

"You're monsters!" Alex screamed at his parents, his voice thick with disbelief and betrayal, after witnessing the unfathomable horrors they committed. The revelation tore through his soul like a tempest, leaving devastation in its wake. Little did he know, their sins would soon be repaid in kind. As time ebbed away, the memory of that harrowing night faded into the recesses of Alex's mind, only to resurface as haunting nightmares that plagued his every moment. Memories of a past life, fragmented and disjointed, clawed their way to the surface, leaving him gasping for air in the suffocating grip of his own past. Unbeknownst to him, Alex bore within him the blood of demons and vampires, a heritage of darkness that lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Yet, in this life, he wandered unaware of the power coursing through his veins, lost in the labyrinth of his own forgotten history. Seeking solace amidst the hallowed halls of ancient libraries, Alex stumbled upon a manuscript that would forever alter the course of his destiny. Drawn by an inexplicable force, he delved into its cryptic pages, unaware of the machinations that awaited him in the shadows. As he unraveled the mysteries of the codex, Alex unwittingly stumbled into the crosshairs of a sinister plot, orchestrated by forces beyond mortal comprehension. Each step he took was closer to the truth but far from reality!

Ticus · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


With his fragment in his hand, Alex and his team stumbled upon a drawing unlike any they had ever seen. The intricate patterns on the wall seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, beckoning Alex toward them. As he stretched out his hand to touch the drawing, a tingling sensation shot through his veins, stirring up memories long buried in the depths of his mind.

Years ago, on a moonless night shrouded in darkness, tragedy had struck Alex's family. His parents had been brutally taken from him by a mysterious creature that haunted his nightmares. As he stood in the chamber now, the memories of that fateful night flooded back with chilling clarity. The cold, piercing eyes of the creature, the sound of shattering glass, and the overwhelming feeling of helplessness all rushed back to him in a torrent of emotions.

But amidst the chaos of his memories, a sense of purpose began to take root within Alex. He felt a connection to the drawing on the wall as if the patterns themselves were speaking to him, guiding him towards a greater truth. The tingling sensation in his veins intensified, and he knew deep down that the codex had chosen him to unravel the mysteries that had plagued his family for so long.

With his team by his side, Alex delved deeper into the chamber, following the trail of drawings that seemed to tell a story of ancient power and long-forgotten secrets. Each new drawing revealed more about the codex and its intricate patterns, leading Alex to believe that it held the key to his destiny.

As they journeyed further into the chamber, the air grew heavy with anticipation, and the walls seemed to hum with an almost sentient energy. Alex's team, a diverse group of individuals with unique skills and talents, stood steadfastly by his side, their unwavering loyalty a source of strength in the face of the unknown.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal light. In the center of the room, a pedestal stood, upon which a glowing codex lay waiting. The patterns on its surface shimmered and shifted, forming intricate designs that seemed to dance before their eyes.

As Alex reached out to grasp the codex, a voice echoed through the chamber, ancient and wise. "You have been chosen, Alex," it whispered, sending shivers down his spine. "The time has come to fulfill your destiny and uncover the truths that have been hidden from you."

Alex was confused this was the second codex he had found and with each codex, similar voices echoed through.

With a newfound sense of purpose burning within him, Alex opened the codex and began to decipher its secrets. Each page revealed a piece of the puzzle, weaving a tapestry of knowledge and power that had been lost to time.

As he delved deeper into the codex, Alex uncovered the true nature of the mysterious creature that had taken his parents from him. It was not a monster of flesh and blood, but a being of pure energy, ancient and malevolence, the codex did not give solid details of the mysterious creature. He wanted to understand the true name and the reason for the brutal murder of his parents.

With the chamber knowing his desire to find the creature it illusionary brought the creature, Alex and his team set out to confront the creature and put an end to its reign of terror once and for all. Through courage, cunning, and the power of the codex, they faced the creature in a final battle that would determine the fate of not only their own lives but the lives of all who had come before them. The only secret they didn't understand was the chamber conspired against them with its illusion.

In the end, as the creature dissolved into a swirling vortex of light and energy, Alex thought he had fulfilled his destiny. The codex, with its patterns and secrets, had led him down a path of discovery and redemption, guiding him to a truth that had been buried in the shadows for far too long.

