
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Ruse and Revelation: Jane's Dangerous Game

Jane blinked her innocent, large eyes in surprise, "Huh? Didn't Jackie guess it right just now in the restroom? Indeed, it was all a ruse of playing hard to get. I want money, so I took a gamble, luring Jackie into the trap!"

As she spoke, she lifted her body and pressed into Jackie's embrace, asking in confusion, "Does Jackie really think I came here not for money, but for some so-called feelings? That would really scare me…"

After hearing her words, a smirk appeared on Jackie's lips, and his deep gaze turned as cold as an icy pond. His arm encircled Jane's slender waist, drawing her closer into his embrace, "Darling, you truly have a sharp tongue."

"Thank you for the compliment, Jackie." Jane accepted all his praises and expressions of emotion, suddenly biting down on her lip, looking woefully: "Since Jackie is so satisfied with my skills in bed, you won't refuse to pay the bill after enjoying, right?"

Jackie released her body and stood up, crossing his legs as he straightened his clothes, his words cutting, "What can you do if I refuse to pay?"

He looked down on her half-naked form, his eyes filled with mockery, "Forget it, just a woman for sale, no longer clean. Afraid you might not fetch such a high price next time. You might as well make what you can while you can; we're squared."

Saying so, Jackie tossed her the check he had written out, still arrogant and imperious. He was a high-class patron, so his sense of superiority and nobility was overwhelming.

The check landed on Jane's bare legs. Picking it up, she watched Jackie with a smile, "You're so generous, Jackie. For this million, the next time I have a client, I'll certainly miss you. If you ever need anything, just look for me."

Jackie probably never saw such a shameless high school girl before, such dirty transactions so commonplace for her. His eyes instantly filled with contempt as he spoke disdainfully, moving past Jane's body, "Despicable!"

After cursing, he yanked the door open and walked out.

Once Jackie was gone, the smile on Jane's face vanished in an instant. She sat there blankly, her mind a void, quickly dressing herself. Now was not the time for tears, what was Jackie to her?

In Jackie's eyes, she was a shameless wretch; and in her eyes, Jackie was nothing more than a despicable client. Were any of them more noble than the other?

Only Jackie's money was more noble.

She had received her million. Her goal was achieved, and to her, he was no different from a discarded pawn.

Jane had just sealed the check when Principal Lawrence and Boss Howard came through the door. Jane greeted them with a bright smile, "Principal Lawrence, Boss Howard, don't worry, Jackie isn't angry anymore. He's too busy; he probably doesn't even remember the grievances of that night. About the thing I asked you for, Principal Lawrence..."

Principal Lawrence agreed cheerfully, "No problem, if you want to enter the Miss Chinatown beauty pageant, I'll be your guarantor. I'll sign you up tomorrow!"

Boss Howard chimed in from the side, "I've heard that Eclipse Group's 'Starlight Entertainment' is one of the organizers of the beauty contest. With Jackie behind you, it should be a piece of cake for little Jane to take the crown! Haha!"

Jane didn't deny her relationship with Jackie and smilingly said, "That depends on Jackie's mood. I dare not hold too much hope; I'm just trying my luck."

Refusing to stay and dine with Principal Lawrence and Boss Howard, Jane excused herself from the hotel, citing discomfort. Men are all lechers, she thought; their gazes at her were already inappropriate, and staying would probably have led to no good.

Wandering aimlessly on the streets, Jane realized she wasn't far from Cinnabar City First People's Hospital and decided to visit Mallory's mother.

Peering into the hospital room, she saw that Mallory's mother was already asleep. The smell of disinfectant in the hospital was so strong that it moistened the corners of Jane's eyes. At least Mallory could see her mother, whereas she had no idea what William Blake had put her own mother through, unable to meet or recognize her. The training and selection for the beauty contest were both in Silver City; she needed to find a way to get close to William Blake to save her mother...

Whenever she felt hopeless, she thought one should visit the intensive care unit of a hospital; it made people grateful just to be alive and healthy.

As Jane stepped out of the hospital's main entrance, someone called from behind her, "Mallory!"

She turned around and saw Tristan Carter coming towards her with long strides, having shed his doctor's white coat for a casual look, with black glasses adding to his scholarly charm.

"Doctor Carter, what a coincidence," Jane greeted him.

"Yes, quite a coincidence. I just got off work. Are you here to see your mother?" Tristan Carter had already reached her side as he spoke.

"Yes," Jane nodded.

"You look a little pale; did you have dinner?" Tristan Carter asked considerately. Noticing Jane's hesitation, he suggested, "There's a food street just over there. If you don't mind, shall we go grab some dinner together?"

Jane initially wanted to refuse, but then she remembered the many entries about Tristan Carter in Mallory's ledger. This genteel male doctor before her had advanced almost a hundred thousand yuan for Mallory's hospital fees. Their relationship must be more than ordinary.

Thus, Jane smiled and nodded in agreement, "Sure, I'm hungry too."

The snack street was bustling with noise, and finding a place to sit was nearly impossible, except for an open-air stall by the roadside. As they sat down, Jane asked curiously, "Doctor Carter, being in the medical field, are you not concerned about these open-air barbecue stalls..."

Tristan Carter understood her implication. While wiping the table with a tissue, he smiled and said, "If every medic were to have a terrible obsession with cleanliness, many of life's pleasures would be missed. Sometimes, the charm of food lies in its casualness and simplicity."

Jane laughed, expressing her strong agreement.

The two ordered many grilled dishes and seafood. Tristan Carter could handle spicy food well, but he was surprised to find Jane even more adept. He exclaimed, looking at her, "Mallory, it seems I've met my match. My mother is from Sichuan, so I can eat quite spicy, but you outdo me."

"I've never seen a guy who can handle spicy food so well. If I'd met you earlier, we could have shared all sorts of delicacies!" Jane's love for food surfaced, and she sighed with genuine feeling.

Behind his spectacles, Tristan Carter's eyes were tender. He reached out to wipe a speck of chili from her lips, saying, "It's not too late to meet now, plus we have known each other for quite some time. If you like, I can take you to taste delicious food every week."

Just as Jane was about to dodge his touch, aware that something was off about Tristan Carter, a voice came from behind him: "You seem quite busy tonight, tending after one, and now you've found another? You're doing quite the business, aren't you?"

Jane looked up, her smile freezing instantly. Jackie had his hands in his pockets, walking toward her nonchalantly, his eyes filled with deep disdain.