
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man Midoriya Izuku and All Might went the opposite way...? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. The name "Deku"... Will be feared... - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 10: Rivals and Close Friends

U.A had produced an incredible number of heroes for the past few years, as they always do since they first been established.

But one particular bach, year of students stood above the rest. It was the year when U.A was at its top - when the three students Katsuki Bakugo, Tenya Iida, and Shoto Todoroki enrolled. Alongside their school mates, they were the top class, and the three of them stood as their leader.

And after a few years...

Where are they now?

[ Shoto... I know that you still have your grudge on me, but I ask you... Help the heroes... ]

Inside a very large, spacious, and luxurious room, Endeavors husky and heavy voice can be heard. It doesn't seem to be in pain, but it was quiet enough to think that there's something bothering him inside.

[ We will need all the help we can get. ]

No one would think they're on their right minds after they have seen 'the' Endeavor bowing his head. One who was named strongest after All Might, and one who prides himself as the hero who bows and follows no one, asking for the help of others as he bows himself.

It was a sight no one will believe will ever happen.

Yet, the person who he is talking to did not even make a faint reaction.

[ After what you've done, you still have the guts to call out the son you've abandoned. You really do not change. ]

His son, Shoto Todoroki - did not even blink an eye to his father's request.

[ This is your time to prove yourself worthy of a hero, Shoto. I believe you have the capacity. ] he again begged.

[ I'm sorry, but my job now is to take care of the woman you've abandoned. I don't have any intentions to do a job that will only benefit your name. ]

[ Shoto... You've already proven yourself in U.A! The world sees you as the most talented youth to ever enter U.A! Can't you see it? You can become the strongest! You can become the next All Might! ]

[ Father... No, Endeavor, what I did in U.A was to prove that I don't need your help; to prove that you don't own me. I become U.A's top without your help, and without this curse you gave me. No one in U.A, not even you, was able to make me use it, and it is the only sign that I'm a hero like you, please give up on the thought that I will ever follow your path. ]

[ Shoto... Consider it! Those flames will be the key to not just your success! But of our family as well! ] not being able to handle himself anymore, he stood up and bang his fist on the table.

[ Do it for your mother! ]

[ Mother has nothing to do with this! Or are you saying that you will do something to her if I don't follow...? ] this time, it was Shoto's turn to shout.

The flames inside him did not lit up, but the ice on his right side produced the coldest temperature Endeavor ever felt in his lifetime. The cold emitting from his right side was enough to cover the furniture inside the room with ice - and also at it, his flames dwindle, he felt the pressure he gave to his son in his early days for himself.

[ N-No! That's not it! Shoto! You were the only one who can go past me and even All Might! Don't waste that possibility! ]

[ You're still the same as ever. I'm sorry, but I can't accept it. Let's just stop this nonsense; I still have my job to do. ] saying so, he turns around.

[ I will never recognize you as my father. Also, can you stop sending those flowers to mother, there's no way you will be able to get back what you lose; not anymore. ] leaving those words, he left the room and closes its doors.


As his figure leaves the room, Endeavor slams his fist again on the table, scorching its surface.

[ Shoto... You are the only one who can carry my name...! ]

Slowly, his flames grew pale.


[ Tenya is here at your service!!! ]

The shout was heard throughout the entire city. It was a shout that every single day they hear so none of them even blinked an eye on it.

[ Umm... Mister... Can you please get me that balloon? ]

[ I'm sorry, kid! But I still have a job to do! I am in pursuit of this Villain named Deku and I can't waste any of my time! ]

Tenya Iida - hero name: Tenya.

One of the top students in U.A, and now, work for his brother's hero company as its leader.

From his first year of becoming a hero, he had exceeded the number of Villains one hero could ever catch. He became the hero most known for his ability to catch low-level Villains and even high ranking ones with precision and speed - and now, he stands on top, ranking No.7 in the best hero of Japan.

[ But... But... I can't get it myself. ] the kid who had asked for his help started to tear up, covering his eyes as his tears began to fall.

And - Tenya, who was a person known for his low resistance to people who tear up and begs for help.

[ Fi-Fine! I will do it quickly! ] and as he says so, he climbs up the tree where the kid's balloon got stuck on.

And as soon as he got hold of the string of the balloon, he jumps onto the ground and handed it to the kid.

[ Here! ]

[ Amazing! Thank you very much, Tenya! ]

[ Umu! You're welcome, I will start to search for this Deku person again, kid, if you ever hear the name 'Deku', call me, okay!? ] leaving those words, he started to run again, as he always does.

Since he monitors the city with a very fast rate than any hero could, he was the most to encounter crimes and every time he does so, he apprehends them. And this time, he's waiting for the chance to encounter the villain who victimized his previous classmate, King Explosion Murder - who goes by the name Deku.

*Rang! *Rang!

But before he could go any further on this mission, his phone started to ring.

[ Umm... I guess we can wait for it... The person on the other side of the phone is a priority too... ] he mutters as he took his phone from his pocket.

[ Moshi! Moshi! ]

( Oh! Is this Tenya? ) the phone called.

[ My name is Tenya! Right. ]

( Un, umm... Mister Tenya... We've received a call from the Hero Association... )

[ The Hero Association? Okay, what is it? ]

( Well, they said that heroes won't be allowed to go outside alone anymore, they said that the enemy is too dangerous to be handle by one person, and... It also seems that the enemy targets heroes who go alone, so this would be an appropriate move for every hero... )

[ Hmm... That would be a trouble... Does this mean I need to get a partner? ]

( Right, the Hero Association actually already hooked you up with a partner. The rank-12 hero, Uravity, would be your partner until this crisis is over. )

[ U... Uravity!? Do you mean Ochaco Uraraka? ]

( I believe that is her full name... Is there any chance you already know her? )

[ Well, we're close classmates in U.A before. Un, I accept. I'll partner up with Uravity. ]