
The End Of Fantasy

What is a soul?" It is a deep question, with some people thinking that souls are made from our creativity and the core of our being.] - Some people think it is the essence of a person. None of those claims are correct; the concept of a soul remains a enigmatic phenomenon in our world, and is likely to remain so for the near future. The full potential and functionality of bringing a soul into existence and eliminating it will always remain unknown. However, what happens when the core is unknown even to itself? This may sound confusing, but consider if two neutron stars were to crash together and combine, what would happen? They would burst, and the ensuing shockwave would journey for millions of light years. Souls had a special experience where they could intersect and merge without any explosive reaction, due to their low mass and light density comparable to that of air. The only change that would take place is its size will slightly increase due to its margin, and who am I and how do I know this, and who am I really? Simply put, I am GOD, the sole creator of this universe who reigns over all beings that have ever existed, even gods who are inferior beings to me and have little power compared to me. I, the one who is the creator himself.  "I hope you have a pleasant stay," "At times, you may question the purpose of life or your own existence, but it is not up to me to determine this. The world is not a mere game controlled by human thoughts."  Remember, it won't be me who gets the final laugh. It would be....

KM_Mad_Man · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Peace— does this word matter? if it is then why do people suffer?

Is it because —god?

Then why can't he hear us?

Are we destined to be left like this? if our life is a mere plaything, just so they can enjoy it as we suffer?

Who knows, but isn't this good that it all ended for me?

The one who has suffered will envy me, how many are there?, a thousand?, a hundred thousand?, no it's every living being across the universe, who'll envy me as I slowly fall into the darkness before.

—I have become selfish

As my heart throbs its last breaths, my eyes enjoy the endless gray scenery, mesmerizing dark clouds, and the shuttle raindrops, like, the whole world became my resting place.

People surrounded me, covering my view, — I complained in my mind.

But my eyes felt heavy, — I just want to sleep now, under the mesmerizing view, lying on this cold road.

—It was that day I finally found what true peace describes. But in those peaceful moments, a wandering thought lingered.

"Can't I have another chance"


I found myself standing beside a river, and not any river, but something sinister and eerie, making anyone's blood cold.

It was a river made from blood,—Blood of the fallen, whose existence had disappeared from reality, only leaving their mingled corpses.

—Why?, am I not dead? I asked inwardly.

I stood in horror as the sight made me skeptical.


I gulped a mouthful of saliva, and as my legs gave out, my body fell on the muddy land, intensifying my touch senses,— There's something under my hand, I mutter inside.

Bringing my hands to my face, my eyes widened in horror as a human heart, twitching and throbbing, came into view.

Despite its other organs being cut, it continues to throb, releasing a thick and gue red substance from its vein.


I screamed in horror as I threw the horrific object away, and as soon as I did, a sharp pain crossed my hand and heart.

Looking down I saw a bone, as long as a hand, broken in its end protruding from my chest.

Blood began to pour from the wounds and my mouth as I looked at it with horror filling my eyes.


But it all came to a halt as a sharp beeping sound resounded, and my slumber was broken.


As the sound of the alarm reverberated throughout the closed room, a sense of relief washed over me.

I took the chance and closed my eyes again, the lingering images flashed under my eyes.

Fearing the worst my eyes shot open, and turned to the hanging clock inside my room.

...??, wait, what?.

My voice was loud as I looked at the place where the clock should have been, and then my eyes wandered to my surroundings.

"Where am I?"

I questioned as I looked at the unfamiliar room I was in.

It was a single bedroom, with minimal furniture, a wooden desk, normal but luxuriously curved by dark wood. On it was the table clock which beeped constantly.

An expensive rolling chair.

Two doors, some posters, a bookshelf, a wardrobe then a kneen Katana hung from the wall.

I looked confused about what happened to me.

Then the memories started to come back, but also a pair of memories that I had not seen, a life I hadn't lived but utterly familiar like it was mine from the beginning.

I stayed confused as the memories clouded my mind, and my eyes turned dull for a minute.

After the clouds cleared my eyes came back to reality, my mind throbbing, my heart pounding in anxiety. A chill ran down my spine.

Then my attention was drawn towards the wardrobe, which has a body-size mirror attached to it.

