
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Genius dancer

This voice sounded familiar, Jane turned around and suddenly found it amusing. Her eyesight was really not working well, as she failed to recognize that the passionately fighting couple was none other than Mallory's boyfriend, Carl, and Yuki.

Yuki was pushed forcefully by Carl and nearly fell to the ground. She looked at Jane in disbelief, pointing at her and said frantically to Carl, "James Davis! You said you loved me last night! And now you treat me like this for this wench! Ask her how many nights she stayed out! Ask her what disgusting things she has done!"

"Shut up!" Carl silenced Yuki, then turned to Jane and said, "Mallory, where were you? I tried calling you but couldn't reach you. I'm your boyfriend, I have the right to know!"

Jane had no interest in the emotional entanglement between these immature teenagers. It was the perfect opportunity for her to draw a clear line. So, she looked at Carl with a smile and asked, "My boyfriend told me he was studying for the college entrance exams, but instead, he spent the night with another woman. Is that not enough? And now he's causing a scene in front of everyone and coming to confront me. Do you think that's appropriate? I pretended to be blind and dumb, letting you two go on, but you insisted on stopping me. And now it has escalated to this point. Is that interesting?"

"I..." Carl's face turned red with frustration.

Jane sighed and said, "Let's break up. Whatever you two want to do in the future, it has nothing to do with me. Whether or not I did something disgraceful is also none of your concern."

After speaking, Jane turned around and walked away.

"Mallory..." Carl reluctantly wanted to chase after her but was stopped by Yuki, who hugged him tightly. "James Davis! You're not allowed to go! Did you hear me? She's not as innocent and clean as you think. She's been tainted a long time ago!"

Upon hearing Yuki's words, Jane suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned around, walking directly towards Yuki. She raised her hand and slapped her hard, coldly saying, "Is there anyone in this world dirtier than a woman who steals someone else's man? Yuki, remember to watch your mouth from now on! Remember, James Davis is a man I don't want, so you can just have him, I don't care! But apart from that, you can forget about getting anything else from me!"

"What do you mean by that?!" Yuki covered her cheek and glared fiercely at Jane.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough," Jane's gaze swept over her, showing complete disdain.

Looking at Jane's receding figure, Yuki cried and pounded on James Davis, "Are you still a man, watching her hit me? Where is the old Mallory? How dare she hit me!"

James Davis was also puzzled and frustrated by her actions. "How should I know? Because of you, she dumped me!"

Returning to the dormitory building, Jane noticed that Mallory's clothes, textbooks, dance shoes... almost everything was discarded in the hallway, in a chaotic mess. She didn't even mention moving out, and yet these three girls couldn't wait to do this?

However, it seemed like Mallory didn't have many belongings altogether. Jane crouched down to tidy up and noticed a notebook lying on the ground, with the words on the cover saying, "What doesn't kill me will make me stronger."

Opening the notebook, she was surprised to find that it wasn't a diary but rather accounts.

After quickly flipping through the book, Jane felt like she had skimmed through Mallory's brief and painful life. She lived burdened by heavy debts until her death, even jotting down the money she spent on a simple meal. How much pain had this girl, who buried her dignity deep inside, endured?

Jane tidied up the miscellaneous items on the floor and carried them back to the original dorm. The other girls' belongings were scattered haphazardly on Mallory's old bed.

Jane smiled and put down her things to start organizing.

When the three girls returned together at noon, they screamed in horror as they entered the room. The cockroaches scurrying all over the floor were frightened by their screams, crawling everywhere on the beds, in the cabinets, on the tables. They even tainted their pretty clothes and clean blankets.

"Cockroaches! Cockroaches! Help!"

"So disgusting! So disgusting! Mallory, was this your doing?!"

The girls stood at the doorway, afraid to enter, and pointed at Jane, cursing at her.

Jane looked up nonchalantly, sitting on the bed and reading a book as if nothing had happened. She raised an eyebrow and said, "If my clothes, shoes, and books hadn't mysteriously ended up in the hallway, these cockroaches wouldn't have crawled into the dorm either..."

