
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

dance demonstration

After saying this, Carl quickly realized his mistake and, with a remorseful face, reached out to Jane, anxiously explaining, "Mallory, I... I didn't mean it... I'm such an idiot..." Seeing Jane's indifference, he slapped himself in the face.

Unfortunately, Jane is not Mallory, and she has no sympathy for his self-harming behavior. Sometimes, the words that unintentionally come out are the ones she truly wants to say.

After he made a scene for a while, Jane calmly stared into Carl's eyes and asked, "I'm your girlfriend, and they all say I'm impure. Do you believe me?"

"I..." Carl hesitated for three seconds, then quickly nodded, "Of course, I believe you, Mallory! I love you!"

Jane gave a cold smile in her heart. Even if she were truly seventeen, she wouldn't believe this pathetic lie.

However, it was only her first day here, and she didn't want to confront this so-called boyfriend just yet. Perhaps there were still many things she could use him for. Therefore, Jane smiled and said affectionately, "No matter what they say, as long as you believe me, it's enough."

She never called him by his name because his name truly annoyed her.

Carl saw her smile and finally relaxed. He held her hand and said, "Mallory, go back to class, I have to go..."

"Don't!" Jane, who had been very reserved just now, suddenly grabbed his hand and said reluctantly, "Please accompany me, I'm a little scared..."

"Don't be afraid, Mallory, I'm here!" The boy didn't doubt her, he rubbed her hair with his big hand and led her towards the Building of Arts. The boy's hand was warm and gentle, although he held it tightly, it lacked some strength. It couldn't compare to that person, the king of rogues, who could easily break bones with a light pinch, it was so painful.

They had passed by the Building of Arts when Yuki took her to the principal's office earlier. It was a pair of buildings in the shape of a reversed "工" character, and the other side was under construction for expansion. Jane saw a red banner hanging above with the words "Thanks to Boss Howard for donating to the construction of the Building of Arts". It seemed that they were going to build twin towers.

They took the elevator to the third floor, and Carl stopped in front of the practice room. He said, "The third floor is for the girls' class, and the changing room is ahead. I can't go any further, Mallory, you go by yourself, be good."

Saying that, he bent down and gave Jane a kiss on the lips.

Jane didn't dodge this kiss, but she didn't respond either. Her eyes looked through Carl's shoulder and happened to see Yuki looking at them from the other end of the corridor. When she saw the two of them being affectionate, Yuki's footsteps clearly paused, and her expression immediately changed. Jane thought, no one would believe that this Yuki had nothing to do with Carl.

"Baby, remember to call me. I'll miss you." Carl didn't see Yuki, he let go of Jane and gently pinched her cheek before walking away.

Yuki's gaze followed Carl's figure, while Jane stared at her intently. Some resentment came out of nowhere, and Yuki suddenly turned around and slammed a nearby door, making a loud noise.

Is she jealous like this?

"Mallory, it's time for class, why haven't you changed into your practice clothes? What the hell are you standing there for? You don't have any self-awareness!" A slightly chubby girl behind Jane pushed her fiercely, and Jane almost fell down.

"She's a top student, with outstanding dancing skills. Even if she did something disgraceful and got expelled, she can still find someone to support her and come back. We don't even deserve to be her shoe carriers!" The petite girl standing next to the chubby girl sneered at Jane with a sour tone.

Hearing the commotion outside, the little girls in their practice clothes ran out one by one, pointing and gossiping about Jane, saying the most hurtful things.

Girls at this age can't tolerate any sand in their eyes, and dancers are even more so. The competition among art students is already intense, so it's clear that this Mallory's dancing must be exceptional, otherwise she wouldn't attract so much resentment.

"What are you all crowding around for? It's time for class!" After a sharp and shrill shout, the little girls who were still lingering immediately dispersed.

Jane looked around the empty corridor and saw a middle-aged woman in loose practice clothes at the end. Standing upright with elegant posture, it was clear that she was the teacher here, having studied dance for many years. With her sharp and piercing gaze, and a cold expression on her face, she was probably the "nun killer" that Yuki had mentioned.

The nun killer stared coldly at Jane, scanning her up and down before saying, "Mallory, don't think that just because you can dance well, you can disregard the rules. Everyone is the same here! Go change your clothes. If you can't make it within two minutes, you know the drill - one hundred sit-ups!"

Jane obediently went to the changing room. As she took off her clothes, she felt relieved that it was a street dance class and not ballet, which would require tight-fitting leotards. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to hide all the bruises on her body.

However, as Jane entered the practice room after changing, the nun killer turned her head towards her and said, "Mallory, as the leader of the dance class, your foundation and skills are the most solid. Now, please demonstrate the street dance we taught yesterday to everyone."

Jane was taken aback. She hadn't learned the street dance from yesterday, so how could she demonstrate it?