My mind quickens, gripping the unknown I finally left the bed and ran to the mirror, my steps wobbling.

Standing in front of the mirror my eyes widen.

"How?" I questioned as I looked at the reflection reflecting.

Deshouble black hair, clear blue eyes, fair skin, and a well-maintained body. A complete replica of myself.

I looked in awe as the reflection looked at me, its eyes slowly started to glow in a piercing blue hue. Looking at them sends shivers down my spine, like I am looking at my own existence, piercing into its origin.

My legs gave out, I fell on the floor on my back, grasping my breath.

"How?, how can this happen?, wasn't I died by that truck?, why am I still alive?, "

Then the memories struck, clearing some of my confusion, " wait wasn't that reflection..."

I grasped as I stood again and looked at the reflection, and reality struck me like a thunder. Previously my left eye was completely damaged, but now changed to its previous form, completely healed.

Most of my confusion has been clear as the memories came back one by one.

"I... I became Zero... Zero Elway"

It was a name that came from my memories which I just acquired. In them I am Zero, myself with a different name, who lived in a world called Elddrise, a world filled with fantasy and adventure.

Then one particular memory flashes before my eyes.

Where I lay on the cold floor bloodied, and slowly muttered— Can't I have another chance?.

'Is this the consequence?' I can't help but to think out loud.

' To be merged with myself from a different reality?, and in a world whose story hasn't ever started?'

'Is the god playing with me?' I questioned.

Looking up I continue my questioning.

"Can't you at least send me somewhere safe and peaceful?, why here why in this damn novel?,"

Yes I in fact it has been transmigrated in this world whose fate I don't know, and how could I, the novel called " THE END OF FANTASY" only had 70 chapters.

I just read it because of boredom. And now I am here looking at the ceiling, questioning a non existent entity.


So it's been almost a day since I have transmigrated, and I found some crucial things.

First the house I am living in is not completely unknown to me, in fact I knew this house to my core.

You see this is the house I grew up with when I was just 8 years old. But after my parents death, I was forced to leave the house because my relatives abducted our property by force.

And, it was huge, after my grandfather's death, the huge property was forced upon my dad, even if he doesn't want it. And my relatives don't like that.

After many years of their deaths, I found out the political net we were in, they were killed, by my relatives...



Ok let's leave those thoughts. It's been years since then.

Oh and in this world my parents are alive so I am excited to see them also.

At this time I am the only one at home, and they are away for work. And if my memories of Zero are correct then I don't have to worry about them.

Elway family, one of the most influential families of the Gaya continent the human continent, and yeah this world has different races.

The head of our family, my grandfather Gavrik Elway, is still alive, and is one of the strongest in humanity, sitting at level 8.

This world's level system starts with Lvl 0 or unawakened, then comes Lvl 1 from when the children start to awaken mana, and the charts start from there.

After level 9 there was rumoured to be another level which is called "Ascension" The absolute peak of mortality.

Not much has been known of Ascension, and no one has been able to climb up to it, it's almost impossible to reach it, unless you are some gods descend.


"That bastard will get it, haven't heard?" I asked the question to no one, as I thought about the protagonist.

"F*king heaven blessed"

Coming back to my family, it looks like in this world they are completely opposite to what I had.

They live in peace.

Clicking my tongue, I gripped my first hard, " you bastard Zero, I envy you, you don't have to go through the pain I was in, and have a f*king fantastic life"

"Why just only me?, who has suffered?"


Welcome welcome to my humble aboard.

I am your host KM,

Came with yet another story, whose future is unclear, even to me.

Jokes aside, I am here for a request, if you want me to write like old times, just say it in the comments.

And also I am giving you a small status of myself, I am currently bedridden from an accident, my left ankle has some large scratches, but still I am writing this, so you can think how much this story meant to me.

I first thought of making a new one but I wasn't getting ideas so I kept the character of my previous novel and plot, and modified it to my liking where I can add more new things.

And the main characters will be the same but only Zero's father's name and his grandfather's name is different.

Ok good talking peace out.

Oh and I didn't steal the first line from my outro. LOL 😘

peace never come free, it's come with a cost

KM_Mad_Mancreators' thoughts