
The Endless Hunt

The Gods are real, demons are all real, all their myths are real. And they're bored so why not use humanity. Humans have never failed to entertain them before but this time why not up the stakes a little bit and who knows maybe humans will go back to worshiping them. And why not up the stage for the maximum amount of entertainment. Let’s make all creatures from mythology real. And let’s add classes to this as well. Now some will die, but their deaths will serve as their amusement and some will rise to the peak's of heaven while others will descend into the darkest pits of Hell. And let’s make who awakens completely random because the humans always get jealous of others who they feel outshine them which causes them to act irrationally. Who knows, maybe some will rise high enough to even rival the gods and constellations and mantle them. I'm a recent Highschool graduate and this is my first ever novel. So hopefully you can excuse the beginner level mistakes I make. This is a passion project of mine.

TrueChaos_9558 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 7

"Hey… hey… wake up… WAKE UP!!". Alexander said, slapping Khalil even more. " Wha… what happened fuck my head is pounding ". Khalil said, waking up in a daze. " Well, yeah that's what happens when you fly through like 10 walls from a simple slap," Alexander said sarcastically. " If you forgot how then basically you kept complaining like a bitch and you after I warned you to not call me Alex kept doing so I slapped the shit out of you. Respectfully of course". He added jokingly. "You did a full force slap on me?" Khalil asked, rubbing his face still in pain. " What? No of course you might've died if I had done that". Alexander responded. "Anyway since you were complaining we are here. This is a Gate, this, in the beginning, is the only way that you can ascend to the upper floors in the tower," Alexander said. Khalil looked at the activating gate. It was a translucent ethereal white color and when he looked through saw a luscious forest. "This is how you go up the tower? And what do you mean at the beginning?" Khalil asked. " Yeah, Gates at the beginning is the only way to go up and down the tower. As you get stronger you'll see the other ways people get around the tower but for right now for people at your power level you'll need to use Gates". Alexander explained. " Ok then let's go to the second floor". Khalil said walking through the Gate.

The second floor

The second floor was nothing compared to the first. Where the first floor was a dark, decrepit maze. The second was a bright, vibrant, luscious forest. The birds were chirping, and the sun was high in the sky and would peak through the tall trees of the forest. The sky was the bluest thing Khalil had seen in years. " Wow, this might be the most beautiful forest I've ever seen". Khalil said amazed. " Finally, I can see the sun and the sky!". Khalil added almost wanting to jump for joy. " I mean I guess this forest is ok". Alexander said casually. "Anyway let's go, we need to find the Town of Beginnings. Because you look like a homeless person and you're broke so you need to do quests and make some money." He added jokingly. " Oh shit, you're right I do and I smell even worse". Khalil said laughing. They walked through the forest for around an hour and a half, Khalil still pestering Alexander to know more about the people in the tower. " So, you finally going to tell me who the four other people are in the tower who have mythical classes". Khalil asked. " Ok, so we have Nerissa who's confirmed to have a mythical class she, and her husband Lorenzo who has a rare class are the premier power couple in the Tower, then James the Divine who's an archbishop of the Leo Constellation. We also have Andre the Dragon who's a mythical class he's a wanderer and from what I remember he hasn't chosen a god or constellation to serve. I know for sure he doesn't serve an archdemon or devil. Then we have the Beast King Emmanuel who serves Pashupati." Alexander explained. " Ok, so it seems that I might end up seeing them when we're going up the tower". Khalil thought " Wait what did you say earlier". Alexander asked." What?" Khalil said snapping out of his thought. " You said who are the four other people who have mythical classes". Alexander said, "That would insinuate that you have a mythical class yourself". Alexander continued. " Oh shit, I fucked up," Khalil thought. " No I don't but it is a high ranking one". Khalil said lying through his teeth. "Yeah, let's put that to the test then" Alexander said calmly. (Detect Lie) " I'll ask you again did you get a mythical class?" Alexander said. "I- Khalil' voice suddenly stopped. He couldn't finish the sentence every time he would try it was like something was stopping him from saying it. "The spell Detect Lie makes it so that no one can tell a lie while the caster is near them". Alexander explained. " You piece of shit". Khalil said angrily " Wow so now we have 5 mythical rank class holders when I first saw you celebrate I figured you got rare or maybe even legendary not mythical though". Alexander said. This confused Khalil greatly while he knew that it was Alexander's role to guide him through the tower he excepted Alexander to be mad at him for not telling him the rank of his class. " Wait you aren't angry at me for trying to keep it a secret from you?". Khalil asked shocked. " No, I understand why you did it. You barely know me and don't trust me I'm not going to blame for that I'd of done the same especially if I got a mythical rank class," Alexander explained. "But you can't announce that you have a mythical rank class to anyone especially right now since you're this weak." He added. " Yeah, I know if a rookie climber that just arrived here came out and said I got a mythical class then a lot of people would have their eye on me and right now I don't need that". Khalil thought seriously. They kept walking through the forest for another hour before finally reaching the Town of Beginnings. " How in the fuck is this huge place considered a town?'" Khalil exclaimed. He was right calling this place a "town" is a big understatement. It was the size of the city at least. It had high stone walls surrounding it guards stationed in front of the gates and on the walls. " Wait how are you going to hide from other people? I'm pretty sure you are already famous in the tower," Khalil asked. " Don't worry about me I have my ways. I'll meet you in there but right you need to go in there and start doing quests." Alexander said calmly "here take this for the fee to enter the town". He said handing over a pouch of coins to Khalil. Khalil opened the pouch and the most decorative coins he'd ever seen in his life. Some of the coins at the top were cream white with gold inlays while others were this bright silver with black etchings on the back. Khalil was jaw hit the floor he looked at Alexander like some rich tycoon who could spend his money however he wanted without a care in the world. Khalil walked up the gate and before he could even say anything the guard interrupted him " The fee to enter is 5 coins if you can afford it and it looks like you can then fuck off". The guard demanded. Khalil reached in the pouch pulled one of the cream-white coins and showed it to the guard. " Is this enough to enter?" Khalil asked acting smugly. The guard shocked fell to his knee and bowed. " I'm sorry great sir, I didn't know someone like you was coming please spare my life". The guard yelled fearing for his life. " Ok, it's fine can I just go through?" Khalil asked confused. " Yes, sir right away sir". The guard said. " Open the gate". He yelled to his fellow guards at the top. " I hope you have a nice time in our town". The guard said with a worried smile. Khalil not realizing how valuable that coin was just walked through the gate confused and was blown away by the town. He assumed from the outside that the place was huge but after entering his assumptions were dead wrong this place was way bigger than he could've ever imagined. This wasn't a town but a bustling city.

Sorry for taking too long to update just started college and I took up a lot of my time which I didn't expect but now I'm back

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