
The End of Ten Days

(Translation was done by Google Translate, so it may not be accurate. Some parts will also make no sense) When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself trapped in a place of doom. When I thought all I needed to do was participate in death games to escape, I discovered that everyone was awakening supernatural powers. When I thought this place was a “land of gods,” everything was heading towards annihilation…

1Water · สยองขวัญ
25 Chs


At this time, the flower-armed man raised his hand and looked at the goat head: "Hey, referee, how do you count someone with a pseudonym like this? Is it considered lying?"

 The goat head did not nod or shake his head, but said lightly: "I will no longer participate in any process. You just need to write down the name according to your own ideas. You just need to remember that "the rules are absolute." In the end, I will personally "sanction" the loser. "."

 The word "sanctions" was spoken loudly, making everyone shiver.

 "This, this means that I didn't lie!" Tiantian shouted anxiously, "If I lied, I would be dead now, right? Even if it is a pseudonym, my pseudonym is really "Tiantian"!"

 Everyone No one answered her. Now is the critical stage of life and death, and no doubts can be let go.

 "Then it's my turn to tell." The flower-armed man curled his lips with a look of reluctance, "If this young lady's story is not a lie, then I certainly can't be counted either."

 "My name is Qiao Jiajin. Living in Guangdong, there is no job. Before coming here, I was collecting debts. "

 He Jiajin's Mandarin is poor, so everyone can only listen carefully.

 "People nowadays are really interesting. When they borrow money, they agree to anything, but when it's time to pay back the money, they start crying miserably."

 "The Yan Family Tuan, they call us debt collectors devils and cold-blooded."

 "But that Fenchang should also think about it from another perspective. When he was most helpless and needed money the most, it was me who lent him a helping hand. When no organization would lend him money, it was me who lent him money. To him, I am not a devil, but a savior."

 "But how does he treat me as a savior?"

 "He cried everywhere, saying how hard it was for him to be defrauded of two million, and he scolded us for collecting debts. How cold-blooded he is, he wants to use the sympathy of his neighbors to solve his own plight. But when he borrowed the money, we signed the contract and clearly told him all the interest. Now, is it our problem if he still doesn't pay? "

 Last night, I planned to teach him a lesson, so I tied him to the rooftop of a bar, but unexpectedly there was an earthquake. I didn't want to kill him, but this Fenchang took advantage of the chaos and took out a knife to kill him. Drop me!"

 "In the chaos, I fell off the rooftop and hit a billboard. I can't even remember what happened next."

 Everyone frowned after hearing this man's story. brow.

 Tiantian seemed to have discovered something, and said with an angry smile: "Look! Let me tell you why you poured dirty water on me! It turns out that you are the liar!"

 "What? Why do you call me a liar? "Qiao Jiajin said fiercely.

 "I'm in Shaanxi and you're in Guangdong!" Tiantian pointed at him and said, "Your story is just based on my story! There was an earthquake in my place, and you actually had an earthquake too. I was hit by a billboard, and you actually I also hit the billboard! What are you lying about?"

 "I don't care where you are?" "There can't be only one billboard in the world, right?" "In short ,

 you are lying!" Tiantian pointed at Qiao Jiajin and said, "Your profession is for bad people, so it's not surprising that you lie!"

How are you better than me?"

 Qi Xia looked at the two people arguing fiercely and felt that this matter was indeed a bit strange.

 It was not because what the two of them said was false, but because he also encountered an earthquake.

 He is neither in Shaanxi nor Guangdong, but in Shandong.

 Are there such large-scale earthquakes in this world?

 The earthquake spanned half the country and involved three provinces.

 If what they say is true, wouldn't this be an unprecedented disaster?

 "Stop arguing, let's end it soon." The muscular man sitting opposite stopped the two of them, and then looked at the next girl, "It's your turn. If you really want to judge who is lying, why don't everyone tell it?" Let's talk after it's over."

 After hearing this sentence, the two of them snorted and said nothing.

 The woman next to Qiao Jiajin nodded timidly and said, "Well... I, my name is Xiao Ran, and I am a kindergarten teacher."

 It seemed that the girl named Xiao Ran was very frightened, her voice Small, with a vibrato.

 "Before coming here, I was waiting for the parents of a child. The child was originally picked up by the mother. Later, I heard that the mother was seriously ill, had something growing on her brain, and needed surgery...so it was her father who came to pick her up these days. I answered it, but his father seems to often forget to come over..."

 "It was past six o'clock last night. In fact, I had already passed the time to get off work, but for some reason, the child's father never answered the phone..."

 "I don't Knowing the address of the child's home, I couldn't send him home, so I could only stand with him at the intersection and wait. "

 "Actually, I had something to do that night... I made an appointment with a psychological counselor. I felt that I didn't like my current job very much. I hoped that a psychological counselor could help me. "

 But I didn't expect that I had to wait for several hours and the meeting I made in the evening was ruined."

 "When I was distracted, the whole ground suddenly shook. I was scared. No way...it took me a few seconds to realize that there was an earthquake..."

 "The feeling of the earthquake was different from what I heard...The earth was not beating, but shaking from side to side. It felt like I was standing on a table. , and then someone kept shaking the table..."

 "I immediately held the child next to me in my arms, but I didn't know what to do. I saw that the three towers of Chongsheng Temple in the distance were all cracked. ...Fortunately, we were standing in the open space."

 "Then I saw an out-of-control car rushing towards us... I could only stagger and run to the side with my child in my arms, but the ground was shaking. I fell down every step I took."

 "When I finally fell, I hit my head...and then I fainted. When I woke up, I was already here."

 This is a story with no highlights.

 The only thing that Qi Xia found strange was the "Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple".

 These three towers are in Dali, Yunnan.

 Qi Xia gently stroked the card on the table. Although he held the three words with his hand, he knew that "Liar" was written there.

 So, can there be multiple liars?

 If "rules are absolute", then what Goat Head just said "there is and is only one liar" is absolute.

 Since he has drawn "Liar", it proves that no one else can be a liar, and there is only one liar.

 What they say is true.

 But the stories spanning three provinces are vaguely connected.

 Not only the earthquake, but also what they told are connected. Isn't this strange?

 At this time, everyone's eyes turned to the next person, the middle-aged man in a white coat.