
The fight

After school in a private place the voices of three girls could be heard Hamidah.

Rahmat and Toafikah. The most popular girls in school.Toafikah you are good for nothing goat Today is the day to contact and never communicate with me again. Hamidah who said I wanted your number You hopeless piece of shit. Both of you should just get out. I never want to see your faces again, they disgust me (tsk) hisses. You unthankful goat you good-for-nothing donkey. Toafikah, I hope it isn't me you are talking to because I know you are describing yourself (Rahmat gives Hamidah a dirty slap) what did you just slap me? Are you mad you're asking me Abi (or) should I give you another one to reset your memory? (Rahmat said as she leaves not in a good mood and walks out of her). Did she just walk out on me? Isn't that what you deserve toafikah hisses and walks out. Those two have the guts to walk out on me; we will see in the hostel the fight just began. (In the hostel) it is time for us to space out. I am tired of sleeping on a bed with two losers. Don't even start now I am not in the mood and don't even dare touch my stuff again who even wants to touch your stuff anyways and that is if you don't fling things? I am tired of talking, why don't I just write it down and paste it on the wall?                                                                                                                                                                                   

Rules are to be followed

1. Don't touch other people's stuff.

2. Do not come home late

3. Do not dirty the hostel

3. Do not dirty the hostel

4. No loud shouting

5. Avoid too many visitors mostly