"You..." The girl choked, her face turning red with anger.

"I didn't provoke you, so you better not provoke me. Otherwise, the next time, cockroaches might appear in your cup or bowl," Jane smiled. "Poisonous snakes or scorpions might be possible too if you'd like. And let me tell you, you can move out as you please, but until I'm willing, no one can make me move out."

After saying that, Jane picked up her bag, confidently stepped on the crawling cockroaches on the floor, pushed past the three girls, and left. She had stopped indulging in such petty tricks between girls since she was ten years old.

In the afternoon, it was ballet class. Nun Killer looked at Jane and asked, "Mallory, is your body feeling better now?"

Jane smiled and replied, "I'm having trouble remembering the moves our teacher taught. Can Yuki help me familiarize myself with them?"

Yuki turned and glared at her.

Nun Killer seemed disappointed and coldly said, "Fine, Yuki, you demonstrate the moves."

As the music started, Yuki reluctantly stepped forward and gracefully danced in the center of the vacant practice room. Her movements and technique were outstanding, gaining unanimous admiration as expected.

When Yuki turned around, she gave Jane a fierce glare. Jane applauded while openly smiling at her, then suddenly said to Nun Killer, "Teacher, I apologize for disappointing you yesterday. Today, I would like to invite you to see if I've made any progress. Is that alright?"

Mallory was usually a quiet girl, so Nun Killer was pleasantly surprised to see her being so polite. She nodded and agreed, "Sure, Mallory, you may take a turn."

As Jane started to dance, all the girls who had been eagerly waiting to see Yuki and Mallory's showdown held their breaths.

If Mallory's previous technique was flawless, her dance at this moment seemed to possess an unfathomable magic. Her every movement gave off an ethereal, transcendental, and breathtaking aura, as if she was immersed in a gentle breeze by a sparkling stream, where the whole world consisted only of her and the dance.

She danced without a care, imbuing her perfect technique with a soul-stirring spirit. Not only Yuki, even their dance teacher Nun Killer would not dare claim that anyone danced better than Mallory.

The music eventually stopped, and Jane completed her final move. The practice room fell into an eerie silence, where even the sound of breathing could not be heard. Jane casually glanced at a wide-eyed Yuki and smiled as she asked Nun Killer, "Teacher, how was my dance?"

"Oh... you..." Nun Killer snapped out of her daze, forgetting to applaud. She was astonished and thrilled as she exclaimed, "Mallory, you have truly exceeded my expectations. I see the shadow of a professional dancer in you."

"Teacher, you flatter me." Jane modestly smiled, but it was clear she accepted the praise.

"Classmates, dance is not only about technique; it also requires the infusion of the soul, and Mallory has accomplished that!" Nun Killer was so ecstatic that she began to ramble.

Looking at Yuki's lost and jealous expression, as well as the envious glances from the other girls, Jane calmly curled her lips into a cold smile. Her mother was a world-class professional dancer, and influenced by her mother, since the age of eight, Jane had never lost in any dance competition she participated in.

Did you see the shadow of a professional dancer?

Haha, she is already at the level of a professional dancer herself. She has no interest in playing with a group of inexperienced little girls!

After class, just as I entered the locker room, Yuki caught up with me and grabbed my arm, saying, "Mallory, you intentionally humiliated me!"

Jane coldly turned her head and sneered, "Humiliate you? Are you even worthy?"

"You..." Yuki was so angry that she couldn't speak, as Jane broke free from her grip and disdainfully looked away.

At that moment, Jane's phone rang from her bag, and she took it out to see the caller was "Principal Lawrence."

He arrived at just the right time.

Jane answered the call, and Principal Lawrence's voice immediately came through, "Little Mo, there's progress on what I told you last time, but both Boss Howard and I are quite troubled. Do you know what Jackie likes to eat? Let's pay attention when ordering dishes!"

In front of the dressing room mirror, Jane stared at the girl inside, who looked exactly like Mallory: beautifully pure in appearance, but her gaze gradually grew deeper. Let the clean and innocent Mallory sleep, and let Jane take her place to navigate all the dirty and twisted paths that lie ahead...