
The Eternity Walk

A mediocre man who lost both in life and will, a person who used to spend his day writing spreadsheets in his cubicle has now turned into an immortal and thrown into a world unknown. How would a man whose body is full of life while his mind is deprived of life survive to live an eternity?

Adrain_Garcia · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Let's go in the Wild

It was already dawn before I knew it. Although I have been here for a couple of days now, I still can't get used to this world. The air feels different and it's hard to adjust. I even tried taking a walk at night, but Elsi refused, citing safety concerns following a recent event. While I understand her concerns, I can't stay cooped up in my room and wait for everything to settle down. I want to be informed about what's happening and its potential impact on me.

I've already read a few books, but I don't want to spend all my time in the library. I even regret shutting off the television during cooking shows, as I could have spent that time honing my culinary skills. Feeling restless, I decided to lay in bed and contemplate.

Looking at the ceiling, I couldn't help but think about how I could never have afforded a house like this, even if I worked until my death. It's lonely here, but I'm used to being alone. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel anxious about the future.

Questions of all sorts of were coming through my grey matter. I should have taken my pills in the pocket.

I should have…

"Alex wake up!" I heard someone calling my name, "Alex!"


"Wh-What? What happened?!" I was in shock.

"It's morning," Elsi was looking over me intently.

"What happened just now?" I asked, "Why is my left cheek hurting?"

"How would I know?" She said with a straight.

"Ahh" I cried in a pain for a bit. "Is it morning?"


"Huh? They what are you doing here?"

"We are going out."

I was still feeling a bit dizzy. She threw aside the blanket and pulled me up as if I weigh nothing.

"Move it Alex." She said.

"Alright, alright." I replied as I tried to release myself from her restraints, "At least let me move by myself."

"So what are we doing here?" I asked as I was standing under a tree shade. Far from the place I was staying.

"We will now be teaching you a bit about the wild." She said.

"Huh? Wild?" I was dumbfounded. How would I know about the wild by standing under a tree?

"Here you go," She said as she handed me down a kit.

"What's all this?" I peeped over it but was covered with some sort of leather.

"You will be needing this for your time in the wild."

"Whoa!" She pushed me against the tree.


"Why did she smirk?"

And all the more where am I?!

In the grand orchestra of life, I often felt like a discordant note, out of tune and out of sync with the world around me. My journey through adulthood was a harrowing tale of bad choices, missteps, and a seemingly unending streak of ill luck. Looking back, it's as if I was destined to be the person with the worst luck, a walking embodiment of Murphy's Law.

As I stepped into adulthood, full of dreams and aspirations, I never could have foreseen the turbulent path that lay ahead. Fresh out of college, I was armed with a degree but lacking a clear sense of direction. The job market was unforgiving, and my lack of experience seemed like an insurmountable barrier. Rejection emails became my daily companions, each one chipping away at my already fragile self-esteem.

It was against this backdrop of uncertainty that I made my first major misstep. Desperation led me to accept a job that was far from what I had envisioned for myself. The work was monotonous, the pay was meager, and the environment was toxic. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of regrets, my dreams slipping through my fingers like grains of sand. It was the first of many instances where my choices seemed to be leading me down a path of disappointment and disillusionment.

As my career stagnated, so did my personal life. The relationships I formed were often fueled by a sense of loneliness and a need for validation. I found myself entangled in toxic dynamics, unable to break free from the cycle of hurt and betrayal. It was as if I had a magnetic pull towards people who would ultimately cause me pain, a pattern that only reinforced my belief in my own inherent bad luck.

To cope with the mounting pressures and disappointments, I turned to unhealthy habits. Alcohol became a crutch, a way to temporarily numb the ache of my unfulfilled aspirations and the weight of my poor choices. Nights blurred into days as I sought refuge in the bottom of a bottle, hoping that the haze of intoxication would shield me from the reality of my circumstances. Each hangover was a bitter reminder of the choices I had made and the path I was stumbling down.

Financial woes added another layer of complexity to my already chaotic life. Poor budgeting and impulsive spending left me drowning in debt, a constant reminder of my inability to make sound choices. It was a cruel irony that my pursuit of temporary relief through reckless spending only deepened the pit of anxiety and stress I was trying to escape.

The culmination of my bad choices was a series of unfortunate events that seemed almost comically improbable. Car breakdowns on the way to important meetings, missed flights during once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and unexpected health issues that drained my savings – it was as if the universe had decided to conspire against me. I couldn't help but feel like a character in a tragicomedy, the embodiment of bad luck itself.

In the darkest moments, I found myself questioning whether I was destined to be forever trapped in this cycle of self-sabotage and misfortune. The weight of my past mistakes was suffocating, and the future appeared bleak and insurmountable. It was a struggle to hold onto hope, to believe that I could ever break free from the shackles of my own choices.