

"You're monsters!" Alex screamed at his parents, his voice thick with disbelief and betrayal, after witnessing the unfathomable horrors they committed. The revelation tore through his soul like a tempest, leaving devastation in its wake. Little did he know, their sins would soon be repaid in kind. As time ebbed away, the memory of that harrowing night faded into the recesses of Alex's mind, only to resurface as haunting nightmares that plagued his every moment. Memories of a past life, fragmented and disjointed, clawed their way to the surface, leaving him gasping for air in the suffocating grip of his own past. Unbeknownst to him, Alex bore within him the blood of demons and vampires, a heritage of darkness that lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Yet, in this life, he wandered unaware of the power coursing through his veins, lost in the labyrinth of his own forgotten history. Seeking solace amidst the hallowed halls of ancient libraries, Alex stumbled upon a manuscript that would forever alter the course of his destiny. Drawn by an inexplicable force, he delved into its cryptic pages, unaware of the machinations that awaited him in the shadows. As he unraveled the mysteries of the codex, Alex unwittingly stumbled into the crosshairs of a sinister plot, orchestrated by forces beyond mortal comprehension. Each step he took was closer to the truth but far from reality!

Ticus · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


Sarah's voice trembled as she whispered urgently, "We should leave this chamber, Alex. I don't like the feeling here."

Alex glanced up from the ancient codex they had been studying for hours, his brow furrowing with concern. "Are we done?" he asked, his fingers still tracing the faded text etched onto the weathered pages.

Sarah shook him gently, her eyes wide with apprehension. "We've unraveled the enigma of the codex, Alex. We've freed the Reynolds souls. It's time to go."

But Alex hesitated, a nagging sensation tugging at the edges of his consciousness. "I feel like there's more to this," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the distant hum of machinery within the chamber.

Sarah rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Cut the crap, Alex. We're getting out of here," she insisted, glancing over her shoulder at their teammates who nodded in agreement, their expressions a mixture of exhaustion and unease.

In the shadows, a figure watched with amusement, a sly smile curling at the corners of their lips before melting away into the darkness.

With newfound resolve, the group hurried towards the designated exit, relief flooding their senses as they spotted a straight path leading out of the chamber. They ran, their footsteps echoing off the ancient stone walls, Alex's voice trailing behind them as he warned them to stay vigilant.

Suddenly, the air was rent with the sound of metal clashing against stone as traps sprung to life, sending deadly arrows hurtling towards them. Panic engulfed the group as they scattered, screams piercing the silence as their comrades fell, one by one, swallowed by the darkness.

Alex stumbled, pain searing through his side as an arrow grazed his flesh, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to stay upright. Sarah rushed to his side, her hands trembling as she helped him to his feet.

"I'm scared, Alex," she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't want to die here."

Alex's heart ached at the fear in her eyes, his own resolve hardening as he met her gaze. "It'll be okay, Sarah," he reassured her, his voice steady despite the chaos surrounding them. "They're all gone now. We just need to make it to the exit."

Together, they pressed on, each step measured and deliberate as they evaded the deadly traps that lay in wait. Finally, they reached the threshold of the chamber, the cool rush of fresh air washing over them like a benediction.

As they emerged into the blinding light of day, Sarah gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. "Alex, your eyes..." she trailed off, her voice trembling.

Alex frowned, reaching up to touch his face. "What about them?" he asked, confused.

But Sarah shook her head, her gaze fixed on him with growing alarm. "They're crimson red, Alex," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Like blood."

Alex's heart skipped a beat, a chill running down his spine as realization dawned upon him. "It's probably just the sun," he replied weakly, though doubt gnawed at the edges of his mind.

Unbeknownst to them, as they stepped out into the world beyond the chamber, the souls they had unwittingly freed stirred restlessly, their thirst for vengeance awakening a darkness that threatened to consume them all.


Meanwhile, in a dark manor shrouded in shadows, a figure slipped through the ancient halls with silent purpose. Bowing deeply before a looming figure seated upon a throne of ebony, the servant's voice quivered with reverence.

"Master, it is done," the servant declared, his words hanging heavy in the air. "They fell prey to our plans."

The master's eyes, crimson red with anticipation, gleamed with delight as he erupted into uproarious laughter, the sound echoing ominously through the empty corridors.

"Very well," the master declared, his voice dripping with malice. "We will wait for the final ritual and awaken our generation. For centuries, we have waited, and now, our time is at hand."

