
The Eternal Damnation

In a tale of cosmic entanglement and desperate longing, William, a grief-stricken father, goes on to a desperate quest to be reunited with his daughter for eternity, as William finds himself fused with the powerful evil God, Hadeon. Their souls entwined, William becomes an entity driven by an insatiable longing to follow his daughter's soul, Aurora, as it reincarnates across different timelines and dimensions. William embarks on an epic journey through the fabric of reality following Aurora each time her soul takes on a new form with her memories wiped clean, oblivious to her father's eternal presence. His connection to her remains unbroken, a cosmic bond that transcends time and space despite the chaos and destruction left in their wake by Hadeon's disruptive presence. Driven by his desperation, William tirelessly seeks a way to break the cycle of reincarnation, to ensure that he and Aurora can be together in eternal bliss. He delves into forbidden knowledge, consulting ancient texts and seeking the guidance of mystical beings, all in the hope of finding a solution to their eternal separation. Throughout their journey across the multiverse, William, who is possessed by Hadeon, encounters countless challenges and adversaries. Facing formidable cosmic entities, time-bending anomalies, and treacherous dimensions that test his resolve. But William's determination remains unyielding, fueled by his unwavering love for Aurora But Hadeon, reveling in the chaos and destruction he sows, becomes a formidable adversary to William's quest. The cosmic entity relishes in disrupting William's plans, throwing obstacles in his path, and attempting to sever his connection to his daughter. Hadeon is driven by a lust for chaos, seeking to tear apart the very fabric of reality itself. Time is running out, and the fate of his destiny hangs in the balance. Can William overcome the overwhelming odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the darkness within, forever condemning his longing love for his daughter to an eternity of despair?

Orange_Butter · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Tears of the mourning soul

The morning sky was shrouded in a thick veil of grey, and rain poured down heavily, as if the heavens themselves wept in sympathy for William's profound grief. The droplets descended in a relentless cascade, their rhythmic pattern echoing the sorrow that enveloped the scene.

In the solitude of the cemetery, William stood with his head bowed, "Oh, Aurora." he whispered, with a voice constricted by profound anguish and a yearning that rendered his heart burdened, his words faltered, unable to encapsulate the depth of his emotional turmoil. As tears streamed down his face, their descent merging seamlessly with the raindrops cascading from the somber heavens above, a poignant tableau unfolded—an intricate tapestry woven from his sorrows. The world around him seemed muted, as if nature itself held its breath, paying silent homage to the profound loss that had befallen this grieving man.

Before him stood a group of solemn men, their somber expressions mirroring William's anguish. They carefully carried a casket adorned with intricate designs of white and gold—a vessel that cradled his beloved daughter, Aurora, in her eternal slumber. The richness of the casket's ornamentation spoke of the love and care poured into the creation, a somber reflection of the beauty that had been extinguished from William's life.

As the men proceeded with measured steps, their feet sinking into the soft earth, William's eyes were drawn to the delicate details that graced the casket's surface. Each stroke of artistry spoke of the cherished memories he held dear—moments frozen in time, forever etched upon his heart. The white symbolized the innocence and purity of Aurora's soul, while the gold shimmered, an homage to the light she had brought into his life.

The raindrops, like crystalline tears, caressed the casket's surface, as if nature itself sought solace in their shared sorrow. The delicate patter of rain on the casket's intricate design created a haunting symphony, a melody that whispered of loss, but also of the bittersweet beauty of a life cherished and remembered.

William's heart ached as he watched the casket draw nearer to its final resting place, the grave that would become Aurora's earthly abode. The weight of the moment pressed upon him, his silent cries mingling with the downpour. It was a moment of profound finality, a painful farewell to a cherished presence that would forever be missed.

As the men gently lowered the casket into the waiting earth, a hushed stillness settled over the cemetery. The rain continued to fall, intensifying the poignant atmosphere. Each droplet seemed to carry a fragment of William's sorrow, as if the very essence of his tears merged with the rain, watering the ground that now cradled his daughter.

