
The Entropy Equation

Elias was an error, an Anomaly in the hyper-technological world of Neo-Tokyo where everyone was wired into the Grid and fueled by enhancements. Rejected by society and left to scavenge in the underbelly, he thought he understood the cruel rules of the game. Then, a fateful night and a tear in reality change everything. Thrust into a hidden realm, Elias discovers he's been Reincarnated, his soul carrying echoes of abilities from past lives. Magic, a concept dismissed as myth, courses through him – raw, unpredictable, and utterly forbidden. Now, the glitch in the system possesses power that could either dismantle the oppressive order of his world... or plunge it into a darkness far more terrifying. With rogue AIs, secret societies, and augmented hunters on his trail, Elias must navigate this chaotic blend of superpowers and tech. Sarcasm is his shield, a rag-tag crew of fellow outcasts might become his allies, and the hunger for vengeance burns just as brightly as the need to unlock this impossible second chance.

ashty · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

The Glitch Awakens

The pulse of Neo-Tokyo was a lie – a ceaseless thrum of data streams and artificial heartbeats meant to drown out the hollowness of manufactured lives. Elias moved through it like a shadow, the perpetual glow of the city doing nothing to illuminate his path. Anomaly. Error. Words etched onto his existence since birth, a brand more permanent than any tattoo an undercity artist could offer. He was a glitch in their perfect system, unwired and unwelcome.

Tonight, he was also a hunter. Not of the augmented assassins who patrolled the upper levels, sleek and deadly in their chrome enhancements. No, Elias's prey was whispered on the data-winds, traded in back-alley clinics for scraps of obsolete tech: a signal flare from the Exclusion Zone, a crack in the relentless hum of the Grid.

The air grew thick with toxins the further he ventured, the towering city lights fading into specters. A mistake, most would say, to wander into the wasteland. For a glitch like Elias, it was a kind of homecoming. Out here, the Grid stuttered and died. No relentless updates pinging his nonexistent neurochip, no targeted ads feeding off his purchase history and whispered desires. Just him, his scavenged gear, and the hunger that clawed at his gut with a ferocity no enhancement could ever cure.

The ache was familiar, part of the dull rhythm of a life spent on the fringes. But beneath it, another sensation bloomed – anticipation, sharp and foreign. For months, he'd scoured dumps, bartered with black-market coders, and risked his neck crawling through defunct maintenance tunnels. All in pursuit of a half-mad rumor, a flicker of hope as improbable as the magic it promised to reveal.

His jury-rigged scanner pulsed faster, the battered screen flickering with numbers that made no sense. His reward lay just ahead – a distortion shimmered in the poisoned air, like heat rising from rotted pavement, yet tinged with a sickly, emerald glow.

Each step towards it felt like a betrayal of every survival instinct he'd honed in the unforgiving underbelly of the city. But the world had never offered him anything but betrayal. Why reciprocate?

He reached out, expecting the shimmer to dissipate like a ghost. Instead, the energy of it jolted through him, a shockwave that rattled his teeth and tasted of ozone. Pain spiked, a prelude to the impossible: Silence. The Grid, that ever-present buzz in the back of everyone's minds, a digital umbilical cord tethering them to comfort, control, and carefully constructed reality… was gone.

A low hum replaced it, coursing through him like a rogue current. His hands…they glowed, wreathed in tendrils of emerald light that crackled and danced, defiant of logic.


The word was a relic whispered in children's tales – fables of forgotten ages and rebellions brutally quashed by the relentless march of technological supremacy. Yet, it pulsed in his veins, undeniable and wild, searing its way into his synapses.

His ragged breath escaped as a half-laugh, half-sob echoed against the rusted bones of abandoned buildings. No one would believe him. They'd label it a delusion, a side effect of breathing the Exclusion Zone's toxic fumes for too long. The corps that ruled Neo-Tokyo would dissect him, analyze the anomaly until he was nothing more than a collection of data points in yet another failed experiment.

A fresh surge of fear cut through the intoxicating rush of power coursing through him. He wasn't just some outcast anymore. He was an impossibility made flesh, a walking condemnation of their entire technological order, a weapon that could be wielded or destroyed.

He wasn't sure how long he stood there, staring at his hands as if they belonged to a stranger. But survival had always been about relentless adaptation. Magic, glitch, whatever this was… it beat kneeling before those who wanted him erased.

A feral grin split his grime-streaked face. The rules of the game had just changed. And if the rumors were true, if the power he tasted was just the start… he might finally be a weapon with enough firepower to dismantle it all.

Let them come for him.

Let them try.