
The Eternal Love [贰叁]

The moment her eyes locked with mine, something inside me awaken. The moment she fell in my arms, I felt it, I felt a shift somewhere deep inside me. The moment our lips apocalypsed, I could feel my control slipping away. One day, the long-withered flowers will blossom again. The rain will pour again, but that time, it'll wash away the pain..and with that, our love will split in two worlds. Maybe our wishes and reality will never incline. Maybe in next life, she'll find the peace of mind. But my soul will recognize hers in any world, any time. And in the end of it all, I'll hold her again in my arms.....

Wu_Zixing · ย้อนยุค
40 Chs

※ Chapter 5 ※

Meihua's POV »☆●

"You're finally awake!" Oyshi moves the curtains of my bed aside. I haven't properly opened my eyes but I can see her blurry figure bowing to me. I push away the pillow I was cradling to my chest and slowly begin to sit up. I groan as the first beam of sunlight hits my face.

"Good morning, m'lady. What kind of food would you like today?" she asks, as I try to process her words. I rub my eyes before finally seeing her face clearly.

I yawn, stretching my hands on either side, "What time is it now?"

"It's about forenoon. Preparation to cook the lunch is being taken," she frowns, "You still haven't told me what kind of food would you like for breakfast!"

"It's forenoon!" I gasp as I jolt up from my bed, running hand through my messy hair in frustration.

"It appears m'lady will eat spicy food today," she whispers to herself. Then walks towards the maids standing on the doorway.

"You two may leave. And you two, place the food on the table," she orders the maids. Two of them nod and walk away and the other two arranges the silver bowls in the table, doling out the food in the bowls.

I overslept in tiredness. Since the announcement of me becoming the heiress, I started to spend more time on my private sword practice with Lady Hera, the royal advisor who's also a master of sword fight She used to be the godmother of one of my stepsisters. That sister was lost when I was an infant. I'm not sure exactly what happened. But it's said that she was killed during an invasion.

If it was any other empire, Lady Hera would've been executed for not being able to protect her. But father knows it's not her fault so she still works with us. She even helps in battle with the men sometimes. Wuluan is vastly different than other Kingdoms.

"May I help you wash up now?" Oyshi asks as she sits in front of me, putting the shoes before my feet. I dismiss her. I've told her many times I can wear shoes and wash my face on my own but she still would do this everytime. I'm so sick of this royal treatment. It makes me feel useless.

"I need to hurry up. Has the sewing circle arrived?" I ask as she fixes my hanfu and begins to do my hair. The sewing circle are some noble ladies of Nanjing. Every weekend, they gather at our parlour to practice embroidery, music and other arts. It's a royal tradition for women to practice arts.

"No, but they'll arrive shortly," she smiles as she finishes doing my hair and begins to do my makeup.

"I don't have much time to get dolled up. Why didn't you wake me up in the morning?" I mumble as she applies color on my lips using beeswax and red plant-based dyes.

"You were very tired. I felt bad waking you up," she pouts as she finishes doing my makeup as fast as possible. Then she serves me food.

"Now are you gonna feed me too?" I roll my eyes.

She frowns, "Do you...want me to? I could-"

I put my palm on my forehead, "Oh God..l was kidding, Oyshi."


After finishing my food, I rush downstairs with my maids, clutching my embroidery frame, as I make my way towards the parlour.

"Walk fast! I'm late," I hiss. Now that two-faced witch will have an even better reason to bully me. Great.

I burst into the parlour to find a group of women embroidering. They fall silent as I enter the room. Aunt Victoria looks up from her embroidery frame and takes in my disheveled appearance from the rushing.

"Princess Meihua, how nice of you to grace us with your presence...at last," she sneers.

She looks back to glare at Oyshi, "Perhaps next time, we shall hire a servant who could wake you up at an appropriate hour?"

"Accept my sincerest apologies. My maids did their job well but I couldn't wake up in tiredness. I hope you all excuse me," I bow addressing the sewing circle.

"That's what happens when a princess fancies herself some sort of warrior," she snorts.

"Well, isn't this a splendid meeting! We were just wondering if you'd be too embarrassed to come to our little gathering," Godmother chuckles.

I look around the room, smiling warmly at the other ladies gathered, "Why yes, it must be embarrassing for me to sit idly on a parlour and do things that don't benefit me! But it's a delight to join you all nonetheless."

Siyaah giggles at my words. I sit next to her and begin delicately weaving my needles through the tapestry. As the noblewomen pitch into a boring gossip, Siyaah leans close to me, whispering, "Congratulations, Mei, the future Queen of Wuluan."

