
The Everyday Middle Schooler

6 Chs

The Bus Stop.

The first day of middle school is alwase awkward, well at least for the main character, Edword Diaze. Eddie is what his friends call him, and he is a Japanese/Mexican mix that live in Bethany, Oklahoma. Eddie goes to Fish Tail Middle school. On the first day at his bus stop his best friend Leonardo greats Eddie with a big hug before he takes a slice of bread out of his mouth.

Leo then says "Dang it feels like a century since I last saw you. how have you been."

"I've been doing meh" Eddie says with a yown. "You look down, is something wrong." Leo says to try to reassure Eddie.

Eddie looks in Leo's eyes with a tiresome look.

"I'm just tired.".

The bus arrives as if it where running late, Eddie got frightened and jumped back.

"Well it's time to go." they both say with a frown.