
Just Let Her Use Her Pen Name!

That's it, the first two chapters were deleted and merged into this one. I was thinking that, based on the development of this book, there will definitely be a lot of interaction with male characters in the future, and most voice actor managers seem to be male... well, later I thought it would be better to not overthink it, so I changed the manager to a woman. It should make many people feel more comfortable and it also makes it easier for me to write interactions with the manager. Anyway, I deleted over two thousand words of content and added new ones, and there are also some changes in the details, so you can feel it for yourself... of course, the originally written next chapter of two thousand words will also be torn up because the manager was changed... it should still exist, but it will only be one chapter.

At night.

In a certain restaurant outside of Black Cat Society.

As usual, all the STAFF members participating in the animation production had a meal together here, including the sound director, sound engineer, producer, animation director, other members of the animation team, the Black Cat Society boss, and of course the voice actors and their managers, as well as Chen Yulan and Li Xiaoci, who represented the copyright holders.

The main purpose of this meal was to let all the STAFF members get to know each other, so that they wouldn't be strangers when they met in the future.

For example, Li Xiaoci. At first, many members of the animation team thought that she was someone's little sister who had been brought along. They wondered which big brother had such a cute little sister and they must exchange feelings to enhance friendship and become lifelong good brothers...

But when they asked, they found out that, holy sh*t! This elementary school student not only voiced Sophia and the male lead, but was also the author of Magic Sword Academy!

Are all elementary school students so awesome nowadays?

As an adult, I suddenly felt like I had been left behind by the times.

Because the restaurant itself was not large, the seats were also assigned based on status. For example, the Black Cat Society boss, producer, animation director, sound director, Chen Yulan, and Li Xiaoci were seated at one table, and the members of the animation team were seated at several other tables. As for the voice actors, the three cute new girls were not familiar with anyone and were trembling with fear, so they chose to huddle together with their managers at one table, hiding in the corner.


Soon enough!

Li Xiaoci went to sit at the table with the voice actors.

That's right, she wanted to sit with the cute girls!

She didn't want to sit with a bunch of fat otaku uncles, they could deal with Chen Yulan.


Upon seeing Li Xiaoci approach their table, the three voice actresses and their female manager became slightly nervous.

"Mr. Mo Shao, is it okay for you to sit here?" asked the voice actress who voiced Hoshino Junna, stage name "Yuzu." She just started working as a voice actress this year and is a freshman in college. Technically, she is the same age as Li Xiaoci, but she looks like a big sister due to her height.

In theory, they should treat Mo Shao with great respect and caution, as he is a renowned author. However, Yuzu can't help but see him as a little girl...except with a C-cup chest.

So Yuzu doesn't know how to face Mo Shao.


Mo Shao is also a voice actor, just like them.

So, is he a prestigious author, a cute little sister, or a strong voice actor colleague?

"It's okay," Li Xiaoci said indifferently.

Then, the voice actresses at the table introduced themselves one by one.

The voice actress who voiced Alice is called "Dimple," and the voice actress who voiced Lin Yunuo is called "Drunk Cat." Their manager is Su Yumi, a very pretty girl who looks like Li Xiaoci's girlfriend in his past life, Shinomiya Yukari, when she smiles.

"Um...Mr. Mo Shao, can you give me an autograph?" Su Yumi asked shyly.

Yes, as a voice actress manager, Su Yumi is also a fan of "Toradora!", but as for "Magic Sword Academy"...let's just say that it's not really written for girls.

"No problem!" Li Xiaoci replied calmly, even though it was his first time giving an autograph.

Yes, signing autographs for fans is normal for a "renowned genius writer," isn't it? There's no need to make a big deal out of it!

You're saying my hand holding the pen is shaking?


Say that again, and I'll break your balls.


On the other side, the three newbies gradually relaxed after getting used to Li Xiaoci's adorable little face. They were no longer restrained just because she was the original author.

After all, a cute and legal loli is always someone you want to get close to!

Even though Chen Yulan felt that this person was more deserving of a beating than cute.

"Hello everyone." Li Xiaoci nodded, revealing her two sparkling little fangs.

"Uh... hello, Mo Shao teacher," the three newbies quickly nodded.

Seeing how obedient and well-behaved they were, Li Xiaoci immediately switched to the voice she used to dub "Su Fan," with a look of expectation on her face. "Come on, call me husband!"

This was the legendary irresistible gaze.

In an instant, the three newbies were moved, but then they suddenly realized what Mo Shao had said, and their expressions froze.

Husband? What the heck was that?

Had they ever heard of female voice actors and female original authors making this kind of deal?!

But before the three newbies could say anything, Chen Yulan appeared next to Li Xiaoci and slapped her on the forehead with a karate chop.

"Ow, that hurts!!!"

"You come and cause trouble every time I'm not looking! Can't you stop messing around?!" Chen Yulan had noticed that this girl would cause trouble everywhere if she was out of sight, just like a typical hyperactive kid.

