
Brief Encounter

He couldn't say if he was dreaming or he was awake because he was seeing himself in a place that was certainly unexplainable. The place looked and felt so real and at the same time didn't.

There was no way he could understand the contradiction between the feeling but he likened it to an Astro Projection, when ones spirit had taken a form that would seem to be in the flesh and at the same not in the flesh.

A normal human's instincts would be to cry for help in a situation similar to the one he was now in. Or worse still, the human would be scared as hell, resisting the urge to cry. It won't be until later before the human would start to think up ideas on how to escape.

But he was no normal human. And he knew already that his life was the opposite of an ordinary man. He was far different, far superior than any of the normal human so his own first instinct had been to ask himself where he was.