
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Excellent opportunity

Jane's eyes were immediately fixed on the screen by the images inside. The male anchor exclaimed with joy:

"Alongside the support of the aforementioned sponsors, we have a special guest presenter for this beauty pageant, the hot actress Shayla, who is adored by countless male fans and known for her modeling background as a young male killer..."

Groups of Shayla's various glamour shots appeared on the screen, either with a seductive wet look or alluring gaze, fully showcasing her ample 36D bust and tall figure. The men passing by couldn't help but sigh, saying, "Damn, Shayla is so beautiful. I would willingly die if I had a wife like her!"

"Seriously, when she starts speaking, my whole body goes numb. Forget about marrying her; I would be content just to sleep with her for one night... Ahh..."

"You guys are all dreaming. A curvaceous and stunningly sexy girl like Shayla would never even let us poor bastards touch her. At most, we can buy a men's magazine and take care of ourselves at home!"

So many men had the desire to be wicked and daring, but in reality, they could only talk about it. The goddesses resided on TV screens or in other men's beds; they could only indulge in fantasies.

"What a**hole, shameless!"

"The news nowadays is so filthy. It's either colluding with one man or being ambiguous with another. They'd rather go out barely dressed! Corrupting young minds! Society is going downhill!"

Women always held an envious, jealous, and hateful attitude towards such seductive and glamorous women, often cursing with a mixture of guilt and inferiority.

The male anchor continued to praise Shayla tirelessly: "It is reported that Shayla personally participated in the design of the beauty pageant's trophy. As we all know, the trophies from previous years have been quite valuable. Shayla not only serves as a special guest at the pageant but also takes charge of designing and producing the trophy, leaving everyone wondering who is the lucky man behind her. Who will have the fortune of winning this beautiful woman? Hopefully, we can find the answer through the process of the competition... Well, let's now announce the registration method and deadline..."

Jane felt a wave of nausea in her stomach.

William Blake, in order to preserve his image as a good husband who loved his wife dearly, would definitely not disclose his relationship with Shayla at the moment. But when Jane's death had been long enough for everything to fall into place, his love affair with Shayla wouldn't be condemned as an affair with a third party; instead, it would be described as a mutually compatible romance.

Jane suddenly had a thought. Since fate had given her a second chance, along with unparalleled beauty and a great figure, as well as boundless youth and vitality, why not make good use of them? She had never intended to step into the chaotic entertainment industry, but this was the best opportunity to get close to William Blake and Shayla!

Wasn't Shayla about to marry into a wealthy family? Didn't she want a successful career and love? Well, Jane would make her dreams come true! She would crush Shayla in the entertainment industry, strip away all her dazzling achievements, and make her crawl on the ground, begging for mercy. Jane would slowly tear William Blake's heart apart, making him suffer to the bone, but never allowing him to die!

The more she thought about it, the brighter Jane's eyes sparkled, and a sinister smile formed on her lips – this was a perfect opportunity.

Once she knew what she had to do, everything seemed to become clear. That very evening, Jane left Silver City and boarded the high-speed train to Cinnabar City.

The next morning, she arrived at Cinnabar City Arts Academy after a series of transfers. She had walked the school's paths twice already and knew them well. As she passed the Building of Arts, she noticed from a distance a couple locked in a passionate kiss under a lush camphor tree. The closer she got, the more she heard their heavy breathing and the occasional uncontrollable moans. The boy's hand firmly gripped the girl's pert buttocks, and his other hand had slipped beneath her shirt, massaging and pressing against her chest. They were just a step away from tearing each other's clothes off and engaging in a real battle.

Jane was no stranger to such sights and had no intention of observing further. She simply had to pass by them to reach her dormitory. Trying to blend in as if she were invisible, she sidestepped past them. However, just as she approached, the boy suddenly pushed the girl away as if he had seen a ghost and exclaimed in a panicked voice, "Mallory…"