"I can't believe this is truly happening!" I whisper back, trying to hold back a squeal.

"I can. Your father has always been so generous," she says.

"Princess Meihua, Lady Siyaah, I'm sorry our conversation is too droll for you. Although whatever you're preoccupied with seems lively enough," Aunt Victoria says through gritted teeth.

"If you're gonna whisper, I only ask you to speak loud enough for the rest of us to hear. I'm positive I could add something to the conversation! I hate being left out," A noblewoman says gloomily. I roll my eyes.


After an hour or two..

I glance at my side to see Aunt Victoria craning her neck to get a better view of my work, "My my, where on earth did you learn to sew? You do fine work with a needle. But we're embroidering, not stitching clothes back together."

"It's a shame your own skills are lacking," I roll my eyes. Of course, I'm not good at sewing. Because I hate to do it. Godmother has taught me sewing since a very young age and I've been absentminded the whole time.

"I beg your pardon?" Aunt Victoria glares at me.

"While my sewing skills may not be as accomplished as other young ladies yet, I have time to learn at least," I glance at her work, laughing, "Is that supposed to be a flower?"

Godmother pinches me, asking me to shut up, "My apologies. I've failed to improve her sewing skills and apparently, her manners as well. I'll make sure she learns her lesson."

"Good, and while this has been fascinating, I'm afraid I'm expected to the tea party," Aunt Victoria rises from her seat, and other women follow suit.

Godmother dawdles behind, catching me alone, "Is this how I taught you to talk to the elderly? Pay respect to your aunt!"

"I'll respect her when she deserves respect! Why's that she's allowed to humiliate me in front of so many people and it's wrong for me to defend myself?" I complain.

"You never learn, do you?" she turns to the exit door, calling her maids. Oyshi follows behind them.

"Oyshi, go take your lady to have lunch," she turns to the rest of the maids, "In afternoon, lock her up in the boudoirs. She must make a sachet embroidered with mandarin ducks. And only set her free when she's done."

I frown "What! But I don't know how to make any sach-"

Ignoring me, godmother walks away. Oyshi leads me outside.


Yifan's POV »☆●

In the barracks beneath the arena, me and the other soldiers eat our lunch. Today's the day I fight Shawn for the rank of the captain.

"Slow down, Antares. Your match is right after lunch. You shouldn't eat too much," Lady Hera chuckles.

"I'm not worried," I shrug and continue eating.

"Always so self-assured. That cockiness is gonna get you in trouble someday," she laughs, scraping the last bits of her bowl.

"I'm starting to think you're the trouble here. Can't a man eat in peace?" I groan.

"Okay, okay, enjoy your meal," she raises her hand in surrender, "How's Nikita?"

I turn to look at her as I finish my food, "The same as yesterday, alive and annoying."

Before she can say more, one of the captains appear in the doorway, clapping his hands for silence.

"Marshall Mark has arrived. Time for the main event of today. Antares, take your place on the arena," he announces.

Lady Hera reaches for my shoulder, whispering "I know you can do this, Antares. Go, claim the captain badge!"

"I will," I grab my axe and head into the arena.


In the arena, I see Marshall Mark in the shaded booth where the commentary takes place, and a huge crowd gathered to see today's match. This is a source of entertainment for them, specially the nobles. I notice some of them talking in low whispers and exchanging coins.

"Are they betting on my fight?" I ask Tao in whisper.

"Odds are three to one against. You want me to place a bet for you?" Tao laughs.

I shake my head, "You've too little coin to risk it gambling."

"Except it's not risky when I know you're gonna win," he hits my shoulder playfully.

Marshall Mark stands and addresses the arena. His commanding voice silencing all gossip.

"Attention everyone! Announcing today's main event, the reason you're all here gathered today. Welcome Captain Dou, one of the best, magnificent and undisputed leaders for five consecutive years."

The crowd roars as Shawn enters into the ring, being heavily armored. He motions the crowd to cheer even louder.

"And facing him for his rank, putting his fate and source of income on the line, a barbarian of great might and little mercy, Adelan Antares!"

I emerge from the trapdoor in the sand as the crowd erupts into boos. I stand tall and proud, ignoring them.

"None has ever dared to challenge Captain Dou. Is there a good reason why you decided to make a massive fool of yourself, barbarian?" Marshall Mark laughs. Although he's looking at me, the words are directed at the crowd. This is his strategy to hype the crowd.

Shawn snorts, "In case you changed your mind and feel like you don't wanna embarrass yourself, I'll have you know, I'm most merciful. You can run away to hide your face."

