
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Mallory's Defiant Goodbye to James

It was only then that Jane got a clear look—the man was Mallory's ex-boyfriend, James Davis.

James Davis, trampled on the ground, still maintained a smile as he said, "Mallory, I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

They had made everything clear yesterday, yet this scumbag had the gall to show up again. Was there something wrong with his brain?

With an expressionless face, Jane said, "What are you doing here?"

James Davis winced, "Mallory, let me get up first."

Jane moved her foot away.

James Davis climbed up, dusted off his clothes, stepped forward attempting to grab her hand, but Jane took a step back and said coldly, "Speak if you have something to say, keep your hands to yourself, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Mallory had always been timid, never daring to question James Davis even though she knew about his unusual relationship with Yuki. As a result, James Davis became increasingly bold, deceiving her while continuing to flirt with others.

Therefore, James Davis thought he could easily charm his way out of the situation again, and said with a cheeky smile, "Okay, Mallory, I won't move. You can ask me to do anything, just don't say break up. I don't want to break up with you because I love you!"

It's strange how casually people say "I love you" nowadays, men especially. Such a jerk at only twenty-something, he won't be any better when he grows up!

"Too bad, I have never loved you. Stop deluding yourself." Jane walked past him.

Unwilling to let go, James Davis shouted from behind her, "Stop!" Seeing Jane continue to move forward, he chased after her a few steps and said, "Mallory, if you don't get back with me, I will stand right here and not move until the college entrance exams are over! I just want to be with you, I don't need anything else!"

Finally, Jane stopped walking as he had wished.

James Davis was happy. He knew that Mallory was soft-hearted and wouldn't watch indifferently as he missed his exams.

But he was mistaken. Jane smiled slightly and said softly in response, "Sure, then you stand here until the exams are over, without eating or drinking. If you're still alive by then, I'll agree to get back together with you."

"You..." James Davis was at a loss for words.

Jane's eyes, bright and scornful, were filled with contempt. "A real man honors his word. You can't even be true to yourself; how do you expect me to believe you? I, Mallory, will eat anything but I refuse to swallow the sickening herb of regret. If you are so eager to seek death, the newly built Gemini Towers is tall enough for you. Go ahead and die if you must. Just stay as far away from me as possible!"

Having said that, she turned and entered the student dormitory without a moment's hesitation.

Arts Academy was a boarding school, and at this hour, many people were inside the apartment building, leaning over balconies to watch the drama. They had witnessed James's pursuit of Mallory and his ambiguous relationship with Yuki. Now, to see the usually timid and introverted Mallory dismiss James with such fierce nonchalance was deeply satisfying for them.

The girls jeered at James Davis from the balconies, shouting, "James, regrets—what a wondrous world this is!"

Their synchronized voices echoed again and again across the campus, forcing James Davis to flee with his dignity in tatters.

Jane reached the third floor, and upon entering the hallway, Yuki charged at her, aiming a slap at her face. Jane swiftly grabbed Yuki's wrist with a sneer. "What's the matter? Angry and trying to hit me? I'll tell you this: if I hit you, it's for your own good. Picking up and eating what others have discarded, you're the epitome of a low-life, wouldn't you agree?"

Yuki couldn't break free from Jane's grip and, in frustration, clawed at Jane's face. Jane pushed her away harshly, letting her fall to the ground. Jane looked down at her, smiling without a hint of annoyance. "Didn't you say you wanted to snatch everything from me? Yet, you can't out-dance me, outwit me for men, defeat me in a fight, or surpass me in a war of words. What makes you think you can compete with me? A wretch will always remain a wretch—delusional!"

Tears of anger welled up in Yuki's reddened eyes and started falling. The surrounding girls, there for the spectacle, dared not approach to console her. Jane laughed, her expression innocent, her red lips stunningly beautiful. "Where did that bravado you showed me before go? I'm not interested in wasting my time with a weeping wretch."

With that, Jane ignored the stares of those around her, pushed her way through the dorm room door, and was met by the wary gazes of her three roommates.

Jane ignored them, taking out her newly purchased ultrabook and, after installing all the necessary programs, her fingers flew over the keyboard as she worked. Relying on Jackie's money for emergencies was fine, but it was no long-term solution. She needed to find a means of livelihood before heading to Silver City to participate in a beauty pageant. She had to start from scratch, one step at a time...

The timid wallflower Mallory's unbelievable storyline of defeating a scumbag and his mistress quickly spread throughout the Arts Academy. No one dared to point fingers at Mallory anymore. Even her roommate said she seemed like a changed person. Aside from dancing, she was buried in her computer, working on something. They were curious, but no one dared to ask.

During the final exams, Mallory shocked the Arts Academy once more by ranking first in both her major subjects and general education courses. If a high school girl were merely beautiful with disappointing academic achievement, the rumors and gossip would never cease. However, when a high school girl is not only beautiful but also excels academically, she becomes a mythic figure everyone looks up to, and the envious glances turn into admiration and awe.

In August, a beauty pageant news segment on the variety channel once again made Mallory the talk of the Cinnabar City Arts Academy. The news showed the 30 Miss Chinese pageant semi-finalists in training by the beach, each wearing a bikini and becoming the most dazzling scenery along the shore.

The male anchor reported cheerfully, "The 17th beauty pageant is in full swing, with the youngest contestant being only seventeen years old and still a high school student... Online voting has already started, and everyone can log onto the official site to vote for their favorite contestant... Tomorrow, the organizers will hold a grand banquet..."

Jane stood on the familiar shores of Silver City, watching the surrounding contestants frolicking. Her gaze grew intense—tomorrow's banquet would be attended by both William Blake and Shayla...