
The Epic of Leviathan

I am currently working on the REBOOT of this Fanfic... Previously named as- A Mutant's Ascension The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. The MC is neutral evil, so don't complain about that at a later date saying that MC is evil or something like that. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. I am also writing this to pass my time nothing serious, but I will try my best to complete this fic. This is going to be a World Travel Fic. 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Harry Potter World 3rd World: Marvel Cinematic & X-Men Cinematic Universe X-Over (Comics Elements Involved) 4th World: Highschool DXD (Final World) -------------------------------------------------------------- MC doesn't meet a God after his death so he didn't have an idea about what he had to do in the future or even if he will have a power or not. But all of this changes on MC's 4th birthday, when he awakens his quirk and receives a message from God. Only one mission is given to him and no other directions or commands. Join the MC in his path to see (or read) how he completes the mission and which path he takes. -------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
398 Chs

GOF (XXVIII) & The Final Fight (I)... {EDITED}

[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

I have to say, this was one of my best fights after I arrived in this world, not that there were a lot of fights here. Only fucking politics! I looked at the beaten and bloody Sphinx laying in a crater and honestly felt bad for it… I might have gone slightly overboard than I needed.

"Stay there and don't move… it was an awesome fight! Maybe we can have another fight someday" with that, I decided to leave the Sphinx but I didn't notice the horrified look on the Sphinx's face when I said that we were going to fight someday later.

I decided to continue my search for the cup… after all, I can't allow Harry to grab the cup on his own. An Acromantula attacked me but it met a swift end with a swift punch… with that, I continued my swift stroll through the maze.

Some more Acromantulas also decided to try their luck but all of them met their predecessors' fate. Haha! I finally found the shiny cup… I decided to wait for Harry to grab the cup. I pulled out Reo's invisibility cloak from my robes and put it on and stood right beside the cup.

I had to wait more than 5 minutes before Harry finally arrived with his wand drawn. He had a horrified look on his face… Oops! He must have seen the destruction I have left behind… at least, he is smart enough to have his wand in his hand.

Harry walked up to the cup and looked around once again… is he looking for me or is he worried that someone will attack him? Harry gulped and finally grabbed the cup… I followed his movement and grabbed the cup along with him at the same time. I felt a tug around my navel and found myself sprawled in a dark graveyard…

I found Harry looking around with a horrified look on his face… thankfully I was still covered inside the invisibility cloak after such a disgusting Portkey journey. This was the worst Portkey I have ever used! While Harry was looking around with fear on his face… I decided to get away from the place.

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

Momo, Nemuri, Dora, Sirius, Amelia, and I gathered in the graveyard and we decided to take different positions. I gave them only one instruction… that they shouldn't give in to their impulse and attack before I give the signal. I asked Momo to make some gas masks… she happily made them and I handed them to everyone. Dora and I took two masks… Dora took one for herself and another for Harry, I took one for myself and another one for Rumi.

Dora put on an invisibility cloak and hid near the grave of Thomas Riddle Snr. while the others went to hide in different places. I was hiding with Nemuri… I needed to instruct her.

We didn't have to wait for too long as the rat-man arrived in the graveyard with a bundle in his arms. A huge snake slithered behind them and it went to roam around the graveyard… I have already told everyone to leave the snake alone for now… the snake coiled itself not far from the place where Pettigrew started to prepare the Cauldron and fire for the ritual.

All of us patiently waited while Pettigrew prepared the Cauldron and the potion inside it. More than an hour passed and the potion was finally ready… all this time we heard a shrill voice, too unnatural to be a human… was giving commands to Pettigrew. All of us have noticed that the voice was coming from the bundle Pettigrew was carrying. Suddenly all of us heard a crack and Harry sprawled on the ground along with the cup.

I activated my heat vision and found that Rumi was here too and slightly nudged Nemuri to grab Rumi. Nemuri silently went away… my eyes immediately zeroed in the direction where Sirius was hiding. I have asked Momo to hide near him because of a specific reason… if Sirius acts up then Momo is going to stun him.

Looks like my worries were on point. When Pettigrew fired off the stunning curse at Harry… Sirius was ready to jump out and all of us heard a thump sound. Pettigrew and Voldie immediately noticed the noise… and I started to curse Sirius's seven generations.

$Check it$ the small bundle hissed in parseltongue and Nagini immediately went to complete her given task.

Momo Conjured a mongoose and snake and rolled out from the hiding place. I activated my heat vision and looked in that direction and found Momo silently moving away while levitating Sirius in the air. I was really angry at Sirius… thankfully Momo was crafty enough to hide the red light of a stunning spell or this charade would be already over.

"Forgive me Harry" I heard a voice and saw Pettigrew whispering to Harry while restraining him with the statue over the grave of Thomas Riddle Snr. I turned my head back towards Momo and saw her Flash Step away with Sirius and only after a second, she returned empty-handed. I shouldn't have brought that fucker in the first place! I raged inside my mind… Jeopardizing the plan means putting my girlfriends in danger.

