
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Run Run Run!

Headache, unable to open her eyes, trapped in a painful nightmare that she couldn't escape from. The blood, the fire, the sinister faces and the betrayal, as well as the long-planned conspiracy...

Jane tightly clenched her hands, squeezing harder and harder, her fingertips pressing into her palm. Finally, the pain forced her head to clear a little, and she struggled to open her eyes.

Her vision was blurry.

A warm yellow halo.

She was lying on a soft surface, probably a bed...

There was a strong smell of alcohol in the air.

Faint sounds of running water could be heard in her ears.

Jane tried to sit up, but her body felt weak and powerless. Not only that, she also felt hot, uncomfortably hot. Wasn't the air conditioning on in the room? No, wait, she remembered it was only March...

Suddenly, a distant ringing sound echoed, as if from the next room: "You smell of her perfume, it's a crime committed by my nose. I shouldn't have smelled her beauty, erase everything and sleep with you..."

"Perfume is Poison."

This song sang of a woman's foolishness, and Jane wrinkled her brow in disgust.

Then, the sound of water suddenly stopped, and the ringing was replaced by the voice of a middle-aged man, rough and full of vulgarity: "Hey... Principal Lawrence, haha, hello, hello. Since you said so, how can I not take care of her? Hmm, very satisfied, she should be the most beautiful female student in your school, tender, so tender..."

Jane felt that something was wrong. The voice wasn't far away, and she struggled to lift her head and look at herself. Her green chiffon dress had been torn in half, exposing her smooth and fair thighs. The man's pants and shirt were scattered on the bed, and there was a strong smell of alcohol, not only from the clothes, but also from her own body...

Something was off.

This room was also wrong. It was a hotel room. White sheets and blankets... Someone was taking a shower in the bathroom.

Jane's mind was in a haze, unable to distinguish between nightmare and reality. Had she really died?

Could it be that William Blake had someone come to harm her? Trying to fabricate evidence of her affair with another man to turn the tables on her?

"It seems like I used too much of the drug, she still hasn't woken up. Hahaha, it's even better if she doesn't wake up, it's more exciting... Good, good, good..." The man's voice from the bathroom was filled with a wicked and lascivious tone, laughing heartily.


Panic surged through Jane's heart. Yes, she couldn't move, her body had no strength, even lifting her hand slightly was difficult. But she absolutely couldn't let herself be defiled by some unknown person! She had to find a way to escape from here!

Her body grew hotter and hotter, her mouth dry and parched. She wished she could tear off the remaining half of her dress herself. Jane fumbled around and realized that there was a hairpin in her hair, a metal one that felt cold to the touch.

She took off the hairpin and held it in her hand, but no matter how she held it, it seemed impossible to hold on. She tried many times and finally used all her strength to stab it fiercely into her own leg!

The sharp end of the hairpin pierced into her flesh, and the intense pain forced Jane to regain some consciousness. She endured the pain and got up, stepping on the cold floor. She saw a woman's bag thrown aside, with a white cellphone partially exposed.

She didn't care if it was her own phone or not, she bent down and struggled to pick it up, hastily dialing 110. Just as she grabbed the doorknob, the bathroom door suddenly opened!

A middle-aged man in his fifties, with a fat body wrapped in a white towel, walked out. He had too much fat on his body, a swollen face, and a cellphone pressed against his ear while talking to someone. When he saw Jane by the door, his smile immediately disappeared, and he said into the phone, "Xiao Liu, that damn girl woke up and wants to run! Damn it, bring two people over here quickly!"

While the old man was speaking, Jane had already opened the room door. Helpless, she had been drugged and had no strength. Just as she took a step out of the room, the old man behind her grabbed her hair and dragged her back, snatching the cellphone from her and throwing it against the door.

"You damn girl! You still want to run? I won't let go of the meat that's in my mouth!" The old man dragged Jane back into the room. Jane didn't know when her hair had grown so long. The pain made her scalp numb, but she couldn't care about that anymore. Once the old man's accomplices arrived, she would have no chance of escaping from this room!

Jane made a bold move and fiercely stabbed the hairpin into the old man's arm. With a scream from the old man, his grip loosened and Jane fell to the floor with a thud.

She looked up and saw the old man, his bleeding wound covered with his hand, becoming angry and embarrassed. If the old man had only been driven by lust before, now that she had hurt him, he would surely kill her!

Jane couldn't afford to be afraid. Without thinking, she grabbed a glass from the cabinet and smashed it towards the old man's feet. With a loud "crack," the glass shattered upon impact, causing the items on the cabinet to fall to the ground. Jane quickly got up and hurried towards the door, making sure to grab the phone by the door...

Both she and the old man were barefoot, and the floor was covered in shards of glass. It would surely slow him down, even if just for a few seconds. Jane dialed 110, but the call wouldn't go through. There was no signal!

Jane sighed bitterly. Was this her fate?

Footsteps approached from behind.

Not just one person.

Jane ran for her life, but the footsteps of those people grew closer and closer. She heard the old man cursing, "You damn girl, you can't handle being a prostitute and now you're trying to run away? I won't let you escape tonight! Let's see where you can run!"

Another man chimed in, "Boss Hu, don't get angry! Don't worry, this girl won't be able to escape. The drug will take effect soon, and she'll definitely satisfy you tonight! Mo Ran! Stop right there! Stop!"

Jane couldn't run any longer. She had no strength left in her body. She saw the end of the corridor just ahead, with the people behind her only a step away. Suddenly, Jane stumbled and fell forward. She couldn't hold onto her phone, and it flew out in front of her, landing with a loud "thud," seemingly hitting something before landing on the carpet.

"Damn it!"

The curse didn't come from behind her, but from above her head.

Jane lay on the ground, in a sorry state, struggling to lift her head. She saw a tall figure above her, facing the light, making it difficult for her to see his face.

"You damn girl! Trying to run away again! Let's see where you can run!"

The others had caught up, panting heavily.

Jane desperately reached out and grabbed the pant leg of the person in front of her, pleading, "Save me..."

But that person quickly stepped back, avoiding her grasp. He even bent down and wiped the spot where she had touched his clothes with a handkerchief, as if the importance of saving a life didn't matter to him, only the cleanliness of his clothes did.