
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

A Big Fire

"Shayla?" Jane finally got a clear look at the woman's face and couldn't help but exclaim.

The woman widened her eyes and pretended to be surprised. "Impressive that Jane recognizes me. Am I that famous already?"

Shayla, a popular female celebrity in the entertainment industry, started as a model. News headlines often focused on her tall figure and 36D bust, with countless photos of her revealing her back and chest. Despite this, men fell for her charm, and within a few years, she became a top-tier female star through scandalous publicity.

"Oh, by the way, Jane, I've already reserved your wedding dress design called 'Princess's Bridal Gown.' It's truly a unique and dreamy design, and I love it," Shayla smiled at Jane.

It was said that Shayla's voice could make any man weak in the knees. She was dubbed the "number one seductress" in the entertainment industry. Jane couldn't believe she was witnessing it firsthand. What did Shayla mean by mentioning the dress and flirting with her husband? She was shameless and despicable. Shayla's tone didn't show any shame for being caught in the act; instead, she seemed proud, as if she would soon replace Jane as Blake's wife.

Jane's stomachache intensified, and she numbly watched this pair of cheaters. Struggling to get up, Shayla released William Blake and walked over to Jane, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Blake, it seems like Jane isn't feeling well."

As she spoke, she forcefully pushed Jane, knelt on the sofa with her long legs, and grabbed Jane's hair, her gaze fierce. "Do you know what relationship Blake and I have? We were living together long before you got married. Unfortunately, I didn't have your luck. You were born a princess, so you have everything. Blake and I truly love each other, but we were forced to separate. He married you, and I became the hidden third party. Why?!"

Jane cried in pain, realizing that even William Blake's marriage to her was a setup! Their three years of harmonious and respectful marriage was nothing but a scam.

Consumed by anger, Jane swung her arm and fiercely grabbed at Shayla's face. Shayla screamed and pushed her away. Jane then grabbed the half-empty bottle of red wine on the table with a loud crash against the floor. Pointing the sharp broken edge at William Blake, she exclaimed, "William Blake, you shameless scoundrel! How long have you been deceiving my father? Since you came into our family, when have my parents ever mistreated you? Have you lost your conscience? If you want to fool around with other women, go ahead, I don't care. But why did you deceive me? You can marry whoever you want, I don't care. We're getting a divorce!"

William Blake looked at her with amusement, not at all flustered. Step by step, he approached her, smiling gently. "Jane, stop making a scene. Do you want to hurt me with that? No, you're afraid of blood. You faint at the sight of it. Be good, put it down, let's go home. Talking about divorce or not is too much. You're being too distant."

He paused for a moment, as if remembering something, and raised an eyebrow as he asked her, "Jane, did you just say that I deceived Mom and Dad? Are you going to tell them that we're getting a divorce? Well, coincidentally, Mom and Dad are here visiting me!"

Once a person's true face is revealed, you can only see more and more ugliness. Jane's mind was in chaos, and she asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

William Blake took a step forward and kicked open the bathroom door. Jane screamed in horror when she saw the two bound figures on the floor. "Mom! Dad!"

Their mouths were taped shut, their hands tied behind their backs, unable to move or speak. Their eyes were fixed on William Blake.

Jane didn't care about anything else and hurriedly ran towards the bathroom, but William Blake grabbed her from behind. His strength was too great, and Jane couldn't break free. She angrily swung the wine bottle in her hand towards him, and William Blake's arm was cut open, cursing as he pushed Jane away. Jane's head hit the wall, and her body lost all strength, slowly sliding down to the cold floor.

Her pregnant body couldn't withstand the turmoil, and Jane began to feel lightheaded. William Blake squatted down in front of her, allowing the blood to drip onto the floor in front of Jane.

As she smelled the scent of blood, Jane's face immediately turned pale, her breathing became rapid. But William Blake didn't let her faint, instead he gently stroked her face and said, "Jane, let me tell you the truth. From the first day I entered your Jane family, I had ulterior motives. Marrying you was part of my plan. Did you really think I would fall in love with you? These past three years, pretending to be gentle in front of you made me sick, even to myself..."

Jane pinched her arm forcefully, refusing to let herself pass out. This was clearly a meticulously planned conspiracy, starting from that message, leading her into this trap. She mustered all her strength and shouted at him, "William Blake, you shameless person! What do you want to do?"

William Blake, still acting like the most intimate lover, wiped away the tears from her eyes and asked in return, "What do I want to do? Hehe, you'll find out soon enough..."

