
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

I'm your boyfriend

She had been expelled?

"Is that so?" Jane stared at Yuki with an unusually calm expression.

Because she wasn't Mallory, she saw everyone as an outsider and didn't feel upset or panicked as Yuki had expected.

Indeed, Yuki's eyes slightly avoided Jane's gaze, and she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Carl, clutching her handbag tightly.

"What's wrong? Aren't you worried? I'm so worried that's why I came out to find you." After a while, Yuki finally spoke, looking at Mallory with a forced smile.

Carl's hands were still on Jane's shoulders, seemingly not wanting them to talk alone. But Jane didn't follow his intentions. She gently pushed Carl aside and walked towards Yuki, linking her arm with Yuki's. "Will you accompany me to see the principal? I don't want to be expelled. I can't bear to be without you all."

As she spoke, Jane looked back at Carl and gave him a slight smile.

Carl smiled back, his eyes and eyebrows curved.

The atmosphere was harmonious. Yuki, provoked by Jane's soft words, reluctantly said, "Alright, I'll accompany you."

After taking a few steps, Jane noticed that Yuki was a very self-centered girl. From her posture while walking, it was clear that she always made others follow her, rather than following others. And at this moment, Jane needed someone like that to lead the way for her.

"Mallory, where were you last night?" Yuki repeated the question from the phone, seemingly determined to get an answer.

Jane's expression remained unchanged as she looked at her and smiled, "Where do you think I went? Why are you so worried?"

Mallory's original soft and gentle voice had no hint of aggression. Her light and airy response made Yuki's gaze shift. Despite being around the same age, they were still just teenagers, and no matter how deep their emotions ran, they were still limited.

Yuki, as if intentionally provoking her, said, "Yesterday after school, someone saw you getting into Boss Howard's car. They all said you were being kept by him. Carl was heartbroken and looked for you all night, but there was no news. You didn't come to morning class today, and the principal called in the nun killer. She came back and said you were expelled."

So that's what happened.

Jane didn't comment on these words and instead asked, "You're my best friend. Do you believe what they're saying?"

Perhaps the weight of being called "best friend" was too heavy to bear, as Yuki bit her lip and remained silent. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, pushed Jane forward, and said, "We've arrived at the principal's office. Go in by yourself! I have to go to class!"

With that, she turned around without looking back and walked away.

Jane watched as Yuki's slender figure disappeared beneath her oversized street dance attire. She sneered inwardly, thinking that this was enough of a performance from a good friend.

Looking at the sign that read "Principal's Office," Jane raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a middle-aged man's voice came from behind the door. Ever since her death, Jane had become unusually sensitive to voices, and she was absolutely certain that she had heard that voice in the hotel corridor last night.

Jane turned the doorknob and walked in.

At the moment he saw her, the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk stiffened, his face turning cold. "It's you? Do you have the audacity to come see me?!"

Jane found it amusing, so she laughed. She closed the door, took two steps forward, and faced the principal directly. "Principal, your memory is really poor. Didn't we just meet last night? You praised me for being beautiful and now I don't have the face to see you?"

Principal Lawrence shouted, "Mallory, you have been expelled! Have your parents come to pick you up! Arts Academy doesn't need students like you!"

Jane covered her mouth and laughed even more joyfully, her eyes pretending to be a little aggrieved. She looked at Principal Lawrence and got straight to the point, "Principal, there are three reasons why you can't expel me."

Principal Lawrence couldn't help but follow her lead and asked, "What reasons?"

"First, you took me out to a hotel room. The whole school knows about it now.

Even though I am already seventeen years old and cannot be considered a young girl, I am still a minor. If this matter were to be exposed, not only would your position as principal be at risk, but it would also tarnish the reputation of the entire Arts Academy!" Jane saw Principal Lawrence's eyes narrow, and continued, "Secondly, the Building of Arts in the school is Boss Howard's project. So, as the school's beauty queen, I was sent by the principal to please Boss Howard, accompanying him for meals, drinks, and even sleeping with him... It took so much effort. Do you really think the principal didn't benefit from it? If I were to be expelled, I would do everything in my power to expose the entire process. I believe the principal didn't just send me alone, there may be more undisclosed secrets, right?"

