
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

eliminate all threats

Taking a deep breath, Jane calmly said, "Teacher, I'm not feeling well today."

The practice room was surrounded by mirrors, and Jane could see the expressions of every girl without turning around. They seemed surprised, staring at her as if they had heard something unbelievable.

The nun killer also looked at her strangely and then said, "Yuki, you go."

Yuki glanced at Jane, stood up straight, and walked to the center of the practice room. Jane and the others moved aside.

The music started playing, and Yuki's graceful dance moves were elegant and effortless. Her long hair flew around her face, giving her a mysterious and sexy look. Some of the girls on the floor couldn't help but move their bodies along with her. Jane also heard some whispers among them, "The dance queen is acting strange today. Even when she's in excruciating pain during her period, she never lets anyone else take the lead during demonstrations."

"How uncomfortable do you think she really is?"

"Maybe it's so uncomfortable that she can't even dance because she just lost her virginity? Look at her legs, do they look any different? Does she feel like she can't close them anymore..."

"Well, that explains it... How shameless of her to still come to school..."

Jane frowned. It was clear that they were talking about Mallory. Mallory had great flexibility in her body, able to be manipulated into various positions. Otherwise, how could she have earned the praise of the experienced dancer, Jackie? And at this moment, there seemed to be an instinct in her body. As soon as she heard the music, every cell in her body wanted to dance along. If Jane hadn't restrained herself, she might have already rushed out. This instinct did not come from Jane.

"Clap, clap, clap—"

The music abruptly stopped, and the nun killer applauded first, followed by a wave of applause throughout the room. Jane also joined in clapping, and Yuki wiped the sweat off her face, raising her chin with a smile.

"Not bad, Yuki, you danced wonderfully. Let's all do it together."

"nun killer" gave the command.

More than twenty girls stood in their respective positions, with Yuki standing at the front, clearly leaving the other spot for Jane.

However, Jane didn't move and continued resting on the side, claiming to feel unwell. How could she go back on her word? She observed every girl present, and it was evident that Yuki was the best jumper. There was a shorter girl who occasionally glanced up at her, jumping absentmindedly.

The morning practice quickly passed, and the girls gathered to listen to nun killer's instructions. "In a few days, you will be taking the college entrance examination. After that, you will be in your final year of high school, with only one year left for both your major and general courses. Each of you must remember your dreams and work hard towards them, especially Mallory and Yuki. You two are promising talents at the Dance Academy, and the teachers hope that you will focus on dancing this year and not do anything foolish to ruin your future!"

While saying these words, nun killer's gaze swept across Jane's face. Then, with a clap of the hands, she announced the end of class.

The girls packed up their belongings and headed to the changing room to change clothes. Only Jane and Yuki remained in the practice room. Yuki suddenly walked up to Jane, raising her voice, "Mallory, what do you mean by this?! When have you ever let me demonstrate? You know very well that I'm not familiar with this street dance routine. Are you intentionally trying to make a fool out of me?!"

"What are you talking about? I think you did great," Jane smiled and praised, her expression calm.

However, these words sounded like sarcasm to Yuki. Fuming with anger, she exclaimed, "Mallory! Just you wait, I won't lose to you! Don't think you're so great! Your boyfriend and your first-place position will be mine!"

"Sure, come and try to take them," Jane picked up her backpack, her gaze sweeping over Yuki, her tone as indifferent as if she were air. "Mallory! You've gone too far!" Yuki shouted from behind, but Jane paid no attention and walked away. She had spent the morning thinking, and there were some things she needed to clarify. She didn't have time to play along with a jealous little girl.

Back in the girls' dormitory, Jane found Mallory's bed as she had expected. Mallory's life seemed to be financially tight, as her belongings didn't fill up her cabinet. It was nothing like the other three girls in the dormitory, each with their own personal computer, countless beautiful clothes, cosmetics, and snacks. However, Mallory was very neat and tidy, whether it was her bed, clothes, or desk. It was as if she had just tidied them up a moment ago.

Jane felt a wave of sadness. She had taken over Mallory's body, and this young girl's soul had drifted away somewhere. Jane had to take her place, endure the humiliation from the previous night, and use her to seek revenge...