With that, he suddenly stood up and walked towards the bathroom, dragging Jane's mother out from inside. He let go of her abruptly, causing her to fall next to Jane. Then, he picked up a box of gasoline and poured it inside and outside the bathroom, the sound of it hitting the smooth floor like water. Jane's father was trapped within.

"No! William Blake, I beg you, don't!" Even if she was foolish, Jane knew what William Blake was about to do. She struggled and crawled to his side, hugging his leg, pleading.

"It's impossible, dear Jane. Ask your father what he has done, ask him what he owes us, the Fu family!" William Blake suddenly became agitated, grabbing Jane's father by the collar and fiercely saying, "Why does your family, Jane's family, have the position they have now, while us orphans and widows can only sleep on the streets, relying on relief money to get by? Jane, do you really think your father is so kind? Why did he adopt me? He did it out of guilt! My father died because of him, yet he can live high and mighty, why! In those past years, I lived in constant fear, always trying to please your family, and ever since I married you, I've been labeled as the husband of a wealthy woman, a label I can't shake off. I've had enough!"

As he spoke, William Blake forcefully threw Jane's father out, letting him hit his head and bleed. William Blake laughed maniacally, almost insane, saying, "But, after today, everything will be different. I, William Blake, will become the richest person in Silver City, and no one will dare to disrespect me anymore! Everything belonging to Jane's family will be mine from today onwards!"

The more Jane listened, the more uneasy she felt. William Blake had become completely deranged, losing all sense of reason. He would kill her father! She struggled to crawl to William Blake's feet, her voice hoarse as she pleaded, "I'll give you anything, I'll give you everything. Everything belonging to Jane's family will be yours! Please spare my father! Can't you feel the care he has shown you all these years? He truly sees you as his own son... And, and I'm pregnant, I'm carrying your child. It's been two months, you're going to be a father. The child is innocent, please, for the sake of the child, you... Ah!"

Before Jane could finish her sentence, a high-heeled shoe kicked her hard in the stomach. William Blake, who had shown a slight change in expression, turned to Shayla.

Shayla wrapped her bare arms around William Blake, her fingers drawing circles on his chest. Her eyes flickered, as she coquettishly said, "What's wrong? Can't bear it once you hear about the child? Softened your heart? You want a child, but can't I bear one? You insist on having a child with this little slut, what kind of offspring can she produce?"

As Shayla spoke, her mocking gaze fixed on Jane, saying, "Oh, Jane, always looking down on others, it's rare to see you in such a miserable state. This tear-stained face of yours is truly pitiful. If the paparazzi were to capture this, it would probably make the headlines!"

Blood continued to flow from Jane's body, accompanied by pain and an overwhelming darkness. Jane's mother was bound, but she kept inching closer to her daughter. Jane's father was the same, curled up on the ground soaked in sticky gasoline. His once dignified and loving eyes had sunken deeply, staring intensely at William Blake, unable to utter a word.

"Blake, look, your child is gone. What are you hesitating for? If we don't get rid of them, do you think they will spare you?" Shayla coldly reminded him, her sweet voice now filled with malice.


"William Blake, annoyed, pushed Shayla away and got up to walk to the bathroom. He dialed a phone number and said, 'It's about time, ten minutes from now.'

Then, he dragged Jane's father and threw him into the bathtub, which had no water. He lit a fire.

As the flames ignited, Jane's father was surrounded by the fire, helplessly writhing. His distinct face was quickly consumed by the flames. Jane screamed frantically, but Shayla covered her mouth, and then a sharp pain pierced her abdomen.

Shayla held onto the neck of a wine bottle, and blood from Jane's belly flowed out through the bottle's opening. Disgusted and afraid of getting dirty, Shayla let go and whispered in Jane's ear, 'Your child cannot stay, and neither can you, because my dream is to marry into a wealthy family and become a lady. If you don't die, how can I marry into a wealthy family? Consider it... a good deed.'

Shayla's voice became clear and then muffled amidst the crackling sound of the fire. The scent of burning filled the air, mixed with the aroma of wine and the faint, damp coldness from the lakeside in March.

'Take this old woman away, she still has some use. Don't worry, she's already gone mad. Even if she's not, I have a way to make her go mad.'

Mother was dragged out of the room, and Jane could only watch, unable to move. Her vision gradually blurred, and she couldn't even shed tears.

In the final moments of her life, those familiar hands lifted her up and gently whispered in her ear, 'Jane, sleep now. Once you're asleep, the pain will be gone. Rest assured and go peacefully, I will live well in your place.'

With that, he let go, and her body plummeted rapidly, landing with a splash into the icy cold lake."