Time stood still as William gazed at the final resting place of his precious Aurora. He felt an indescribable emptiness, a void that could never be filled. Yet, amidst the downpour and his silent sorrow, a glimmer of hope flickered within him. It was a hope that whispered of eternal love, of a connection that transcended the boundaries of life and death.

Silently, In the midst of his grief-stricken vigil, William's gaze shifted to his side. There, standing with a quiet strength, were Aurora's biological parents stood, their face carved with grief as they clung each other for support. They had watched Aurora grow from a fragile bud into a radiant bloom, and now, they were forced to witness the devastation of her untimely departure—William beheld their figures that quietly wail, but it was an evocative reminder of the eternal cycle of life and the intricate tapestry of existence. Through countless reincarnation, their souls had intertwined once more, their paths converging in this bittersweet moment of shared loss.

The symphony of rain and tears crescendoed as the men gently lowered the casket into the waiting earth, hushed stillness settled over the cemetary. William's breath hitch in his gullet, his silent lamentations blending with the incessant downpour. It was the moment of deep conclusiveness and acceptance, as they relinquish his daughter to the embrace of the earth, knowing that her spirit would forever dwell in his heart.

The rhythmic dull thud of dirt hitting the wood reverberated through the air, mingling with the patter of raindrops, as their shovels bites into the wet earth, the men, clad in dark attire, the one's who carried her casket etched with solemnity, as they carried out their duty with reverence befitting the occasion. The weight of the moment settled upon them all.

The servants beside William, had formed a somber line, their heads bowed and shoulder hunched expressing with sorrow. Their usual vitality had dissipated, replaced by a hushed stillness that mirrored the weight in their hearts, "Oh, young Lady Helena, why must you leave us in your tender youth!', "My Lady, My must your life be extinguished in it's nascent stage?" They Lamented Aurora's profound appellation in this present timeline she was reborn, Oblivious of her original identity.

Rain water collected on their garments, merging with the rivulet of tears that traced their cheeks. The servants silent weepings spoke volumes, a testament to the depth of their devotion and the pain of their loss.

The rain intensified, dancing upon the sea of umbrellas and bowed heads of mourners, mingling with their tears to form a poignant tapestry of sorrow. It blurred their vision, obscuriing the world around them and amplifying the isolation that grief often brings. yet , in that isolation, there was a shared understanding—a collective experience of heartaches that bound them together.

As the final shovel of earth was gently place, the men stepped back, their task complete. The casket, now hidden from view, lay forever entwined with the earth's embrace. William, his tall frame cloaked in a dark overcoat, exuded an air of quiet intensity. His eyes, etched with both sorrow and purpose, surveyed the scene with unwavering resolve. He raised his forearm, his hand poised mid-air, as if reaching into the ethereal realm that lay beyond mortal comprehension.

As the rain fell, each droplet seemed to carry the weight of the collective anguish that permeated the air. The rhythmic patter against umbrellas and tombstones echoed a mournful requiem, a lament for the departed.

In a single, decisive motion, William snapped his finger, and time acquiesced to his command. The world froze in a breathless suspension, caught between the beats of a grieving heart. Raindrops, suspended mid-descent, transformed into ethereal jewels that shimmered in the muted light. The mourners, their faces etched with sorrow, stood motionless, captured in an eternal tableau of lamentation.

A profound stillness enveloped the cemetery, as if the very fabric of existence held its breath in reverence. The world, now hushed and muted, bore witness to the extraordinary power that had been unleashed. The vibrant hues of flowers and umbrellas, frozen in time, stood in stark contrast to the solemnity of the occasion.

Within this temporal stasis, William moved with measured steps, his presence commanding in the frozen tableau. Each footfall disrupted the silent tranquility, sending ripples through the suspended air. He studied the mourners, their faces eternally etched with grief, their tears suspended like glistening pearls on cheeks frozen in sorrow.

The cemetery, veiled in the ethereal glow of rain-soaked mist, seemed to exist in a realm beyond the reach of mortal time. Within this ephemeral pause, a seering pang of pain surged through William's mind, slicing through his thoughts like a jagged blade. He winced, his hands instinctively reaching up to grasp his temples, trying to quell the torment that radiated from within.

