
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

she is dead

Last night she kept calling out "Carl"?


Jane looked at Jackie's face and smiled bitterly.

What an absurd and unrestrained dream.

Seeing her silent again, Jackie threw his phone at her impatiently and said, "You've got the money, so take your things and leave."

Just a second ago, she was concerned if the call was from her boyfriend, holding a somewhat gloating attitude. Jane didn't know. But now, he coldly and ruthlessly sent her away, perhaps that's where Jackie finds his pleasure.

When the phone fell at Jane's feet, the ringtone had already stopped.

Jane looked at the torn fabric scattered on the ground, unable to believe that one day she would be so humiliated in front of Jackie, picking up those dirty and broken clothes one by one to put on.

After Jane reluctantly put on the clothes that barely covered her body, she turned to look at Jackie, who was staring at the TV screen, not even bothering to look at her.

Jane absentmindedly picked up the women's bag on the ground, about to leave, when the clear voice of a female anchor came from the TV, "It has been three months since the major fire incident at the 'Royal Crown Hotel'. Not only were many innocent guests burned, but also the famous fashion designer Jane and her father, Jane's father, tragically lost their lives in the fire. Jane's husband, Mr. William Blake, has been in a state of depression since the fire and refuses to accept media interviews. Today, reporters captured Mr. William Blake going alone to Blue Mountain Cemetery to mourn his wife and father-in-law. His expression was very bleak, obviously deeply affected..."

Jane's footsteps abruptly stopped, staring fixedly at William Blake's hypocritical face on the TV. The reporter even gave a close-up shot of William Blake facing her and her father's tombstone, with her photo smiling at William Blake... Everything was not a dream, the murder and the calculated schemes were all real. She was already dead, her father was dead, and her child in her belly...

With a "snap," the TV screen suddenly went black, all the solemn and mournful scenes disappeared. Jane instinctively looked at Jackie, who was holding the remote control, staring at the black screen expressionlessly. Obviously, he had just turned off the TV.

Jane curled her lips, she really wanted to know what Jackie was thinking now that she was dead. If it was truly as he wished, they would never see each other again in this lifetime.

Jackie sat there with pursed lips, his eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, he noticed Jane looking at him. He squinted his eyes and gave her a cold, icy glare, completely different from the affectionate look he had on the bed. His voice was low and filled with a chilling intent as he said, "Get out!"

Jane smiled sadly. Jackie was not happy. He was always unpredictable. Was he angry because she was lingering, or because Jane was dead?

That arrogant and haughty young lady was finally dead... Now, who was she? Whoever she was, she had no connection with Jackie!

Jane understood the situation and didn't wait for Jackie to drive her out for the second time. She opened the door and suddenly stopped, tearing the check she was holding into pieces without any hesitation. She threw the scraps behind her, watching them flutter in the air before harshly hitting the door.

As she walked out of the hotel, the sun had just risen. There weren't many people around, but everyone stared at her tattered clothes and whispered to each other. Jane didn't know where to go, so she kept walking until she saw a 24-hour pharmacy. She instinctively walked in.

"May I help you with something?"

"Emergency contraception." Before the middle-aged woman behind the counter could finish her question, Jane blurted out.

A seventeen-year-old girl dressed so maturely and looking so disheveled, buying emergency contraception without any hint of shame. The women who had initially felt sorry for her exchanged glances and threw the contraception onto the counter, muttering, "These young ladies nowadays dress like high school students."

"They start selling themselves at such a young age, without even knowing how to study for a few more years. Shameless." Another woman chimed in.

Jane remained calm, taking out a simple coin purse from her unfamiliar backpack and paid. She also bought a bottle of water and swallowed the emergency contraception with cold water. As she walked out of the pharmacy, the voices of those gossiping still followed her.

The sun gradually rose from behind the tallest building in the city, and more people filled the streets. Many parents walked towards her, holding their children's hands.

Jane felt puzzled and only turned around to realize that behind her was an amusement park. Through the ornate fence, she could see several large helium balloons floating in the air, with the words "Happy Children's Day, my baby" written on them.

She died on March 7th, and today was Children's Day.

"Mommy, who is she?"

A young and innocent voice sounded beside her.

"Oh, she's a celebrity named Shayla."

When Jane heard the name, she saw Shayla's face appear on the big screen above the amusement park. Shayla was sitting among a group of children, smiling and gently stroking a child's hair. She spoke in a sweet voice, saying, "Children are the best gift that God gives to parents. Every time I see a child, my heart becomes soft. Today is Children's Day, so let's play happily, my little darlings! Big sister is here with you!"

"Shayla is so beautiful, Mommy! Let's go inside!" the child exclaimed happily.

The screen replayed the scene, and Jane's nails dug into her palms as she stared at Shayla's smiling face.

Both Shayla and William Blake were living well, one pretending to act at her grave and the other showing a loving and innocent side to the public. No one knew the evil they had done, covered in blood and devoid of conscience.

"I wonder if he still remembers the spring and summer we loved so passionately. No need for words, the rain kept falling, and we were so foolish..."

Just then, her phone rang again.

Jane tried to calm the raging hatred in her heart as she looked at the flashing name "Yuki" on her phone.

This was the second time she had called.