Mallory, who had always been obedient and introverted, suddenly transformed into a different person. She remained calm and smiled as she presented one advantage after another to Principal Lawrence. He was shocked, his mouth hanging open, but she didn't give him a chance to catch his breath. "Thirdly, I coincidentally caught the attention of Garcia's Family's Fourth Young Master. I spent the night with him and this morning he generously rewarded me and personally drove me to the school gate, saying he would take me out again sometime. If the principal were to expel me, what do you think the consequences would be when the Fourth Young Master comes to the school looking for me but can't find me?"

As Principal Lawrence listened, he couldn't sit still anymore. Each reason Mallory presented was more damaging than the last, and it even involved the influential Garcia's Family Fourth Young Master. Even with a hundred lives, it wouldn't be enough for him to play with. The things this little girl said were not false. Last night at the hotel, the Fourth Young Master did indeed have someone send her to his room... Without the support of the Fourth Young Master behind her, a timid and dull girl like her wouldn't have the audacity to make up such stories!

Jane was never one to hold back, she was not an easy opponent. Seeing Principal Lawrence's stunned expression, she approached with a smile, taking a tissue from the table and handing it to him. "Principal, look at you, sweating so much. Quickly wipe it off... It's summer, and the air conditioning shouldn't be set too high. Our school's finances shouldn't be lacking those few dollars."

"I understand, I will make the necessary arrangements as you requested." After saying this, Jane let go of the tissue, letting it fall, and turned to walk towards the door.

Just as she reached for the doorknob, Jane turned back around. Her black ponytail traced a beautiful arc in the air as she smiled and said, "Principal, I'm going back to class now. You can continue with your work."

After leaving the principal's office, the heat hit her face. The door closed behind her, and there was silence inside for a long time. Jane leaned against the door for a while, then walked away, her smile completely gone. She was no longer the arrogant and domineering Jane from the past. In the end, she had to rely on boasting about her relationship with Jackie to protect herself...

Fate's arrangements were truly strange. Both of her first nights ended up in Jackie's hands, both at the age of seventeen. And how many women's first nights had Jackie taken in these years? Perhaps even he couldn't remember?

To put it nicely, he was charming, but to put it bluntly... he was dirty.

Men and women, life really isn't fair.

Now, Jackie is living well in the colorful world, while Jane lies coldly beneath the tombstone. Her body must have turned into fine ashes trapped in an urn, no longer able to point at Jackie's nose and say, "Even if I turn into ashes, I will remember you."

She still remembers Jackie's smile back then, holding her fingers and correcting her, "No, Jane, you should say, even if I turn into ashes, I can still recognize you..."

Have you recognized me, Jackie? A soul even more delicate and faint than flying ashes...


Carl's voice interrupted Jane's thoughts. He appeared in front of her without her knowing, his tall figure enveloping her, shielding her from the scorching sunlight. He held her hand and said, "Mallory, I'm about to take the college entrance exam. I need to focus on reviewing my academic subjects these days, so I may not have time to be with you. Can you come to my house after the exam?"

So, Carl is a senior in high school. Then Mallory must be a sophomore?

Jane hadn't sorted out her thoughts yet, so she could only nod along, "Okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, Carl unexpectedly kissed her, his restless tongue pressing against Jane's teeth, forcefully trying to enter. At the same time, his hands moved up her waist, skillfully touching her chest.

In a panic, Jane stomped her high-heeled shoe hard on his foot. Carl winced in pain and pushed her away, holding his foot and taking a few steps back. Angrily, he said, "Are you crazy, Mallory? I'm your boyfriend! If you don't wat to sleep with me, fine, but now you won't even let me touch you? You're not a virgin anymore, so why pretend to be so pure!"