
Mo Shao scolded me!

Most of the original fans knew the plot like the back of their hand, as long as Black Cat Studio didn't mess up, it was basically steady as an old dog, probably with the first six episodes introducing the harem and brushing up the favorability, and the last six episodes starting the academy competition. But for the anime fans, the later plot was still mysterious.

So, after the anime started airing, all the related forums and posts in the anime field were basically discussing Magic Sword Academy.

One moment it was something like "I'm freaking blown away by Magic Sword Academy!"

The next moment it was "Sofia is my wife!"

Or else it was "You call yourself an otaku without watching Magic Sword Academy?"

At a glance, these posts were everywhere.

Even if any previous dominant anime, it felt like they couldn't compete.


The most eye-catching thing in these topics was naturally the voice actor of the female lead Sofia.

Who would have thought that a mere newbie voice actor could be so toxic?

That's right, before this, there were few voice actors in the industry who had distinctive voices, and there were few who could be recognized by one listen.

But this newbie voice actor Mo Shao was different, first of all her voice was very special, that kind of tsundere loli voice was simply too prominent, the recognition was outrageous. What's more terrifying was that even though she was a newbie, she had acting skills that were not inferior to top voice actors! This was very scary! And the audience on the other side, just happened to experience this kind of being scolded feeling for the first time… Yes! This was very important!

Remember the feeling when you first started masturbating, and how you instantly became addicted? Well, it's kind of like that level of addiction.

Then, on the third day, under Su Yumi's urging, Li Xiaoci reluctantly created a new Weibo account called "Voice Actor Mo Shao." She was too lazy to create another account, and it was a hassle to log in to two different accounts. She thought it would be better to spend that time interacting with her fans or doing something else.


Since Su Yumi let her touch her big breasts, thighs, and butt, and they were so soft and smooth...

She agreed to create the account, but she noticed that even though Su Yumi was more well-endowed in the chest department, when it came to legs, Chen Yulan's black stockings made her legs more elastic.

After discovering this shocking fact, she sent a message to Chen Yulan on QQ:

"Chen Yulan, Chen Yulan, Chen Yulan!"

"What's up?"

"I found out that your chest isn't as big as Su Yumi's!"

"What???" Chen Yulan was confused. "Do you want to die?"

She was caught off guard. Why did this brat always pick fights? Did she forget that they hadn't seen each other for three days and should be catching up instead of fighting?

"Well, if you're brave enough, come and fight me!" Li Xiaoci challenged.

Of course, she wouldn't back down. She was a man, after all! If she backed down, she would be a coward, and she didn't want to be one. If she did back down, she would bend over and let Chen Yulan hit her.

"...I'll give you ten seconds. Otherwise, I'll come to your house and beat you up. Ten, nine..." Chen Yulan threatened.

"Hmph! Chen Yulan, you're nothing! Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Li Xiaoci replied.

That's right, a man can't say no! No backing down, just charge ahead!

"Eight!" "Seven!" "Six!"

"..." Li Xiaoci hesitated as she watched the countdown on the screen. Then she typed "...Sorry, Chen big sister~"

"Five!" "Four!" "Three!"

Li Xiaoci: "!!"

Why did this person suddenly become so difficult to deal with?!

And then...


"Young, beautiful, talented, intelligent, and forever 16 Chen Yulan, I was wrong! I'm sorry!!!" Li Xiaoci typed.



"Alright, that's enough of this daily life... cough cough!

After Mo Shao, the author of Magic Sword Academy, announced it on her Weibo account...

Yes, overnight, her followers skyrocketed to over 500,000!

The next day, Li Xiaoci woke up to find that her own new Weibo account had exploded in popularity, despite the fact that she had been toiling away writing light novels, while Mo Shao's Weibo account had only 250,000 followers.

And what about Mo Shao's voice actress Weibo account?

She just acted a few cute scenes and delivered a few lines, and her followers doubled her main account in just one night?

I mean, seriously?!

What does this prove?

It proves that there are more weirdos who watch anime than read light novels!

What? You say that she actually believes that her fans are all weirdos?

Well...just take a look at the comments on her voice actress account's Weibo.

"Wow, Mo Shao's first Weibo post! Front row invasion by Mo Shao fans!"

"I just found out today that I'm a potential criminal... hehehe."

"Mo Shao scolded me!"

"I just got out of a 3-year sentence and when I saw this loli, I sighed, put out my cigarette, and called the warden to make sure tomorrow's breakfast was pepper-free. It's only three years, I can handle it. And also, don't change my cell, I've had an emotional attachment to it for nine years."

"My roommate just wants to see Mo Shao's lineup before he dies. Please, Mo Shao, can you share a photo?"

"Alright, that's enough of this daily life... cough cough!

After Mo Shao, the author of Magic Sword Academy, announced it on her Weibo account...

Yes, overnight, her followers skyrocketed to over 500,000!

The next day, Li Xiaoci woke up to find that her own new Weibo account had exploded in popularity, despite the fact that she had been toiling away writing light novels, while Mo Shao's Weibo account had only 250,000 followers.

