
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Beauty, Banknotes, and Hospital Debts

As a designer before her untimely passing, Jane possessed an insight into the entertainment industry that rivaled any insider, and beauty pageants were no stranger to her. Considering Mallory's qualifications, there was no doubt she'd be selected for the beauty pageant preliminaries. What she needed now was to sort out potential problems for the future.

The university entrance exams were on break today, so there were no classes. Jane went to the bank to convert the check she received from Jackie into a bank card, and then she headed to Cinnabar City's First People's Hospital. When she reached Tristan Carter's office, Tristan was busy, with a long line of patients waiting their turn.

It was while overhearing the patients' conversations that Jane learned about Tristan Carter. At twenty-eight, he had studied abroad and was clearly someone with extraordinary backing to have been appointed at such a famous institution at his age. From the conversation she overheard the day before between him and Jackie, they seemed familiar with each other and had some unresolved issues.

Finally, when the office hours had ended, Tristan opened the door of his office and was surprised to see Jane waiting on the bench. "Mallory, what are you doing here? Were you waiting for me?" he asked.

Jane stood up to greet him with a smile. "Yes, I wanted to talk to Doctor Carter about my mother's surgery."

"Have you been waiting long?" Tristan adjusted his glasses, his voice warm yet apologetic. "It's time for dinner, shall we talk over a meal?" Seeing Jane hesitate, he smiled. "You bought me dinner yesterday, so it should be my turn to treat you today. Do you mind joining me in the cafeteria?"

"Of course not," Jane replied, unable to refuse, and joined Tristan as they went to the hospital's cafeteria.

Here, the clientele mainly consisted of staff, and the passing doctors and nurses greeted him. Tristan responded with smiles while getting his food, and Jane noticed a look of delight on the faces of the nurses after they spoke with him. It appeared Tristan was quite popular.

Tristan, carrying his tray, came over to Jane and said softly and helplessly, "Mallory, let's eat over there, where it's quieter."

Following his gaze, Jane looked toward a corner by the window. It seemed that Doctor Carter was so popular he had to find a secluded corner just to have some peace while eating.

Once they were seated, Jane looked at the well-balanced variety of dishes and exclaimed, "Doctor Carter really knows how to live healthily."

It was no surprise that she'd say this. Tristan Carter slightly furrowed his brows and smiled, "Mallory, you seem to have grown up all of a sudden. Both the way you look at people and the way you speak are quite different from before."

Jane wasn't taken aback or nervous at all, simply accepting his observation, "People always have to grow up, you can't be timid and scared forever. It's normal."

Tristan Carter raised an eyebrow and nodded in agreement with her statement, "You make a good point, but..." His thoughts turned to Jackie, and his voice trailed off.

"What?" Jane asked, puzzled.

"No, no," Tristan Carter chuckled. "About your mother's surgery I mentioned last time—if your family really can't come up with the money, I'll try to think of something. I've just started working and my income is so-so; I probably can only cover half of the surgery costs. I'll have to borrow the other half from friends, but I think it should be enough."

Jane was touched. For a doctor to even consider raising hundreds of thousands for a patient's surgery, willing to borrow from friends when he could not afford it himself, was no small matter. She said, slightly embarrassed, "Doctor Carter, you've already done so much for me. This is my family's responsibility, and I feel really bad having you worry about this."

As she spoke, she pulled out a bank card and gently pushed it across to Tristan Carter, saying, "There are eight hundred thousand on this card. It should cover my mother's surgery expenses and the hundred thousand I owe you, with enough left to ensure my mother's hospital fees for the next six months. Please accept it."

Tristan Carter furrowed his brow in surprise, grabbing her hand urgently, "Where did you get the money?! You're just a high school student, and from a single-parent home..." He trailed off, anger filling his eyes behind his glasses, "Did something happen to you?! Tell me!"

Jane did not expect such a reaction and looked up to see other doctors and nurses staring in their direction. She awkwardly pulled her hand away, "Doctor Carter, please, don't get upset."

But Tristan Carter couldn't help being agitated, his usually gentle face devoid of any trace of a smile as he steadfastly held her gaze, "Is... is this about Jackie?"

Jane didn't expect him to bring up Jackie; clearly, Jackie's reputation was indeed appalling. However, she wasn't some naive seventeen-year-old girl to be grilled by Carter. She parried his question, "Does Doctor Carter have some sort of feud with Jackie Garcia? Why would you think of him?"

Tristan Carter's face darkened with distaste, "That man, his character is utterly vile. He's engaged, yet he never stops fooling around with other women. Every time he shows up, it's with a different companion..."

Hearing about Jackie's behavior didn't surprise Jane at all; she had heard about his reputation long ago. But when did Tristan Carter become a champion for women's rights? Why was he defending them so fervently?

Seeing Jane's composed expression, Tristan Carter expressed his dismay, "Mallory, stay away from Jackie. You're young and naive; he's a beast who will only destroy you!"

Jane smirked internally. As if Jackie could ruin her—she had forgotten about him centuries ago. What Jackie was like didn't concern her in the least; she was only after his money.

"Rest assured, Doctor Carter, I am well aware of my own affairs and I will show restraint. Please take care of my mother's surgery, I will come to see her another day." Jane said, standing up and giving Tristan Carter a slight nod, then picking up her bag and leaving.

Tristan Carter felt hurt by Jane's indifference; she had settled all the costs he had advanced on her behalf, clearly signaling a desire to sever ties. He still remembered the first time he saw Mallory, in the pouring rain, her frail frame carrying her mother to the hospital, her beautiful yet childlike face so helpless. Unable to afford the hospital fees, she had knelt down pleading with the outpatient doctor... He couldn't bear to watch, so he had stepped forward to lend a hand.

Since then, every visit to see him, Mallory was ever so careful, as if she was carrying a heavy burden, nearly unbearable. She would timidly and introspectively cry, "Doctor Carter, I have no money, but I want my mother to live, she is the only family I have in this world. I will find a way to raise the money, as long as she can live, even if it is just one more day..."

Now, Mallory had given him eight hundred thousand all at once, as if buying back all her dignity, she seemed much calmer and more confident.

Tristan Carter thought to himself and sighed; perhaps this was for the better. He did not want Mallory to feel indebted to him, rather, he hoped she would stand tall before him, interacting as equals, for he genuinely cared for this girl.

But, the thought of that money and what Jackie had said to Mallory last night filled Tristan Carter with rage. Jackie had already destroyed his happiness once, did he want to try for a second time?


Jane left the hospital, did some shopping at the mall, and by the time she returned to school, it was already quite late. Underneath the big tree in front of the dormitory, a shadow suddenly sprang out, grabbing her!

Jane reacted swiftly, elbowing the person in the abdomen with force, then, using his arm, she executed a shoulder throw. A series of movements flowed smoothly like drifting clouds and flowing water, pinning the shadow under her feet. The figure whimpered and turned his head saying, "Mallory..."