As expected the crowd screams in approval, boasting Shawn's ego.

I shake my head, mockingly, "You're facing me without twenty men to protect you. You think you got a shot?"

He roars in fury, "I'll take you on, barbarian, I'LL DESTROY YOU!"

"You're welcome to try," I shrug.

Furious, Shawn charges at me even before Marshall Mark calls the fight. But I'm ready. I smoothly step aside, lightly tapping his armor with my axe.

He feints forward, feeling me out with a light, flickering attack on my left. I duck under the blow, using two quick lunges to cross the distance and slam my axe on his undefended back.

Outside the ring, I hear the clinks of more coins changing hands. Tao grins at me, pointing at the coins and mouthing, "Odds are changing!"

I trade a flurry of blows, his blade cracking against my axe in a rhythm as old as steel. After a long moment, we break apart. I see his chest rise and fall rapidly.

"Tiring so soon?" I smirk.

"You dare mock me, barbarian?" He growls.

"No formation to protect you. What are you without your team behind you?" I growl. Shawn slows, realizing his usual style relies on having other men to guard his back. It's different alone in the arena. He redoubles his efforts, charging at me again. I dodge, but as I spin to attack from behind, he lands a blow on my leg.

"First strike to Captain Dou!" Marshall Mark announces. The crowd jeers.

"Take that, bastard," Shawn grins.

I limp backwards, the gash in my leg gushing blood. But I keep faith, I know how to compensate for being wounded.

He launches another attack, but I can see his grip weakening. I stand my ground, blocking his blow, rather than treating on my injured leg.

"Go! Tell him what we think of barbarians!" The crowd jeers and screams as Marshall

Mark whips up their excitement. It's disgusting how he has to bring up the word barbarian again and again to excite the crowd. I clutch my hand tighter around the axe as my blood boils in disgust.

"I don't fight for your entertainment. Don't you fucking dare try to make this a story for your children," I scream addressing the crowd. The crowd goes strangely silent. And for a moment, it feels like I've shamed them.

In the silence, Shawn carefully charges thinking I'm distracted. I don't bother to dodge. I meet his attack with planted feet, grappling for a moment. Then I stomp hard on the outside of his knee, and release his arms, sending him sprawling. I rush him, overpower him, then slam him up against the hard stone barricade of the arena.

Wrapping one hand around his throat, I crack his head against the barricade. He tries weakly to hit me again, but he's too damaged to even move. Within a moment, he falls unconscious, I realize I took out my frustration on him. I wasn't planning to hurt this much. I was very close to murdering him.

Suddenly, strong hands seize my shoulders from behind, wrenching me away. I watch with burning pride as Shawn is led away to be tended by one of the camp physicians.

Marshall Mark raises from his seat, surveying the arena below. He extends his clenched fist, thumb held to his side. The arena is silent as everyone waits his decision. He gives me a sly smile, then rotates his thumbs up, "The winner and your new captain, Adelan Antares!"

I sigh in relief. As Tao jumps from behind me, "You did it, Captain Antares! This calls for celebration!"

"Later. I need to unwind now," I smile faintly and head towards the lake.


Meihua's POV »☆●

"Is anyone there? Open the door!" I wiggle the door handle, but no avail. I continue to knock the door although I know no one's gonna come even if they hear me. I glance at the embroidery frame. I shouldn't be stuck here with this useless thing.

I look around the room, searching for anything that could help me get out. My eyes fall on the bedsheets.

That's it! I remove the blankets and pillows from the bed, then pull off the sheets. I tie them together until I have a good length of makeshift rope. I push the bedsheets out. They dangle a few feet above the ground, a story below.

Here goes nothing..

I climb out of the window. My knuckles pale as I grip the bedsheets with all my strength. Slowly, I begin to lower myself down.

After reaching the ground, I lean against the side of the house, taking in the cool, damp, evening air.

My bedroom is nearby but I can't enjoy this every night. So I give in to temptation and hitch my skirts up, running onto the grounds. My skirts twirl around my legs and I smell the sweetness of the flowers.

My skin tingles as I feel the presence of something, somewhere close. Though my concern should be running away, I feel an extreme urge to find what it is. I follow my senses and draw near our lake, where I hear a flute murmuring in a soothing melody.

I close my eyes, enjoying the peaceful tune. Either the heaven is located at our lake or there's an angel over there.

I shake my head, pushing the thoughts away. What's wrong with me? There's someone out there. I'll be in huge trouble if I'm caught. I turn around and run towards my room, as fast as possible.

To Be Continued »☆●