And what about Mo Shao's voice actress Weibo account?

She just acted a few cute scenes and delivered a few lines, and her followers doubled her main account in just one night?

I mean, seriously?!

What does this prove?

It proves that there are more weirdos who watch anime than read light novels!

What? You say that she actually believes that her fans are all weirdos?

Well...just take a look at the comments on her voice actress account's Weibo.

"Wow, Mo Shao's first Weibo post! Front row invasion by Mo Shao fans!"

"I just found out today that I'm a potential criminal... hehehe."

"Mo Shao scolded me!"

"I just got out of a 3-year sentence and when I saw this loli, I sighed, put out my cigarette, and called the warden to make sure tomorrow's breakfast was pepper-free. It's only three years, I can handle it. And also, don't change my cell, I've had an emotional attachment to it for nine years."

"My roommate just wants to see Mo Shao's lineup before he dies. Please, Mo Shao, can you share a photo?"

"As a lolicon, I used to think I was really weird, liking those tender loli voices and even wanting to be insulted and trampled by them. As a result, I developed an inferiority complex and didn't want to go out, becoming a fat otaku. But today, I finally found my group, and realized that there are so many people like me out there, that I'm not special, and that we're all the same!!!"


What kind of people are these?

Although she used to be an otaku too, Li Xiaoci can swear that she never had such thoughts back then, at most...just in her mind, she never expressed them out loud.

But, she can also understand these fans who are so excited and out of control...

It's mainly because she's just too good!

That's right! It's all because she's just too good!

Thinking of this...the little tuft of hair on top of her head also started to wag happily.


In March, as the popularity of "Magic Sword Academy" continued to rise, the voice actor Mo Shao's popularity on the internet showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, it was increasing day by day, unlike other voice actors whose popularity would peak and then gradually decline.

That's right! Mo Shao's popularity was increasing to the point where it seemed limitless!

Even in mid-March, a video unexpectedly went viral on the internet all because of Mo Shao.

The video was an animated short film produced by the anime club at Qiuyu University. Originally, it was made to help a few students in the club pass their final exams, and after the exams were over, they uploaded it online.

Back in January, when they first uploaded it, it didn't attract much attention and was quickly forgotten. But these past few days, a student from the club stumbled upon the video on the front page of a video-sharing website and was shocked to discover...

What the hell? How did a video we made over two months ago suddenly become popular?

It wasn't until the student looked at the comments that they understood what had happened.

At the time, one of the members of the anime club and a part-time voice actor, Fujiu Mao, had enlisted a few friends to help with the voice acting for the video, including Mo Shao. At that time, Mo Shao wasn't popular yet, and no one in the club paid much attention to him, except to remark, "This girl must be very cute in person," while listening to the audio.

But who knew, after more than two months had passed, Mo Shao's popularity skyrocketed because of his voice acting for the male lead and popular female character Sofia in "Magic Sword Academy." And now, their little video had been discovered!

It even made it to the front page of the video-sharing website!

The students who had participated in making the video were all shocked.

Was it really that supernatural?


"Oh my god, not only Mo Shao, but all the male leads in the harem of 'Magic Sword Academy' are so dreamy! Is this really just a final project from a university club? And the voice actors are just too amazing!"

"I can hear my wife Sophia's voice! Was she always this cute?"

"I just realized this video is amazing! Not only the voice acting, but I had no idea the animation program at Autumn Rain University was this talented."

After the end of the war era, there was an explosion of technology, and with the introduction of new technology and equipment at Autumn Rain University's animation program, it was now vastly different from the past. Especially in the 3D aspect, thanks to technological innovation, even a regular animation student could achieve film-level 3D animation (like 'Expelled from Paradise'). There are even actors who specialize in motion capture, ensuring that the animation characters' movements are no different from real people. Therefore, the video quality is very high.


This work was just a final project from a student group in the animation program's anime club.

Other student groups also have their own final animation projects, but they are more otaku and did not join the anime club. Therefore, upon discovering this, students from other groups saw their own sad play counts of two or three thousand, compared to the millions of views on the other side, and their mood became unbalanced.

"Oh my god, we don't have famous voice actors?"

"Our animation quality is also high!"

"Why are they getting all the attention and not us?"

Shouldn't we focus on the animation quality of the work? Are you guys putting too much emphasis on the voice actors?

This is unfair!

On the other hand...

The members of the anime club were very comfortable!

On one hand, they were glad they had joined the anime club with so many fellow anime lovers to help, and on the other hand, they were surprised that Fu Jiu Mao actually knew Mo Shao! And he was willing to help for free! Amazing!


Every day they were happy to read more and more comments.

But when they saw many people asking for more episodes and politely expressing their hope that Mo Shao would continue to do the voice acting, they were embarrassed.

When they first asked Mo Shao for help, they didn't cherish the opportunity to get to know him, deepen their relationship, or record more audio...they didn't even know what Mo Shao looked like or if he was handsome or not!

Now they can't even ask him anymore! Let alone ask him to come to the studio.

This...is so regrettable!