In that moment, William knew, without a shadow of doubt, that it was Hadeon, The malefic Deity that resided within him. The malevolent God, ever eager to assert its presence firmly commandeering the realm of his thoughts, sought to exert its influence over William. The pain intensified, throbbing relentlessly, as if Hadeon's very essence was seeping into his consciousness, poisoning his very perception.

William gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched tight, "Hadeon!" he hissed, his voice dripping with desperation and fury,but suddenly, his pain, slowly but surely, began to reced as his grip weakens. William huffed, "Are you satisfied with the devastation you have wrought? With your insidious machinations to thwart my plan? To irrevocably sever the tie that binds me to my daughter and subject her to interminable cycles of suffering? All to ensure you that our reunion remains forever elusive? Do you not comprehend the depths of my longing, the torment that gnaws at my very soul?" his words tearing through the stillness in a tempestuous cascade.

As his words hung suspended in the rain-soaked air, a chilling silence settled upon the cemetery. The raindrops, frozen in their crystalline beauty, seemed to hold their breath, awaiting Hadeon's response. Within the recesses of William's being, a presence stirred, its malevolence radiating with a sinister aura.

Hadeon's voice, cold and calculating, slithered forth from the depth of William's soul, intertwining with the rain's mournful melody. "Satisfied?" Hadeon sneered, his words dripping with malice. "Satisfaction is a paltry concept compared to the power and control I seek. Do you think that I would allow you such a selfish indulgence? Love is a pitiful thing, clouding your judgment and rendering you blind to the consequences of your actions. You, William, is nothing but a foolish man."

William's fists clenched, his heart a tempest of conflicting emotions. He had sought Hadeon's power, had willingly embraced the darkness within himself, all in the name of love. And now, in this moment of reckoning, he found himself betrayed.

Raindrops drummed against his face, mingling with tears of frustration. The world remained suspended in time, a canvas frozen in anguish. William's voice, as he spoke once more, carried the weight of a thousand shattered dreams.

"I have sacrificed everything, Hadeon. My soul, my sanity, all for the chance to be with Aurora. And yet, you mock me. You dare to mock the depths of my devotion. But mark my words, Hadeon, this is not the end."

A haunting and ominous snicker wrested its way from the depts of Hadeon's lips, the sound laden with an air of sinister trepidation, slithered in echo inside Willim's head with haunting elegance, "Prattle on, William, but bear in mind that the inexorable principles governing the ebb and flow of existence will remain unyielding."

A subtle shift coursed through William's being as he perceived Hadeon's gradual retreat into the intricate recesses of his nested body, feeling the malevolent presence reced and vanish within the depths of his own corporeal vessel.

The atmospheric shackles were loosened, the raindrops heeded their call, descended once more in a graceful dance orchestrated by the heavens, in a poignant convergence of sorrow, The mourners, as if awakened from a frozen slumber, resumed their dirge, their voices intertwining with the delicate intonation of the rainfall. Each voice carried a unique timbre, yet together they harmonized, their collective grief forming a sublime chorus echoing through the cemetery grounds.

In the ceaseless deluge, William stood solitary amidst the relentless downpour, a solitary figure etched against the gray canvas of the cemetery. Hours had slipped away unnoticed as mourners, their condolences shared, departed one by one, leaving him alone in the embrace of his grief. Before him, the tombstone of his beloved daughter, Aurora, stood as a solemn testament to the irrevocable loss that had befallen his life.

Time seemed to lose its grasp as the heavens wept, hours slipping away unnoticed, absorbed within the tempest of his sorrow as he wept in sympathy for his inconsolable heart. Oblivious to the passage of time, William remained rooted, His gaze fixed upon the engraved epitaph that bore his daughter's other name, held within it a longing for the irretrievable moments and the tender laughter that had once filled their lives.

