
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Poison me?

Jackie didn't turn back and continued walking, lightly asking, "What are we betting on?"

Jane followed behind him, matching his steps, and replied, "I bet that once you enter that private room and see a table full of delicious food, you won't even touch a single chopstick because you won't be able to resist other temptations."

Confident in her statement, Jackie, feeling a bit idle, responded, "And what if you lose?"

"If I lose, you can do whatever you want with me!" Jane laughed.

Finally, Jackie stopped in his tracks and turned to look down at her, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips. He said mischievously, "Darling, tonight I have many friends with me, all of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. Even if they're drunk, they won't be able to resist temptation. If you lose, it might be quite stimulating..."

Jane's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Jackie's familiar yet unfamiliar face. She forced a smile and nonchalantly replied, "Alright then! And what if you lose, Jackie?"

Raising an eyebrow, Jackie responded as if hearing a joke, "Since we're betting, let's make it fair. If I lose, you can have your way with me."

This was exactly what Jane wanted to hear.

"Well then, Jackie, please follow me," Jane said, taking the lead.

Passing Jackie's previous private room, the door happened to be open, and a tall, thin man walked out. Seeing Jackie leading a girl, he wickedly whistled and said, "Jackie, are you starting the fun already? They're waiting for you inside!"

Jackie patted his shoulder and looked at Jane, "You guys enjoy, I'll be right back."

The man also stared at Jane, squinting his eyes and commenting, "Hmm, this girl is not bad, as tender as a spring onion..."

Jane turned around and walked forward, the smile disappearing from her face in an instant. Jackie had never even considered the possibility of losing; perhaps he had grown accustomed to such situations. His pleasure came from watching others suffer.

She, Jane, was never one to back down, and perhaps she knew Jackie's acquaintances as well. So let's all catch up in bed together. Jackie didn't mind at all, what was there to mind?

The waiter helped Jane open the private room door. Boss Howard and Principal Lawrence immediately leaped up from the sofa when they saw Jackie behind Jane. They hurriedly bowed and smiled, calling out, "Jackie, you're here. This..."

Jackie's gaze, however, was fixed on Jane, not even looking at the two of them. He scanned the table full of covered dishes and raised an eyebrow, "Darling, are these dishes poisoned? Are you planning to kill me if I win the bet?"

Jane chuckled, "You have a persecution complex. Would I still be alive if I killed you?!"

Jackie approached the dining table and said, "Alright then. Which dish should I not dare to eat?"

Boss Howard and Principal Lawrence stood silently on the side, having no idea what they were talking about. When they heard Jackie mention the dishes, Principal Lawrence hastily said, "Jackie, these are all your favorites. Please be gracious..."

After hearing that, Jane chuckled and uncovered the first dish, revealing a plate of spicy tofu pudding.

Even a five-star hotel sells this?

Jackie's smiling face froze.

"This is authentic Sichuan-style spicy tofu pudding," Jane explained.

Before Jackie could say anything, she uncovered the second dish, "Spicy seafood hot pot!"

"Spicy and strange-flavored chicken."

"Steamed fish head with chopped peppers."

"Spicy stir-fried pork slices."

"Spicy boiled beef slices."

"Sour and spicy cabbage."


Jane became more and more excited as she uncovered dish after dish, circling around the large round table and returning to Jackie's side, her smile blossoming, "The last one, a nourishing tonic soup."

If Jackie hadn't developed mouth ulcers from eating that spoonful of spicy tofu pudding the day before, he might have courageously tried any of the dishes. But seeing a table full of "delicious" dishes without a single one without chili, Jane's plan had amused him to the point of anger. "Did you plan this from the beginning? This hotel doesn't serve Sichuan cuisine! Where did you get all this mess from?"

"Mess? How could it be? These are all top-class delicacies in the world..." Jane scooped up half a spoonful of spicy tofu pudding and drank it, exclaiming, "Mmm, it's so delicious." In Jackie's disgusted gaze, Jane suddenly leaned in and unexpectedly kissed his lips.

One touch, looking at Jackie's face as cold as water, she licked her lips, asking in a voice only he could hear, "A table full of delicacies... and me, which one do you want to eat?" She gave Jackie a subtle way out, and with a swift movement, Jackie pulled her into his arms, his thumb caressing her rosy lips as he smiled, utterly captivating, "Of course it's you, baby. You're much more enticing than all of them."

Speaking this, he lowered his head and kissed her lips, unleashing his superior kissing skills. However, Jane's mouth was filled with spice, unable to quench his thirst, making him more and more restless. Jane couldn't help but know Jackie's thoughts, not allowing him to retreat. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. But the spicy taste quickly drove Jackie to restlessness, pressing Jane against the cold chair back.

However, he didn't continue his actions. Instead, something came to his mind. He released Jane's lips and turned around, glaring at Boss Howard and Principal Lawrence beside him with annoyance, "Get out..."

With one hand still holding onto his shoulder, Jane suddenly raised her upper body, pressing against him, her eyes filled with a playful smile as she looked towards the door. Principal Lawrence and Boss Howard were frightened by Jackie's actions and then stimulated by Jane's enchanting charm. They quickly opened the door and left, smiling apologetically before closing it, "Take your time, Jackie... Take your time..."

As the door closed, Boss Howard wiped the sweat off his forehead and muttered, "Damn, couldn't have guessed. This little thing is full of seduction..."

Principal Lawrence also sighed, trying to smooth things over, "As long as Jackie is happy. If she can make him happy, he won't hold onto what happened last time, right, Boss Howard?"

Boss Howard nodded, patted his round belly, and said to the nearby waiter, "While Jackie is busy inside, no one is allowed to disturb. Got it?"