
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

My Filial Gift to You

Facing Jackie's mocking tone, Jane gradually suppressed her cough and blurted out, "What are you doing here?"

As soon as the words left her lips, Jackie's eyes coldly swept across her face, "What? Is this your family's shop? Huh?"

He obviously wasn't pleased, and there was a chill in his voice when he lifted the pitch.

However, Jane was never afraid of Jackie. She was never afraid when she was alive and even less afraid now that she's dead...


It was then that Jane belatedly realized that Jackie wasn't here for her. Because sitting across from Jackie was no longer Jane, but a seventeen-year-old Arts Academy student whom Jackie had slept with just last night, or rather, early this morning. He still had that lack of gentlemanly manners, not even sparing a pleasant expression for the high school girl he had spent the night with. The ancients used to say that couples who spend a night together have a hundred days of kindness.

Amidst the misty night and bustling streets, they both walked out from the crowded masses, time intersecting. Jane could no longer find the Jackie who impatiently handed her two bowls of tofu pudding, and Jackie, whether in the heavens or on earth, could no longer find Jane... if he even thought about finding her.

Jane smiled self-deprecatingly, lowered her head again, and continued to drink her bowl of spicy tofu pudding.

"Enjoy your meal." The sound of placing the bowl down, the proprietor served Jackie his tofu pudding, politely greeting him.

Jackie's gaze shifted from Jane's lowered head to the bowl of tofu pudding in front of him. He held the spoon with his slender fingers, stirred it in the pudding, but hesitated to bring it to his lips.

Before long, Jane's bowl was finally emptied, and her mood gradually calmed down. Suddenly, Jackie spoke, "Is the spicy tofu pudding really that delicious?"

Jane looked up at him, but Jackie was staring at her bowl, a layer of red chili oil floating on the smooth inner walls. His brows furrowed slightly, and there was obvious disgust in his eyes. There were only the two of them at this table, so he must have been asking her.

So, Jane chuckled softly and gently said, "Everyone has different tastes. Just like you, perhaps you'll never like spicy tofu pudding in your lifetime, just like how you dislike women who cry in bed."

Her voice was not loud, but Jackie heard her loud and clear. Finally, he lifted his eyelids to glance at her and habitually quirked a corner of his lips, "I remember Arts Academy is in the western suburbs. You've come all the way here to eat a bowl of tofu pudding. You must have a lot of free time. Did the principal kick you out?"

His tone was gleeful, devoid of any sympathy. He awaited her affirmative answer, seemingly eager to see her in pain.

When Jane thought of the principal, she remembered the twenty thousand yuan in her bag that she had obtained through her involvement with Jackie Garcia. Once Boss Howard had everything arranged, she still had to fulfill the second part of the transaction and do her best to please Jackie, making him happy...

Because Jackie Garcia was an immovable mountain and an invincible cash cow, she had to cater to him.

"Oh, Mallory, Mallory, you have to please Jackie. He can give you a lot of money, and you won't have to worry about anything anymore. You won't have to worry about money or your mother's illness anymore." However, for some unknown reason, Jane blurted out impetuously, "I'm afraid Jackie will be disappointed. I'm doing fine! You can eat whatever you want, but Jackie probably has no say in it!"

With that, she took out money from her bag and placed it on the table, imitating Jackie's manner and said with a smirk on her lips, "Thank you for your great kindness last night, Jackie. This bowl of tofu pudding is my filial gift to you. Enjoy it."

Mallory was quite tall. Standing up, she looked down at Jackie, who was still sitting. Her gaze also had a condescending tone. Without waiting for Jackie's reaction, she got up and walked out of the plastic shed.

However, Jackie didn't really react. After she left, he remained seated, not feeling surprised or his pride wounded by the young girl paying for him.

Jackie scooped up a spoonful of tofu pudding and drank it. It was too sweet, leaving a slightly bitter taste on his tongue.

The boss came over to clean up Jane's dishes, and the table opposite became completely empty. Jackie stared at the small porcelain bowl containing hot sauce for a long time before finally frowning and lifting the lid. Using the communal spoon inside, he scooped out a full spoon of red chili and mixed it into the tofu pudding. Soon, the whole bowl of white tofu pudding turned into a menacing red color. He then picked up the vinegar bottle and poured the remaining half into the bowl.

"In the spicy, there's sour; in the sour, there's numbing heat. It's both fresh and fragrant - the splendid Jane brand spicy and sour tofu pudding!"

The distant voice of a woman echoed in Jackie's ears. He furrowed his brow and took a sip of the oddly ferocious-looking tofu pudding. Immediately, he coughed forcefully, hastily reaching for a tissue on the table. His handsome face turned red in an instant. The owner of the stall chuckled and said, "Take it slow... Not everyone can handle this level of spiciness."

Being a distinguished man in a tailored suit eating tofu pudding at a roadside stall already attracted attention, but now he was even more noticeable with a face reddened by the spice. Finally, the women around him seized the opportunity to stare at him, and some even sneaked pictures with their mobile phones. Some expressed surprise, "Oh, it's Jackie Garcia... He gave a lecture at our school before. He looks much more handsome in person than in the economic magazine. Who would have thought he loves spicy and sour tofu pudding..."

"Oh my, he's so handsome! Jackie Garcia, the epitome of excellence, actually gave up a promising career and entered the murky world of business... "

"Why? I'm not sure about that..."

Gossip was abundant, and everyone became a spreader of both true and false rumors.

Jackie was unable to say a word due to the spiciness of the douhua. The little girl's words just now were right. Some people's tastes never change in their lifetime.

"Little Jane, if I don't make you suffer tonight, I won't go back!"

"Jackie, you're so stingy. Isn't it just a spoonful of douhua that I fed you? There's a certain charm in mouth-to-mouth, isn't there? Is your mouth burning, tingling, setting your heart on fire?"

Yes, his mouth was on fire, of course, but she always enjoyed teasing him, knowing that he couldn't handle any spiciness. In the hotel room, he pinned her down and roughhoused with her. His grip was heavy, and he left distinct bruises on her fair, slender waist. She didn't cry out in pain, but rather moaned like a cat under him...

In that moment when she trembled in his arms, she softly sobbed as she bit his ear, looking pitiful, "Carl, I miss you. I traveled a thousand miles just to see you. I have to leave early tomorrow, so tonight, you're not allowed to go back..."

Spend the night with her, indulge in desire, let out the passion that had accumulated over a whole month of separation, and in the early morning, watch her eat two bowls of spicy douhua. Then he would take her to the airport before returning to training. But even at the farewell, she couldn't stay put. After taking a couple of steps away, she turned around and yelled, "Jackie, you forgot to wear your ring! If I don't see it on your hand the next time I come, I'll pour a bowl of chili oil on you!"

A cheeky remark from a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. He raised an eyebrow, and she continued with her fierce words, "If you don't want to wear it, I'll let someone else wear it. Do you think no one is pursuing me? I am so beautiful, with such a lovely personality. Everyone loves me, flowers bloom at my presence. Jackie, are you afraid?!"

Jane never knew how to be modest. She yelled it out in public, attracting the attention of passersby. However, Jackie wasn't actually afraid. He had never been afraid all these years being away from home, and little Jane was his. No one else dared to steal her from him, even after he had already taken her.

A melody interrupted Jackie's nostalgic reminiscence of his glorious past. He answered the phone, and a man on the other end spoke with a mixing tone, "Carl, I heard that Mia Lewis followed right after you had just returned. Looks like this 'husband and wife following each other' is quite efficient! Where are you? Why does it sound like you're at a market? Come over to the usual place for a few drinks, and remember to bring your almost-wife..."