From within the aqueous shroud, a figure materialised, a vivid juxtaposition against the sombre hues that cloaked the cemetery. Casting a commanding presence, he loomed over William, a force of nature that defied the tempestuous onslaught. With an aura of enigmatic allure, his fiery red locks, chiseled physique, and penetrating emerald eyes captivated the senses. Stepping forward with unwavering obstinacy, with a lithely gesture, the enigmatic stranger wrapped his coat around William's form, he proffered a black umbrella, as it unfurled above them, a protective sanctuary against the ceaseless deluge, a symbol of solace amidst nature's fury.

Under the shelter of the canopy, William's eyes, with their somber hue of reminiscent of golden honey gracefully veered towards the inscrutable figure, their gazes intertwining amidst the depths of mesmerising emerald eyes. Within those irises, a profound wellspring of age-old sagacity and concealed mysteries appeared to reside. A benevolent curve adorned the stranger's lips, infusing their countenance with a radiant glow that effortlessly dissipated the frosty tendrils of melancholy that had ensnared William's heart.

"There is no need to despair, for Aurora has reincarnated once more," the man's resounding voice, endowed with a profound richness reverberated through the dampened atmosphere with pitter-patter of raindrops that cascaded from the heavens. "She now thrives as a princess in a realm of prosperity and splendour."

The gravity of those words, akin to a gust of wind that whisked away the looming shadows, surged fervently through the core of William's being. As the umbrella enveloped them both, sheltering him from the cascading raindrops, metamorphosed into an emblem of hope, a tangible connection to the extraordinary destiny that lay in wait for his beloved daughter.

As the ethereal veil of a hazy morning rain painted the sky in hues of somber gray, Like an ephemeral stroke of artistry, a mesmerising beauty unfurled behind William and the enigmatic figure known as Damon. From the depths of the shadows, a portal bathed in a resplendent hue of regal purple, its edges defined by the interplay of shadows, its dark swirling mists casting an otherworldly glow that danced upon their surroundings.

Damon, his countenance a portrait of enigmatic serenity and an aura of timeless wisdom, turned his gaze towards William with a voice that resonated deep within the recesses of their shared existence. In the midst of the encroaching dusk, a tone that carried the weight of countless ages and a tenderness that embraced the very essence of their bond, he spoke.

"The hour has come for our Departure, Sire." Damon murmured, his words imbued with profound tenderness that transcended mortal understanding. The symphony of raindrops seemed to harmonize with his voice, creating an ethereal melody that reverberated through the misty morning air. The portal, a gateway to Hadeon's realm, pulsed with an ineffable allure, inviting him to venture forth into a world where dreams and realities intertwined.

With a solemn inclination of his head, William acknowledge the profound significance of the moment, a voice suffused with heartfelt appreciation emerged, carrying the weight of genuine gratitude, William spoke, "I'am forever indebted to you, Damon, for tirelessly seeking out my daughter's soul as it reincarnates once again."

With a deliberate pivot, William cast his gaze backward, his eyes meeting Damon's steadfast presence as they pressed forward, sheltered beneath the canopy of an umbrella. The rain, a persistent companion, danced and pattered against the fabric, its rhythm creating a symphony of droplets. As they traversed the threshold, the portal shimmered with a transient luminescence, their beings swallowed by its embrace.

The world around them blurred, the raindrops transforming into a cascade of prismatic hues, as the portal drew them into its enigmatic depths. Their presence became interwoven with the pulsating energy of the portal, as if they were but fleeting spirits traversing the realms.

With a finality that resonated through the air, the portal closed behind them, vanishing into thin air. The cemetery, once teeming with the whispers of life, now stood still and silent, as if the veil between the worlds had been seamlessly restored. Not a trace remained of their presence, save for the lingering memory of their purposeful steps and the intangible magic that had infused the rain-soaked surroundings.

In that sacred space where the portal once stood, a profound stillness settled, as if the realm itself held its breath in reverence. The cemetery, now a sanctuary of tranquil repose, an empty tableau, seemed to acknowledge the momentous departure that had transpired, guarding the secret of their passage within its hallowed grounds.

With the portal's closure, the vibrant hues of the cemetery returned to muted grays, and life resumed its ordinary course.

Hey there! what do you think of the first chapter? let me know so I can be notified!

Orange_Buttercreators' thoughts