
The Evolution of an Introvert with a System

Disclaimer! This is my very first novel, so therefore you ought to expect it to have some flaws. Thank you for your patience and have a nice day! Also I do NOT own the cover photo, all credit is reserved to the artist in question. An alarm seemed to be making its presence known in a dark, dreary room. It’s loud beeping continued for about another 30 seconds before any sign of movement was seen. The figure, that the alarm seemed to really want to wake up, finally started to stirr from its slumber whilst muttering. "Living is suffering" After releasing a depressed sigh it took a pillow and put it over its face in a vein attempt to block out the blaring sound.

IDPK03 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs


*Beep*.... *Beep*…..*Beep*

An alarm seemed to be making its presence known in a dark, dreary room. It's annoyingly loud beeping, made even worse by the fact that it seemed to be never ending, continued for about another 30 seconds before any sign of movement was seen. The figure, that the alarm seemed to be intent on waking, showed little gratitude to the small machine, as its groggy figure rose in an almost slow-motion like fashion.

"Mmhhhhh uhhh"

What one could mistake as the sound of a dreadful zombie, was in fact just the groan of a one unhappy reality averting person.

*Beep* …. *Beep* …. *Bee-

Before the alarm got the chance to make any more noise, the sleepy figure quite literally slapped the alarm off the rather ancient looking bedside table. The machine, that was most likely hated by all of humanity, flew through the air and onto some clothes that were strewn about in its room.

So, with a look of triumph on its face, the figure plopped down to its bed and got ready to be greeted by the land of dreams again. Tucked in and ready to sleep, the figure began to let its eyelids fall, but as soon as its goal of peaceful slumber felt like it was going to be attainable, the alarm seemed hellbent on giving him more than just a headache.

*beep*…. *beep* ….*beep*

Eyes now wide, a muffled "You've got to be kidding me" left the figures mouth as it now had to stand up from its bed. It had forgotten, in its sleepy state, that slapping the alarm would activate the snooze function and give him a time of 30 seconds to recover before it began its onslaught of terrible ruckus yet again.

With a defeated expression and seemingly not feeling like going back to sleep anymore, the disheveled figure almost had an aura of loathing as it picked up its alarm and resisted the urge to throw it out its window. They lived on the third floor of an old suburban apartment, so seeing it plummet down to its doom, would have been a nice way to start the day. Shrugging off its pretty fulfilling fantasy, the figure put the alarm back in its usual place, where tomorrow, it would once again annoy him to no end.

Picking up its smartphone while it made its way to the bathroom, it scrolled through its favorite social media sites, eventually stumbling upon a something that seemed interesting enough to keep its short attention span. Simultaneously, it was performing its daily morning routine. One could consider this to be "skilled" but in this day and age, this was quite the normal thing to do.

Arriving at the point where he had to take a shower, it put its phone down and took a quick glimpse in the mirror.

"Guess im still as average as before, huh"

Looking at himself was a bland average faced adolescent young boy. Though he would probably prefer it if you were to call him a "young man".

The pubescent boy had a pair of sizeable oak wood colored eyes, that were also intermixed with a couple of strands of green, it gave him a gentle look. One thing that was often said about him, was that his eyes stood out. They would say at times, that they felt compelled to stare deep into his eyes, as they reminded them of a dense grove of trees. Though that is a unique and appealing aspect to have, that's probably about the only thing he's got going for him, aesthetically speaking that is.

Also, he had never really been good with maintaining eye contact, so if somebody were to per chance take a quick gander at his eyes out of curiosity's sake. He would quickly crumble under the "intense" gaze of said person.

The next thing you would notice, would probably be the bush on his head that he calls his hair. The only time he would try to keep his hair neat and tidy, would be when he must attend a formal event of some kind. Even then his definition of neat and tidy might not correlate with others. His hair was a creamy brown similar to a cup of cappuccino, his straight hair also drops down to just a bit under his ear.

As for his face, he was pretty sure he wasn't considered ugly but also not really what would you qualify as handsome. He was in the "gray zone" as he would call it. Constantly hovering between average and below average, he used to feel like it wasn't fair. But now, he knew that life just dealt the cards you're supposed to play with. So nowadays, he didn't really harp over it , he might feel a little bitterness every now and then but he knew, in the grand scheme of the things, he got lucky.

With one final look, and a sigh in turn. he took off his clothes and tossed them into the bin they had in the corner of the bathroom. Lamenting to himself, he thought.

'Maybe I should start taking it easy with the junk food. Wouldn't want to get any rounder than I already am. Plus I don't really feel like getting made fun of in the future'

While everyone indulged in a bit of junk food every now and then, he seemed to have gotten a little carried away with in his free time. Something that was visible by the flabs on his stomach, a sight that didn't particularly please him.

Now with the depressing thoughts aside, he started the water and got in the shower.

Yo! That was my first chapter ever, so it might be janky and awkward. Sorry bout that but the quality as well as the length should get better with time. Also im pretty sure this will be mostly slice of life since im fond of slow build up. Who knows, there might be more action but first i gotta figure out in which direction i should go haha. Well if you have any suggestions/tips go ahead, as im kinda new to this whole thing. Thanks in advance and have a nice evening/day to you all!

PS. I dont know how many chapters per week im going to be posting since im doing this on the side and i got a bunch of other RL stuff going on. Basically its gonna be whenever i got time.

IDPK03creators' thoughts