
The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond

Ethan Hunt, a normal person suddenly gets an opportunity to travel to different worlds, starting with the world of 'Twilight.'. Not only does he discover that he now possesses immortality, but he also has the incredible power to copy other people's abilities. With his newfound abilities, Ethan must navigate the challenges and adventures that await him in this Twilight world and beyond. What should you expect from this fanfiction? 1) MC will have a system. Though the system won't have any type of consciousness. It will be more like an information interface that will summarize MC's abilities and their level. There system will not give any quests or rewards to the MC. Basically MC will not be a slave to the system as system will not direct what he should or shouldn't do. (I hope you are clear about this point.) 2) I have not yet decided whether the fanfiction should contain whether Romance or Harem. We will have a vote about this in future chapters. 3) MC will be a Chaotic Neutral person. A chaotic neutral person follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. Of course this applies only to the people who are strangers to him. MC won't hesitate a bit to protect his loved ones. 4) The starting world will be 'Twilight'. I will update you guys, the list of the other worlds in the future chapters. The 'Twilight' world will last for at least 120 chapters, though it may also extend beyond that. I know 120 chapters is quite a lot, but this world is the starting world of our MC as it will shape his personality and his future purview. So please be patient and read it all the way. 5) English can be considered as my third language so I will use the Chat GPT in order to improve the grammar of my fanfiction thus making it interesting and easy for the readers to understand. However if the readers find it to be troublesome or problematic to read then please communicate it to me through the chapter comments. Chat GPT can make the conversations quite robotic, so I will try not to let it affect the conversations between the characters. 6) Lastly, the MC won't be a bystander in the plot of the world. He will actively try to interfere in the plot and won't be afraid to change the plot. Well if you wanted to read the same plot over and again, you could have watched the movies instead of coming here to read my fanfiction. Hope you guys are okay with it. Also the fanfiction will contain quite a few OC's. Moreover each chapter will have a bare minimum of 1000 words and it can go beyond that. I guess this could be considered quite a detailed description of my fanfiction. Please bear with me and enjoy your read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Twilight and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

24. Training (Part 2)

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


With each sense he honed, Ethan felt himself becoming more attuned to the natural world around him. It was as if he had unlocked a whole new level of perception, one that allowed him to navigate the wilderness with unparalleled efficiency and grace.

As days turned into weeks, Ethan's progress became increasingly evident. His strength and control over his abilities grew by leaps and bounds, and he felt more confident in his newfound prowess with each passing day.

One of the most challenging aspects of his training was learning to manage his heightened senses. The influx of sensory information could be overwhelming at times, and he had to learn how to filter out the excess noise and focus on what was truly important. Through meditation and practice, he gradually gained a greater sense of clarity and control over his enhanced perception.

As he ventured deeper into the wilderness, Ethan put his abilities to the test in real-world situations. He used his incredible strength to clear paths through dense vegetation and move obstacles that would have been insurmountable before. His heightened senses allowed him to navigate the terrain with uncanny precision, avoiding potential dangers and making the most of his surroundings.

But perhaps the most significant aspect of his training was the newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance that came with mastering his abilities. As he pushed himself to the limits, he began to realize the full extent of his potential. He had the potential to become a force to be reckoned with, a true powerhouse of strength and capability.

With his training regimen in full swing, Ethan continued to push himself to new heights, eager to explore the depths of his newfound abilities.




A year later....

Ethan was once again on the move and was going deep into the forest searching for a new place to stay, far from the earlier one.

During this time, Ethan had made it a point to constantly change his location, always wary of being tracked by the vampires who might be searching for him. He had moved through the dense forest, never staying in one place for too long, always on the move to ensure his safety.

As he traveled deep into the forest, Ethan came across a cave that seemed to be the temporary shelter of two bears—a mother and her young cub. The mother bear appeared to be gravely injured, her breathing labored, and her body weak. Despite her condition, she was trying to protect her defenseless cub, who was only a few months old.

Approaching the cave cautiously, Ethan could see the deep gashes on the mother bear's body, evidence of a fierce battle she had been involved in. The cub, sensing a presence, peeked out and locked eyes with Ethan. Its innocent gaze spoke volumes, as it glanced at Ethan.

Without hesitation, Ethan slowly entered the cave, careful not to startle the bears. He could see the determination in the mother bear's eyes as she struggled to remain conscious, her protective instincts never wavering even in her weakened state. The cub stayed close to its mother, whimpering softly as if seeking reassurance.

The current Ethan was too strong and could easily take over a hundreds of bears. He was not afraid that the mother bear would attack him out of desperation. But looking at her, he concluded that she couldn't even stand up properly, let alone muster the strength to attack him.

Ethan sat down beside the injured mother bear, assessing her wounds with a practiced eye.

Ethan gently patted the mother bear's fur. It was evident that the mother bear was on death's door, her life slipping away with every labored breath. The mother bear looked at him with gratitude as she understood that he meant no harm

With his strength, Ethan carefully lifted the mother bear in his arms, cradling her softly as he carried her out of the cave. The cub followed closely, unwilling to leave its mother's side. As Ethan emerged from the darkness of the cave, the soft light of the forest filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow on the scene.

The mother bear took her last breaths in the embrace of Ethan. Her passing was peaceful, and as she slipped away, Ethan closed his eyes in a moment of silent mourning for the loss of a beautiful creature.

After a few moments of reflection, Ethan gently laid the mother bear down on the forest floor, her form appearing small and fragile against the backdrop of towering trees. The cub nuzzled against its mother, emitting soft whimpers that tugged at Ethan's heart.

For a few moments, there was a quiet stillness in the forest, broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. Ethan took a deep breath and surveyed the surrounding area, looking for any signs of what might have caused the mother bear's injuries. It was clear that she had been in a fight, likely to protect her cub.

But even after a careful observation, Ethan didn't find anyone.

Ethan sighed and set to work creating a makeshift grave for the mother bear. He gathered fallen branches and leaves, carefully arranging them to form a shallow mound. As he worked, the cub stayed close, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and sadness. It was as if the young bear understood the gravity of the situation and sought solace in Ethan's presence.

Once the grave was ready, Ethan lifted the mother bear's lifeless body and placed her gently into the makeshift tomb.Then he covered her with earth and leaves, tucking her in as if she were merely sleeping.

The forest seemed to echo with the weight of the moment, the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds lending a solemn air to the proceedings.

In that moment, an unfamiliar rush of emotion washed over Ethan. He found himself drawn to the vulnerable bear cub, and he made a decision that surprised even himself. He would take the bear cub with him, adopting it and ensuring its survival. As he picked up and cradled the young cub in his arms, he felt a newfound sense of responsibility and determination to protect this innocent life.

Ethan looked into the cub's eyes, his eyes full of compassion. "You're not alone," he whispered, his voice soft but resolute. "I'll take care of you."


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