As he stood in the chamber, surrounded by his team and the remnants of the creature that had haunted his past, Alex felt a sense of peace wash over him. The codex may have chosen him, but it was his courage and determination that had seen him through to the end.

As he gazed upon the drawing on the wall, its intricate patterns now etched into his very being, Alex knew that he was ready to face whatever mysteries the future might hold, armed with the knowledge that the codex had granted him.

For he was Alex, the one chosen to unravel the secrets of the past and forge a new destiny for himself and those around him, guided by the patterns of the codex and the strength of his own heart.

Alex and his teammates found themselves surrounded by darkness so thick it seemed to press against their skin. They clutched their flashlights tightly, the only sources of light in the eerie space that echoed with whispers of the past.

Minutes earlier, a mysterious Voice had spoken before them, it didn't leave a codex alone rather a book was left which a teammate showed to Alex.

Alex picked up the book, his fingers brushing against the worn leather cover. The journal seemed to pulse with hidden knowledge, its pages yellowed with age. Curiosity gnawed at him as he flipped through the brittle leaves.

"We have to get out of here," Sarah one of the teammates whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "I don't like this place."

Alex nodded, but something pulled at him, urging him to uncover the mysteries contained within the pages of the journal. With Sarah by his side, they made their way towards the exit, but every path they took seemed to lead them back to where they started.

Frustration mounted as they realized that escape was impossible. It was as if the chamber itself conspired to keep them trapped within its ancient walls.

As despair threatened to overtake them, Alex sat down on a stone bench and opened the journal. The first page revealed intricate calligraphy that spelled out the name 'Reynolds – the Last Demon Family.'

His heart quickened as he read on, the words on the page recounting the rise and fall of a powerful demon lineage that had once ruled over the realm of darkness. The more he delved into the journal, the more he felt a connection to the Reynolds family, a sense of destiny that he couldn't quite explain. Sarah watched as a look of determination crossed Alex's face. "What does it say?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"It's about a demon family, the Reynolds," Alex replied. "It seems like I'm somehow connected to them like I have a part to play in their story."

Sarah shivered, a chill running down her spine. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know," Alex admitted. "But I need to find out."

With a newfound resolve, Alex immersed himself in the journal, piecing together the fragmented history of the Reynolds family. They were once feared and revered, their powers unmatched by any other demon clan. But as he read on, he sensed a deep sorrow that hung over their legacy, a tragedy that had befallen them in their final days.

Determined to uncover the truth, Alex, Sarah and his colleagues delved deeper into the chamber, following the cryptic clues left behind by the Reynolds family. Shadows danced on the walls as they traversed hidden passageways and dodged treacherous traps, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the mystery.

Finally, they reached a chamber bathed in a sickly green light, the air heavy with the scent of ancient magic. In the center of the room, a pedestal held a shimmering crystal orb that pulsed with dark energy.

"This must be it," Alex whispered, his pulse racing with excitement.

As he reached out to touch the orb, a voice echoed through the chamber, a whisper from the past that sent shivers down his spine.

"You are the chosen one, Alex," a second voice intoned, sending ripples of power through the air. "It is your fate to awaken the demons of the Reynolds family and restore their honor."

They all gasped, their eyes wide with disbelief. "But how? What does this all mean?"

Before Alex could reply, a force field of energy surrounded them, trapping them within its shimmering embrace. The crystal orb glowed brighter, its power surging toward Alex like a tidal wave.

With a surge of will, Alex touched the orb, a jolt of energy coursing through his veins. Visions of the Reynolds family flashed before his eyes, their faces twisted in agony and despair. He felt their pain, their longing for redemption, and he knew that he was their last hope.

As the chamber rumbled around them, Alex closed his eyes and as more visions of the Reynolds family flashed, he saw a man writing a certain book, he saw generations and generations of the Reynolds but a certain incident had a striking resemblance with one he knew but before he could grasp the incident well Sarah tapped on his shoulder bringing him back to reality.

As soon as he opened his eyes he passed out. Who are the Reynolds and what's their connection with Alex?


Alex and his teammates have fallen for the chamber's machinations. I hope they all realize it before it's too late. But being honest I also feel the connection between Alex and the Reynolds. I think Alex is the preeminent contender for the Reynolds position. Why is the chamber playing this game? There are a lot of unanswered questions. Can't wait to know what happens next, I'm so intrigued!"