
The everlasting encounter

Coming to terms with the possibility of something good happening in your life, trying not to sabotage yourself when that happens and staying committed

DiaConstant · สมจริง
6 Chs

5. Not enough time to even say “so long and goodbye”

It was a warm and pleasant morning

the sun covered everything with light.

There was nothing around looking like a warning

all was crystal clear and bright.


The portable lighthouses went to work early

messages were flying all over the place.

Any last minute issues could be overcome, surely

no matter the problems, they wouldn't leave any trace.


She appeared finally in the background

saw him standing and walked up towards him.

She definitely looked home-bound

but her expression wasn't grim.


As always when she first arrived

she appeared composed and serious.

She never seemed contrived

but she did have a tendency to be mysterious.


But, again as always, her mood changed

she let down her guard and her defenses.

It's true her attitude was widely ranged

but when around him there were only few fences.


She looked pretty and full of life

they smiled and seemed glad together.

He saw her as a form of wildlife

loved to just observe her altogether.


She showed a few signs of stress

but she made a real effort to suppress it.

If she was in any form of distress

she definitely didn't let it out in the cockpit.


Once again, seeing her next to him

made him feel amazed.

Liking her was not a simple whim

and he was often rather dazed.


There were a lot of things about her

that he found tremendously intriguing.

Clearly, there were some issues they'd have to defer

but none of her character traits were fatiguing.


They sat down and he found it funny

she hadn't changed her mood in ages.

She was wearing her new glasses, cute as a bunny

they were smiles and things moved in smooth stages.


It was the first time since they'd met

that they were fully connected, fully in tune.

Neither of them was going to fret

it was by now high noon.


The ride back was complicated

lots of issues kept popping into her mind.

They had to see how things developed, they waited

funny or not the planets needed to be realigned.


Then there was calm once more

and more moments to connect.

It was as if they were close to the shore

still, they needed to keep their emotions checked.


A couple of waves through the tinted glass

a few smiles and hopes and perhaps some relief too.

They weren't going to let things just pass

but they weren't going either to turn blue.




(Thank you for reading and hope you liked this collection of poems. The next chapter "Get the most out of this story" contains additional info and insights on this story which hopefully you will find interesting and useful)