Without a personal computer, Jane went to the school's computer room. There weren't many people there, just a few boys gathered together playing games and arguing.

Jane opened a browser and typed in her name. The Wikipedia page already had her birth and death years filled in: 1986.8.5-2011.3.7. The cause of death was listed as the Royal Crown Hotel's major fire incident, with the title "The Fall of a Genius Designer."

There is a summary of an interview from William Blake on the page. According to William Blake's account, his in-laws returned from their trip to Europe that day, and the whole family gathered at the Royal Crown Hotel to welcome them. His father-in-law and Jane arrived first, and he went to the beauty salon to pick up his mother-in-law. When he returned, he saw that a big fire had already started. He rushed in without hesitation to save people, but his arm was burned by the fire, and he was helpless. His mother-in-law became mentally ill because of this incident and has not recovered until now. He lost his beloved wife and was devastated, but he still managed to handle the affairs of the family and the major fire case...

He really knows how to act.

If William Blake entered the entertainment industry, he would undoubtedly be the king of actors.

What a beloved wife, what a devastating grief!

Jane wished she could find William Blake immediately and stab him in the chest with a knife, let him taste what pain is like! However, she couldn't.

Now she is thousands of miles away in Cinnabar City, just an inexperienced young girl, a nobody. Even if she found William Blake, what could she do? Could William Blake design that horrific arson case, burning her father to death and throwing her body into the cold Jadeite Lake? Dealing with her now would be easier than crushing an ant, wouldn't it?

Why doesn't the police suspect William Blake in this matter? He is clearly the prime suspect, yet the public opinion is overwhelmingly in his favor, and none of her father's old friends have come forward to question him?

Jane continued her search and came across several recent news articles. Several major companies extended an olive branch to William Blake, expressing their continued support for him just like they did for Jane's father. William Blake showed great respect for these elders and thanked them for their unwavering support for Jane...

Jane stared at the screen, almost crushing the mouse. Even though she knew it was just a photo of William Blake on the page, she wanted to dig him out and poke a hundred and eighty holes in him! He killed Jane's family and then used Jane's reputation to further his career. How could he be so shameless and terrifying!

How can she expose him?

Jane calmed down and remembered the video of William Blake and Shayla's affair that she took in the hotel that day. She had uploaded it to her email...

However, when Jane entered her email and password, she was told that it didn't exist! And all the accounts registered with her ID had been canceled.

William Blake went too far, leaving no trace, making Jane disappear completely from this world!


Jane suddenly remembered her best friend and felt a wave of fear. She froze, her whole body stiff. Before the incident, she had only contacted Dorsey. If William Blake wanted to eliminate all threats, then Xianxian...

Jane frantically dialed Dorsey's phone, but a female voice inside repeated, "Sorry, the number you have dialed is out of service."

With a click, Jane's fingers loosened, and the phone slipped from her hand. Did William Blake go after Xianxian?! And her mother, the news said she became mentally ill because of the arson case, which means things will only get worse for her, not better.

The feeling of being lost and helpless completely engulfed Jane for the first time since her rebirth. What should she do? Her enemies were living glamorous lives while her loved ones were being killed one by one. She had no knowledge of their fate and could only speculate by looking at the false news. Even if she wanted to immediately return to City T, she couldn't even gather enough money for a regular train ticket...

Heh, she shouldn't have torn up the check that Jackie gave her in the morning. Dignity, such a thing was worthless in the face of reality!

She didn't know how long she had been sitting in the computer room when someone came over to urge her, "Break time is over, go to class!"

The old man guarding the computer room knocked on Jane's desk and froze when he saw her tear-stained face. He asked, "What's wrong, girl? Why are you crying? Being alive is hope. Hurry, girl, the bell for class has rung, being late will result in standing punishment."

Jane mechanically stood up and walked towards the door in a daze. Just as she walked out of the computer room, she saw a short and fat middle-aged man standing under the shade of a tree. It was none other than the fat-headed Boss Howard from last night!

Boss Howard saw her and turned his face, his small eyes constantly scanning her body, clearly harboring ill intentions.