
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Marriage Crisis

"Married for three years, Jane discovered William Blake's affair for the first time through a voicemail:

"Darling, I miss you. Meet me at our usual spot tonight. Remember to wear my favorite black lingerie... She's off to Paris again, not at home. Little darling, let's see how I tear you apart tonight!"

It was William Blake's voice, a voice that Jane recognized even if it turned to ashes. However, she had never heard William Blake speak like this before. It was a stark contrast to his usual well-groomed and reserved demeanor. Jane's hand trembled as she held the phone, her heart aching.

Jane's family was one of the wealthiest in Silver City, having made their fortune in real estate and chain hotels. Jane was their only daughter, and Jane's father had always treated William Blake as his own son. William Blake was handsome, well-read, eloquent, and his high education and overseas background added to his charm.

The year Jane graduated from college, she returned to her home country and married William Blake. After marriage, William Blake continued to be gentle and considerate towards her, supporting her in pursuing her passions. Over time, their feelings grew, and William Blake became increasingly important in Jane's heart. Everyone said they were a perfect match.

After three years of marriage, despite her parents' urging, Jane had been unable to conceive a child. Today, she was supposed to fly to Paris to attend Fashion Week, but she was delayed at the hospital to collect her test results. Little did she know that as she was about to share the good news with William Blake, she would suddenly be plunged into endless darkness because of this voicemail...

In these three years of marriage, Jane believed she had taken good care of William Blake. Besides her career, he was her priority. When her father handed her hand to William Blake at the wedding, he entrusted him to take care of her, and he did take care of her, all the way into another woman's bed?

Jane knew that the sender of this ambiguous message was undoubtedly William Blake's lover. How many times had the wealthy families witnessed the mistress forcing the original wife out? However, that woman seemed to have made a mistake. After all, William Blake was just Jane's family's son-in-law. She could easily divorce him and leave him with nothing!

She could endure anything, except betrayal and infidelity!

The more Jane thought about it, the angrier she became, especially with her pregnancy, she couldn't remain calm.

Meet at the usual spot?

She wanted to see how those adulterers would indulge themselves!

Jane immediately called her good friend, Dorsey, and said, "Dorsey, help me check if this ID number has checked into any hotels recently."

Dorsey worked in a special department, so he had the means. However, he was shocked and asked, "William Blake? Jane, what's going on? Why are you investigating him?"

Jane tried to calm herself and said, "Just tell me the result, I'll explain the rest later."

Dorsey didn't want to press her further and truthfully replied, "The hotel William Blake frequents the most is the 'Royal Crown Hotel'."

Jane chuckled in anger.

The 'Royal Crown Hotel' was a chain of hotels owned by Jane's family.

Well done, William Blake.

Her parents had gone on a trip abroad half a month ago and would only return tomorrow."

She had no one to consult with, what else was there to discuss after such an incident?

Jane wiped away the tears that had unknowingly streamed down her face. She felt it was all worthless. Love could die, and marriage couldn't be relied upon. What else could she believe in?

But Jane was never a weak woman. She was only twenty-five years old, with plenty of good years ahead of her. She didn't depend on William Blake to live, so why should she hang herself on a disloyal tree?

The clearer her thoughts became, the calmer she felt. She took a shower and changed into clean clothes. It was already dark when she left. She didn't drive, but called a taxi to the "Royal Crown Hotel" by Cuiwei Lake.

"Excuse me, could you please check which room William Blake is in?" Jane asked the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, miss, but we can't disclose guest information," the receptionist apologized.

"I'm Jane, and this hotel is my property. William Blake is my husband. I just flew back from abroad and wanted to surprise him," Jane stared coldly at the receptionist.

As the daughter of the hotel's owner, she couldn't afford to offend her. The receptionist panicked and quickly typed on the computer before informing Jane, "Mrs. William, Mr. William is in the Presidential Suite, room 888 on the 16th floor. Here's a spare key card."