I forcefully calmed myself down… hah! Getting enraged won't help me now. I will deal with him later. I looked towards where Amelia was hiding and found that she stayed in her position… I wasn't able to see the expression on her face after all… I was using heat vision to see.

Nemuri finally arrived at my side with Rumi… Nemuri was looking angry too. I pointed towards the place where Harry was being held.

Pettigrew finally revived Harry and he immediately started to look around in bewilderment. As soon as his eyes landed on Pettigrew, Harry started to struggle to get free while glaring at the rat-man. I don't think that this fucker is acting… He must have a lot of pent-up rage. Can't blame him. That rat fucker screwed his family. I decided to watch the scenes unfolding before me. Pettigrew dropped the bundle he was carrying in his arms in the Cauldron.

"I am sorry Harry… I can't stop now" Pettigrew said in a guilty expression… and ripped apart the grave of Thomas Riddle Snr. Pettigrew levitated a bone from the grave while saying…

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son" Pettigrew said and dropped the bone in the cauldron.

Then Pettigrew pulled out a silver dagger and held it above his hand while shaking his head. Right at this moment, I send an impulse to him… he would say the words correctly but his intent is going to be different. After all, we all know that magic depends on intent.

"Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master" Pettigrew stuttered the whole sentence and finally dropped the knife cutting off his hand while shaking his head. In his head he didn't do this willingly… his chopped-off arm dropped into the cauldron while Pettigrew grabbed his stump and dropped on the ground while screaming like a pig.

After a few minutes, Pettigrew finally gathered his wits and got up grabbing his stump, and went towards Harry.

"As soon as I get myself free, I will rip you apart with my bare hands, you bastard. You will finally get what's coming to you, you motherfucker!!" Harry continued to scream at Pettigrew… Pettigrew slightly cowered but he still had the dagger in his hand.

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe" Pettigrew stuttered out and stabbed Harry in his arm. Suddenly realization flashed in Harry's eyes and his expression completely changed.

"Go on… take as much as you want" Harry said and Pettigrew looked completely horrified and didn't know what to do. He put away the dagger in his robes and pulled out a vial and still collected the blood. With that done, Pettigrew returned to the cauldron and poured the blood in the cauldron.

The whole cauldron caught fire… the cauldron transformed into a baby and started to grow… until it became a complete adult and dropped on the ground. It was the same Voldie from the movie with his snakey skin color.

(A/N: The restriction of Voldie become slightly different due to the change of their intent)

"Robe me" No Nose said and Pettigrew was somehow able to put the robe over Voldemort before collapsing on the ground. Since Snake Face was inside the Cauldron he didn't notice that Harry gave the blood willingly and Pettigrew gave the arm unwillingly.

Like in the movies… Snake Face called his followers and I gestured towards Nemuri. Nemuri opened up her whole top and started to release a colorless and odorless gas that was going to confuse everyone. I noticed that Nemuri was completely topless and flashing her tits to me… damn it! I failed! After so many years… she was still an exhibitionist! Thankfully she was hidden and no one would be able to see her, except me. Nemuri smirked and put her top back in place when she felt that it was enough.

Voldie continued to gloat how he was able to touch Harry now and began to give a speech. Dora used this chance and decided to whisk away Harry with her. No one noticed Harry was being taken due to the gas. Voldie went on giving his speech about how he was going to take over Britain.

I quickly cast Anti-Portkey and Anti-Apparition wards so that no one would be running away from here. None of them still has noticed that anything was wrong and Voldie was still busy giving his speech about his greatness. I signaled everyone that the plan was starting… I slowly went towards where Nagini was slithering.

"Goodbye, Snake" I said and cast Fiendfyre… Voldie, finally felt something was wrong when he felt his Horcrux and familiar was being destroyed.

"NOoooooo" Voldie howled in rage. "Show yourself, coward!" Voldie shouted and I put away my invisibility cloak and walked out of the darkness.

"Hello, Voldie… remember me? I was the one who burned you in Hogwarts" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"It was you!" Voldie screamed and pointed his wand towards me "Avada Kedavra" Voldie cast the killing curse but the curse wasn't even close to me.

"Looks like you have to work on your aim" I said while Voldie and his Death Eaters had a horrified look on their face.

"Impossible… how did you survive the curse?" Voldie asked enraged. Oh… did he and his cronies see that I survived the curse? Looks like Nemuri's gas is working really well.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Snake Face?" I asked in a teasing tone and a Death Eater dropped on the ground headless. I looked and saw that the girls started to rain down spells all over the place and I saw Rumi lunge towards a Death Eater and she punched him into oblivion. With that, the slaughter finally started…

1789 words in this chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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InGloriouscreators' thoughts