
The Ethereal Trials

A young orphan boy named Weng is living on the underground, he takes care of his sister who is sickly and frail but one day a strange figure abducts her. Finally alone Weng decides to leave the underground and go to the outside world.

Spofeyy · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


The sound of swords.

All he hears is swords.


Weng wakes up sweaty, he was dreaming about his life before it all went to shit.

"I'm dreaming again…"

He hasn't had a dream in a long time since his parent's death, he looks to his side to see that Maria was not by his side.

"Maria! Where did you go?"

Stepping sounds come towards Weng.

"I'm right here Brother."

Weng felt relief when he saw his sister and wondered when she woke up.

"Hey Maria one question, when did you wake up?"

Maria looks at him for a few seconds and said:

"Relax brother I know I can't stay up that much, but I've only been up for 30 minutes, stop worrying so much."

"I see…"

Weng still looked worried, but he perished the thought.

After doing his daily tasks he decides to go outside and see what's been going on.

"Maria get some rest, I'll be back soon."

"Alright Brother, see ya."

"Holy shit."

Weng exclaimed after having trouble getting outside his safe room.

The underground is a vast place for the poor people and for doing illegal things such as magic trading.

"You're late Weng."

Said his Boss

"Sorry I got caught up in something."

His boss looked at him angrily.

"You think I give a shit, huh?"

He slammed Weng on a hard rock wall, and he started bleeding intensely.

"You think your hot shit, huh? Listen here, you are one of the poorest people living here, and you are only 12 years old, you are lucky that I even gave you a job."

The boss spat at him.

"Little shit."

After the boss had his fun Weng sprung up, and he wasn't angry as he was used to this abuse already.

"He let me off easy this time."

After a few hours there was a loud bang from outside the underground, Weng looked up and saw a strange figure.

"What is that..?"

Weng decided to hide as this strange figure decided to descend below.

The boss came to see what was that noise.

"Hey, what the hell is going on here??"

Before he could even finish that sentence the strange figure had already killed him.

Weng was so scared, he has never seen this before as he has no magic whatsoever.

The strange figure was looking at the dead body for a few seconds and then he spewed:

"You are not the one I'm looking for."

Other people were rushing to see what was going on and when the strange figure saw them he killed them like bugs. Weng was the last survivor in this area, but he couldn't move, he was frozen in place.

The strange figure went in the direction where Weng lives.

Weng decides to follow that figure only because he was worried about his sister Maria.