
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Blue Mountain Cemetery

Did Dorsey die on the seventh day after her memorial?

Jane's eyes welled up with tears, followed by a burning hatred. It was too coincidental, almost too perfect...

Taking a moment to compose herself, Jane gently patted Dorsey's mother's hand. No words of comfort could escape her lips, for it was because of her that this "accident" had occurred.

Dorsey's mother, presumably worn out from crying over the past couple of months, longed for some conversation. Suppressing her emotions, she said, "After Dorsey passed away, her father couldn't bear the shock and fell ill…" She glanced over at the closed guest room and continued, "No one wants to see anyone…"

"Oh… Do you and your brother have someone to take care of you? Are there any difficulties in your daily life?" This was the question that currently troubled Jane the most.

Dorsey's mother sighed and replied, "We have Dorsey's best friend to thank for that. They were like sisters, inseparable since high school. First, that girl had an accident, and seven days later, Dorsey was gone too. That girl's husband has a good heart. Not only did he attend Dorsey's funeral himself, but he also worried that we would be left with no one. He said he lost his beloved wife and respected father-in-law, so he understood our pain. He promised to be there for us like a son, to take care of us in Dorsey's absence…"

William Blake?

Jane couldn't help but scoff.

In an instant, Jane felt drained of all her strength. The biggest villain disguised as a kind angel, deceiving the unsuspecting elderly couple, causing them not only to not hate him but also to be grateful.

"Oh, he… sounds like a good person…" Jane forced a smile and spoke, but her gaze shifted to the black and white photograph on the wall. Dorsey, seeing all of this, can your soul find no peace in heaven?

However, at this moment, she couldn't reveal the truth. Let the elderly couple live in their blissful illusion; perhaps it was a form of happiness. Moreover, Jane's current power was too weak. She couldn't even see William Blake, let alone seek revenge or fulfill her desire for justice.

Jane tentatively asked, "From what Auntie said earlier, was Professor Dorsey's close friend, Jane, one of the victims in the major fire accident at the Royal Crown Hotel?"

Dorsey's mother nodded, "You also know Jane?"

"Professor Dorsey mentioned her as his good friend before, saying she was studying in Paris. It's unimaginable that both of them…" Jane explained, then hesitantly asked, "I saw the news about this incident. You lost your daughter, and Jane also perished. I wonder how Jane's mother is coping with this tragedy..."

Dorsey's mother sighed, "Jane's mother has also had a sorrowful life. She's still young, yet she has lost both her husband and daughter. The shock has taken a toll on her mental health. However, her son-in-law is extremely devoted. When I inquired about visiting Jane's mother, he said she is recuperating at a villa in the mountains, and isn't interested in seeing anyone. He wants her to recover before making any decisions. I believe her son-in-law cares even more about Jane's mother, even though we unrelated outsiders can feel his concern. It can be considered a stroke of luck amidst Jane's mother's misfortune."

Luck? Hah. Jane couldn't even cry anymore. Her mother fell into the clutches of that ambitious William Blake. Who knows what torment she endured, or if she had already left this world? William Blake had countless means to control an unarmed woman. Even if her mother died because of him, it would only be listed as a cause of death due to excessive grief and depression.

She had to find her mother quickly and rescue her from the clutches of William Blake, that devil!

"Auntie, the dead cannot be brought back to life. Please take care of yourself and your health…" Jane didn't want to stay in this oppressive and futile room any longer. In the next moment, she might break down emotionally and burst into uncontrollable tears.

"Child, finish your meal before you leave…" Dorsey's mother held her hand.

"No, Auntie. I came here for something else. I want to… go and see Professor Dorsey's grave first…" Jane forced a smile as she stood up.


Similar to the residential areas in the city, Blue Mountain Cemetery also had different levels of graves.

I'm sorry for any mistakes in my previous translations. Here's my translation of the provided text, preserving the original paragraph format and line breaks:

I don't know whether William Blake felt guilty about his thievery. Even though he promised to take care of Dorsey's elderly parents, he did not arrange for a better burial place for Dorsey. Instead, like an ordinary person, he erected a hard stone monument that was submerged in a vast cemetery filled with identical grave plots. If it weren't for Dorsey's mother providing the precise location, Jane might have searched for days.

Placing the fruits she brought in front of Dorsey's tombstone, Jane squatted down and couldn't help but cry as she looked at the cold engravings and the smiling portrait on the tombstone.

"Dorsey, no one will scold me anymore. No one will accompany me to share my inner thoughts, and no one will know that I'm still alive. But if your soul is in heaven, please bless me to personally kill that beast, William Blake, and avenge this blood feud!" Jane touched the stone slab and said, "These are your favorite mangoes. Eat some more. I don't know when I'll visit you next, or if I'll still be alive..."

The stone slab remained silent, and the scorching June sunburned intensely, making it hot within a short time. Jane stood up and walked towards the area of the cemetery that had better feng shui.

Having money is great because even in death, one can be buried in a supposedly auspicious burial site. A burial plot was more expensive than a house for a poor person during their lifetime. When Jane saw the burial place for herself and her father, she sneered. William Blake had indeed spared no expense.

This particular burial place was filled with overgrown trees, and it was very quiet. Only her and her father's graves were side by side. Her tombstone was wide and grand, compared to Dorsey's, it was overly luxurious. The tombstone had a few clear words engraved on it, "The Tomb of Beloved Wife Jane", signed by William Blake.

Who else in the world could stand in front of their own grave and fully appreciate it, except for unseen ghosts? Perhaps only Jane herself. What a gentle, considerate, kind, and filial man William Blake was. Jane was fortunate to marry such a good husband as William Blake.

In the photo, the self between her brows exuded a noble aura, with bright and captivating eyes. Jane had never been weak, not even a hint of confusion or cluelessness like she was now.

Deceased Jane, please tell me, what should I do?

However, just as Jane's hand touched her own photo, she heard a familiar sound of footsteps behind her.

Startled, Jane turned around and saw her good husband, William Blake, walking steadily towards her.