
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Get Out With Her

At first, the group of people chasing Jane saw the unfamiliar man and were surprised. But when they realized he had no intention of interfering, one tall and thin middle-aged man stepped forward and pulled Jane up from the ground, sneering, "You brat! What did you say before coming here? If you behave and listen, you'll have a bright future. The principal brought you out to see the world. Don't be ungrateful! Come back with me and spend some time with Boss Howard!"

Jane couldn't hear anything clearly, but instinctively reached out and grabbed onto the leg of the man who had been standing by. He tried to shake her off, but she held on tight, refusing to let go, like a drowning person clinging on until the end. She was on the verge of death...

"Let go!" The man finally spoke, his deep voice filled with impatience. He seemed to think that kicking her away would be enough, so he slowly squatted down and used his hands to pry open her fingers one by one. He exuded a hidden anger and an undeniable sense of oppression.

But a dying person is truly tenacious. Even after he pried open her third finger, Jane still didn't let go. Just as he was about to pry open the fourth finger, a large, fat hand reached out and grabbed the man's leg, pulling forcefully. Jane's remaining two fingers released their grip on the man's clothes.

"Damn it, wasting time! You brat! Even the heavens can't save you now! Come back with me!" The man, known as Boss Howard, was only wearing a towel around his waist. He was about to lift Jane onto his shoulder when a gust of wind suddenly blew past, and he was kicked in the chest, stumbling and crashing into the wall.

The kick was brutal, and Boss Howard immediately fainted.

The man who delivered the kick didn't bother to explain or hide his actions. With his long legs still raised, he casually wiped his shoe with a cloth in his hand, as if kicking someone and dirtying his shoe were equally bothersome. After cleaning his shoe, he tossed away the cloth and put his hands in his pockets, walking leisurely forward.

The remaining two men who were helping Boss Howard restrain Jane were furious. The self-proclaimed "principal," a refined and degenerate man, pointed at the man who was approaching and said, "Kid, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

Jackie, who initially had no intention of getting involved, stopped in his tracks. His deep eyes casually stared at the "principal," a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was a smile that seemed to say, "I really hate being lectured."

"Kid, let me tell you, don't cause trouble! This is Elitepro Group's Boss Howard. If you offend him, you won't be able to survive in c city!" the "principal" added, full of arrogance, as if Boss Howard was a deity who must be revered.

"Heh..." Jackie suddenly laughed, a mocking laugh that he couldn't hold back. He had been away for too long, and now someone dared to tell him that he couldn't survive in c city?

But in an instant, his laughter subsided. The two men didn't even see how he made his move before they were sent flying, emitting several cries of pain.

Jackie disdainfully brushed off the dust from his sleeves and legs, standing still to see how he could survive in the city of C. Leaning against the wall, he glanced at Jane on the ground--

He never hit women, but she had just grabbed his clothes with her dirty hands and twisted his flesh. He was definitely going to chop off that hand of hers! Look at her tacky taste, with such heavy makeup. Her mascara was smudged when she cried earlier, and her clothes were torn in half, tattered and shabby. He really didn't want to look at her for a second time...

Jackie shook his head and furrowed his brows.

The commotion attracted the hotel security guards, who first saw the two moaning figures on the ground and the regular customer, Boss Howard. Suddenly, one of them whispered, "Is this... Jackie Garcia?"

Jackie Garcia!

This name startled all the security guards, and they immediately changed their expressions and respectfully approached him, greeting him, "Young Master Four, you're back? We apologize for disturbing you at this late hour! Please forgive us, as the superior overlooks the inferior, hehe, the superior overlooks the inferior..."

Several security guards echoed.

The two moaning figures on the ground didn't dare to make a sound anymore. Jackie Garcia...

There were many influential figures in the city of C, but only the Garcia's Family was at the top of the prestigious clans. Mr. Gu, the patriarch, was once a prominent figure, and his several children were also well-known. Everyone knew about them, and this Jackie Garcia was the most untouchable person in the Garcia's Family...

Jackie was annoyed by the constant chatter in his ear. Several people were talking nonstop, and he frowned and spoke up, "Clear the way, I want to go back to my room."

The security guards received the order and immediately dragged the three men lying on the ground to the side. Then, they exchanged glances and helped Jane up, fawningly looking at Jackie, "Young Master Four, would you like to enjoy this girl? She's the 18-year-old school beauty, very beautiful! And her figure is amazing!"

Jackie liked beautiful women, so they were playing to his preferences.

Sure enough, when Jackie heard the term "school beauty," he lifted his eyelids and took another look at Jane. However, he was still disgusted by the heavy makeup on her face. Impatiently, he said, "Get her out of here!"

The security guards didn't meet his expectations, so they quickly pulled Jane aside.

"Young Master Four, this cellphone..." At this moment, someone approached Jackie and handed him a white cellphone.

Seeing this cellphone made Jackie even more furious. He turned around and saw the security guards touching Jane all over her body, as if she was something he didn't want to eat, but they were going to share her later. The 18-year-old school beauty...

Jackie changed his mind and took the cellphone from the security guard. His slender fingers swiped across the screen, revealing a picture of a decent-looking girl, clean and presentable. He casually curled his lips and said, "Send her to my room."

Young Master Four's word was law, and the security guards dared not touch Jane, who was unconscious. They carried her to Jackie's room, along with her bag and other belongings.

Jackie had just taken off his jacket when Jane, lying on the floor, started to regain consciousness in a daze. The effects of the drug had finally kicked in, and she couldn't remember anything except feeling too hot and uncomfortable. She clung onto Jackie's leg, rubbing against him like a snake.

"Using such a strong drug on a young girl?" Jackie paused in unbuttoning his shirt, looking down at her from above. He noticed her fair and tender skin, so delicate that it seemed like it could produce water if squeezed.

He reached out his hand, pinching Jane's chin with two fingers, forcing her to lift her head... Damn, she may be tender, but he couldn't stomach her ghostly appearance!

Jackie lifted Jane up and threw her into the bathtub, holding the showerhead and aiming it at her head.

The water was cold, and Jane, taken by surprise, instinctively thrashed around in the bathtub, struggling with her hands and feet. The splashing water soaked Jackie's entire body, and he cursed as he threw the showerhead away, no longer wanting to deal with her.

Looking at the filled bathtub, with the woman's black long hair floating on the surface and her chiffon dress clinging to her body, her graceful figure was both hidden and revealed.

She choked on the water, gasping for breath, kicking her feet and leaping from the bottom of the water. She used her hand to wipe the hair and water droplets off her face, revealing a pure and beautiful face without any makeup. Her pitch-black eyes were filled with a captivating and irresistible allure...

Jackie squinted his eyes, now without any psychological barriers. He stepped into the large bathtub with long legs, and with a forceful motion, he tore the chiffon dress on her body into pieces. The sound was truly delightful...