto the cabinet to steady herself, but it hurt, it hurt a lot. This wasn't a dream... Jane's body slowly slid down to the ground... If this wasn't a dream, then what about her parents...

The sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped, and Jackie walked out, wearing a white towel around his lower body. He glanced at Jane sitting on the floor, but didn't pay much attention. He just dried his hair and walked towards the sofa, casually turning on the TV.

He casually pressed the remote control and said in Jane's direction, "Although I saved you from being taken advantage of by a group of old men, I had a great time last night and this morning. As usual, take the check on the table."

Jane hadn't recovered yet and turned her head to look at Jackie.

Jackie was amused by her lost and confused look. He casually threw the remote control and leaned back on the sofa, stretching his long arms. He asked, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? I haven't heard a peep from you since this morning. Weren't you quite talkative last night? It was your first time, right? If you think it was too little, let me know."

He tossed the check to her.

The light piece of paper accurately floated down to Jane's feet.

Jane stared at the familiar handwriting on it and suddenly smiled. It was quite a generous amount, enough to buy her first night.

She picked up the check and stared at it without blinking. Slowly, she opened her mouth and said, "You're really generous with your money. Thank you for the reward."

This voice came from Jane, but it sounded unfamiliar to her. It carried the softness of a woman from the Jiangnan region and the timidness of a seventeen-year-old girl. If one listened carefully, they could hear a faint trembling in her voice.

"Don't need to say anything, the rain keeps falling, two people so foolish..."

At this moment, the phone rang again. Jane had thrown it on the sofa earlier, but now Jackie looked at it and saw a name flashing on the screen. Suddenly, all his doubts seemed to be resolved. He smiled and said, "Carl,Carl... Baby, you kept calling his name last night. Is he your boyfriend?"