With a flick of his hand, the master issued his instructions to his loyal servant. "Monitor them. Ensure they do as we plan," he commanded, his laughter booming with malevolent glee. "Stupid fools," he sneered, his form dissipating into the darkness. "They will never know what awaits them.


Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, Alex and Sarah stumbled through the dense underbrush, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. Alex winced in pain as he limped along, his injured leg slowing their progress.

"Do you believe in demons and magic, Alex?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with skepticism as she glanced sideways at her companion.

Alex paused, considering her question carefully. "After what we witnessed in the chamber, I can't say I don't," he admitted, his expression grave.

Sarah laughed incredulously, shaking her head. "Come on, Alex. We're Gen Z, not millennials. Magic and demons? That's stuff for fairy tales," she scoffed.

But Alex's smirk faded as he turned to face her, his eyes serious. "We have to save the world, Sarah," he declared, his voice resolute. "Our teammates didn't die in vain. But I don't even know what we're up against."

Finally emerging from the depths of the forest, they found themselves back on the road where they had parked earlier. Sarah hurried to the driver's seat, concern etched into her features as she helped Alex into the car.

As they sped away, the tension in the air was palpable, a heavy silence enveloping them like a suffocating shroud. Sarah glanced at Alex, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.

"I never want to go back to that chamber," she confessed, her hands trembling on the steering wheel.

Alex nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Neither do I," he replied, his voice tinged with unease. "But we have to. For the sake of the world."

And as they disappeared into the night, the shadows whispered secrets of ancient evils lurking just beyond the realm of human understanding, their fate entwined with the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

They soon arrived at Alex's house, the familiar sight offering a brief respite from the chaos that had engulfed their lives. Sarah wrinkled her nose as they stepped through the threshold, the stale air mingling with the scent of neglect that hung heavy in the air.

"God, I smell like shit," Sarah muttered, her hand covering her nose as she glanced sheepishly at Alex. "It's been days, Alex."

Alex chuckled, his laughter echoing off the walls as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you do," he teased, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Hurry up and take a bath. I want one too."

As Sarah disappeared into the bathroom, Alex sank into the worn leather couch, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders. He closed his eyes, the events of the past few days playing out behind his eyelids like a twisted nightmare.

Suddenly, a chill crept over him, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end as a sense of unease settled over the room like a thick fog. He opened his eyes, scanning the room for any sign of danger.

And then he saw it.

A figure, with eyes as crimson red as blood, loomed outside the window, its twisted form contorted into a grotesque parody of humanity. White fangs glinted in the dim light, a sinister smile playing across its lips as it pressed against the glass.

"Sarah, come right now!" Alex screamed, his voice raw with panic as he stumbled backward, his heart pounding in his chest.

Sarah emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy robe, her brow furrowing with concern as she rushed to Alex's side. "What now, Alex?" she asked, her voice tinged with irritation. "Can't you see I'm trying to relax?"

Alex pointed frantically towards the window, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Look, Sarah! Look at the window!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with terror.

But Sarah saw nothing, her gaze flickering towards the empty pane of glass with confusion. "You're nuts, Alex," she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're hallucinating again."

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Sarah disappeared back into the bathroom, leaving Alex alone with his mounting dread. And as he watched in horror, the figure reappeared on the window, its twisted form silhouetted against the moonlit sky.

With a clawed finger, it inscribed a message on the glass, the words written in dripping blood that sent shivers down Alex's spine.

And in that moment, as the figure vanished into the night, Alex realized that their nightmare was far from over!

Author's Note:

Thank you for joining Alex and Sarah on their harrowing journey through the ancient chamber and into the depths of darkness that lurk beyond. This chapter was inspired by a blend of fantasy, suspense, and a touch of horror, aiming to keep readers on the edge of their seats with each twist and turn.

While the tale of Alex and Sarah may seem like a standalone adventure, it is merely the beginning of a larger saga, one filled with mystery, intrigue, and the battle against forces beyond human comprehension. As they grapple with the revelations of magic, demons, and ancient prophecies, their journey will lead them down paths fraught with danger and uncertainty.

I hope you enjoyed this introductory chapter and will continue to follow Alex and Sarah as they confront the darkness that threatens to engulf their world. Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures, where the line between reality and nightmare becomes increasingly blurred.

Your feedback and support are invaluable, and I look forward to sharing more tales from this intricate universe in the future.

With anticipation and gratitude,


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