"Thank you!" Jane grabbed the key card and turned around confidently. Every move she made exuded composure and self-assurance, without a trace of defeat.

However, just as she turned the corner, the receptionist made a phone call. "Mr. William, she's on her way up."

The conspiracy had only just begun.

Jane remained oblivious.

She took the elevator to the 16th floor and stood outside room 888 for a moment. Suddenly, she couldn't take another step. While a failed marriage could be a fresh start for her, it would undoubtedly be a significant blow to her parents. Moreover, she was already carrying William Blake's child, and that child was innocent.

However, no amount of concerns can compare to the anger of catching a cheater. If William Blake deceived her, he should be punished! Infidelity within marriage, as long as she obtains evidence, the law will not let him off!

Jane used her room key to open the door, gently closing it behind her. The living room of the presidential suite was filled with melodious and romantic music. There were two half-empty glasses of red wine on the table, a woman's red high-heeled shoe next to the sofa, a suspender skirt, a man's shirt, pants... all the way leading to the bedroom door, which was slightly ajar, with a black bra of a woman wedged in the door crack...

"Darling, I miss you. Meet me at our usual place tonight. Remember to wear that set of black lingerie I love the most..."

That ambiguous message kept replaying in her mind. Jane could hardly breathe. It turns out that wanting to catch a cheater is one thing, but witnessing this affair firsthand is another. This is the same William Blake who claimed to love her and promised to take care of her for a lifetime!

Thinking back to the past three years of his sweet whispers in her ear, Jane almost wanted to grab the bottle of red wine on the table and smash William Blake's head with it. How could he humiliate her like this!

At that moment, from the partially closed bedroom door came the sound of intimacy--


Jane's feet felt as heavy as lead as she moved closer to the door, peering through the narrow gap to see the scene inside clearly. A man and a woman were engaged in an unspeakable act, and that man was her husband, William Blake.

Jane forced a bitter smile. This scene was truly more satisfying than watching a movie.

"You're amazing. I'm so lucky to be your wife..."

"Darling..." the man gasped for breath, "you're even better..."

"You're just flattering me, but I love you..." the woman coquettishly smiled.

What else is there to say? Everything is irreparable.

"Jane pressed the stop button on her phone's recording, saved the video, and uploaded it. As she turned towards the door, all she needed to do was to send this footage to her lawyer. The evidence of her husband's infidelity would be enough. She was determined to make William Blake pay!

However, just as Jane's hand grasped the doorknob, a large hand grabbed her from behind. Startled, she turned around to see William Blake standing behind her, wearing only a towel.

"Jane, are you planning to leave after watching it? Hmm?" William Blake looked down at Jane with a smile that was neither friendly nor remorseful. His handsome face remained as gentle as ever, showing no signs of guilt or unease from being caught in the act. Even his voice sounded as tender as before.

Suddenly, Jane felt a sense of unfamiliarity towards the man in front of her. How could he still smile so easily?

"William Blake, don't you feel disgusted?" Jane forcefully shook off his hand.

"Men and women having affairs is quite common. We've tried it before, haven't we? Want to join in?" William Blake stared at her, a more contented smile appearing on his lips. As he spoke, he took a step forward, wrapping his arm around her waist tightly, ignoring Jane's struggles. With a flick of his hand, he threw Jane onto the sofa.

Jane landed with a thud, feeling a dull pain in her stomach. At that moment, a woman wearing a bathrobe walked out of the bedroom, revealing her long and fair legs. Her wavy hair cascaded down one side, exuding a seductive charm. Her voice was also extremely coquettish as she looked at Jane and said, "Your wife has arrived, how terrifying."

William Blake extended his hand towards her, saying, "Xiao Lu, come here and meet my precious Jane."

The woman obediently walked barefoot to William Blake's side, melting into his embrace like a boneless creature. Her eyes unabashedly stared at Jane."