Moreover, did this voice actress even know you, let alone consider you a friend, that you would let her call you husband?

It's a good thing you're all girls, because if guys talked like this, they would probably have their buttholes kicked in.


Later, at the dinner table, everyone chatted about random things. Suddenly, Su Yumi asked, "By the way... Mo Shao, your voice acting is so amazing. Do you do any part-time work as a voice actor?"

During the day, while Mo Shao was in the recording studio, a group of agents peeked through the door and witnessed his shocking performance. Holy crap, his voice is freaking amazing! It's so good it's ridiculous!

In Su Yumi's opinion, Mo Shao's talent is unmatched by any other voice actor in the industry, including those big-name voice actors.

It's a waste of talent not to do voice acting!

"No, I'm currently just a 'well-known genius writer'," Li Xiaoci seriously thought about it and replied.

"Can we be humble? Remove the four words 'well-known genius'," Chen Yulan couldn't stand it anymore.

This guy is embarrassing himself, and he's making me embarrassed as his editor. Why the hell did I sign him back then?

"I don't!" Li Xiaoci quickly rejected the suggestion.

"... " Yuzu, Jiuwo, and Fuzhuomao were all speechless.

Well, Mo Shao's way of interacting with his editor is quite different from others.


Su Yumi suddenly asked, "Mo Shao, do you have any interest in doing voice acting? I mean, like Yuzu and her friends, doing voice acting as a hobby while attending university. After all, there aren't many voice acting jobs in the industry, and there are even fewer voice actors who can get them. It's a very relaxed job, so it won't affect your daily creative work."

As a voice actor agent, missing out on a future voice actor as talented as Mo Shao is simply unforgivable!

After hearing this question, everyone else also showed surprised expressions.

"Voice acting?" Li Xiaoci asked.

"That's right! Mo Shao, you have this talent, it would be such a waste not to be a voice actor!"

"Oh~~ It sounds pretty fun," Li Xiaoci replied.

Hearing this, Su Yumi asked, "So, does that mean you're going to do it, Teacher?"

Li Xiaoci nodded repeatedly. Becoming a well-known voice actor would also be helpful for her system's reputation points. In the early stages of entering any new field, reputation points always increase the fastest. Once the market becomes saturated, the increase in reputation points will slow down. So, if she could enter the voice acting field and make some noise, she could get just as many reputation points as she would from writing light novels, right?

Just think of all the "Kugimiya Disease" patients, as well as Rie Kugimiya herself, and the voice actor fans who constantly say "Sakura is the best" or "Touyama is the best."

With such strong support, maybe she could get even more reputation points?

Besides, the intermediate voice actor skill card was so much fun. She couldn't just let it go to waste. As for Chen Yulan, the editor from the publishing house, she didn't really have any objections. She wasn't Li Xiaoci's guardian, so why bother worrying about it?

Moreover, since the end of the Third World War, although the animation industry has been rapidly developing, becoming a voice actor is still not a very popular or busy profession. Instead of letting her waste her time writing and being a lazy bum, it would be better for her to do something productive, like doing some voice acting work.

"So... Mo Shao is our junior now?" The three newbies were completely confused and trembling with fear.

They were all assigned to Su Yumi's team, and they were quite familiar with each other. As for Mo Shao, she was the author of the popular light novel, Magic Sword Academy, and was considered to be a high-profile author in the industry. How did she suddenly become their junior voice actor?!

When it comes time to dub, should they treat Mo Shao as a cute little junior or as a revered author?

Wow~ For the first time, they felt so much pressure from their junior colleague!

A few days later, on the page introducing voice actors in the "Red River Agency" company's main business classification, a new voice actor appeared without a clear photo, and her stage name was "Mo Shao".

Originally, Li Xiaoci was also planning to choose a new name to distinguish herself from her pen name.

However, when she suggested using "Queen of Ten Thousand Females" as her stage name, everyone, including Chen Yulan, opposed it.

Then, she suggested "Bloodthirsty Sanitary Pad" as her stage name, which was also met with resistance.

Soon, various stage names such as "Twilight's Solitude", "I'm Arrogant and You Can't Do Anything About It", "18cm Dark Flame Dragon", "Eat My Big Bird" ... were all rejected.

In the end!

There was no choice!

Everyone thought the names she came up with were just ridiculous... it was embarrassing for the agency to even acknowledge them.

Is she here just to cause trouble?!

So, it was decided to just let her use her pen name.

Anyway, Li Xiaoci admitted on Weibo that Mo Shao is a man, so even if another Mo Shao appears in the voice acting industry, it would just be a coincidence and at most, people would just suspect her of trying to ride the coattails of the popular name. Besides, as long as the voice actor's acting skills are good and they become popular, these things won't matter. The key factor is the voice actor's acting ability.