
The Empire Of Dragons

After the annihilation of the ghost, Mei Yang, the clan's sole survivor, is the prime suspect. Her sentence is to become mortal for 60 earth years and go through the trials of mortal life. Meanwhile, the heavens plan to end Mei Yang's existence forever, but they didn't count that a powerful and most feared being in the universe would come back to life in search of his lost magic that was extracted when he was sealed away a hundred thousand years ago. While Mei Yang lives a relatively peaceful life in the Mortal World, she couldn't even imagine that the worlds lived in terror and she was the key to unlocking all the mysteries and bringing peace back to the world. Over time, Mei Yang ends up creating strong feelings for Chaos and her main dilemma is to give up her love or keep the peace.

GonsunQian · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Prologue - Part II

She just looked down and followed Ch'eng through the corridors of the ninth celestial layer. Nothing has changed since she had been there a thousand years.

The palaces surrounded by colorful flowers and that sparkling aura was still the same. Only she has undergone changes, only her energy has changed to something dark and torrid. Mei Yang was disgusted by her own dirty body, in the disgusting figure she had become.

"What will be my destiny?"

"I don't know for sure, but it looks like heiress will be born from a rich and powerful kingdom. I know nothing more about your earthly life."

Ch'eng Huang looked at he friend and hugged his lovingly, but she seemed to repel his touch. He even understood her feelings. Mei Yang was betrayed by his race. She should blame him too.

"Yan'Er, listen to me. I will seal you then you will not be able to remember anything you lived. Your powers will be locked too. From now on it will be a mortal Until the sixty earth years pass, you will not be able to break the seal."

"Can I break the seal ahead of time?"

"It never happened, but if you complete the seven judgments human before age sixty, then maybe you can break your seal ahead of time. But, you are in danger being sealed you will be vulnerable to all attacks by immortals You know that many will try to kill you in your human form. And you know that if you die at the hands of an immortal..."

"My existence will be erased forever. I know! Ch'eng, I want to ask for something. If you're still my friend as you say you are, find out who was to blame for my parents' deaths. If I'm going to die in this ordeal or on my return to heaven I want you to find out everything. I cannot die without knowing the truth of who was the real killer in my family."

"Okay, know that I'm your friend, I will always be. And I will protect you while you are in your human form. Mortal time is not like heaven. Know this. Will be back in a few months. Sixty years in the world of mortals is equivalent to two months in heaven. We'll see each other soon."

After a thousand years, Mei Yang finally smiled. And it wasn't a fake smile. Ch'eng Huang was the only person who could trust that moment.

The two walked to the portal of the nine heavens and Mei Yang saw the sphere of truth that he had heard so much about. That silver globe that floated in front of you surrounded by strong pure energy seemed to want to read your mind. Then walked slowly over to that floating object. And when she felt the energy penetrate her soul, Mei Yang noticed something clinging to her body. Gradually the pain of her life passed as if everything that had lived in the last thousand years inside that seal was not real.

Her body was thrown against a portal of light and she closed her eyes waiting for what would come next.

Ch'eng Huang, a little distant from the scene watched as the sphere released the seal and trapped Mei Yang's body in the air. The glow of the eight trigrams appeared on his forehead and all his wounds were automatically healed. Then, his body disappeared through the portal. Now Mei Yang was no longer a goddess, but a mortal

"Do you think she will survive?" Yang Feng's cold, thick voice sounded beside him as watched the sphere calm down. The light that radiated until a few seconds ago was now inside the ball.

That was the end!

"You know that all celestials will try to kill you. But, I will not let !"

"I heard what she asked of you. If Mei Yang is not to blame for the death of the ghost kingdom, who is?"

"I don't know, but I'll find out. I owe it to her." Cheng had a determined look. Finally I could do something for your friend. "Since Yang'Er * was arrested the balance of the world is no longer the same, the mortal kingdom is in complete chaos, as are the nine heavens. Whoever is doing this I believe is getting what he wants."

" Do you have any suspicions?"

"No! But I will investigate. This is not just about Yang'Er, it is about the balance of nature. We immortals and gods are responsible for maintaining order."

"I will help you in this search. After all, I am the god of war, the cosmic balance is also in my hands"

Ch'eng Huang just smiled. He was grateful for the help. Even though Yan Feng was the son of the emperor and the merciless celestial empress, he was kind and always sought justice.

"I'm leaving, Mei Yang will be born in two hours. I need to be there for when that happens. You know that we have many who wish her death."

"It's all right. I'll stay here a little longer" As soon as Ch'eng left Yan Feng stared the ball of truth. Whoever was disturbing the balance of nature had full access to it.

But only four people went there, only four suspects in that crime. Who would it be?

He approached the sphere and narrowed his eyes at the light emanating from it.

In fact, it was very beautiful. The heavenly light coming out of there was so strong that his body could easily be hurled against the wall.

Yan Feng stopped at a safe distance, something there was not right, the sphere was uneven. Someone was altering his rotation. Who was the Criminal?

Hurried, sneaky footsteps drew attention and soon Yan Feng took the form of a small white dragon sprite * and hid behind the wall waiting for the curious visitor. So his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. The person who sneaked down the corridors to the sphere of truth was...

"Why are you here?" Yan Feng came out of hiding and stared at the person moving the sphere.

"So it means that you are the one who it is moving the sphere!"

"Who would say, the god of war found out ... " The criminal's voice sounded wicked. "This is not good. The god of war, the mighty, majestic crown prince of the nine heavens against me, what can I do?"

Yan Feng withdrew his sword and aimed at his prey but before could attack he felt something strike him from behind and paralyze his body. Couldn't feel a thing not a single member.

His hands were forced to let go of the sword and before he could let any words out he was thrown against the sphere that opened to receive his body that released a glow completely enveloping him. Yan Feng can feel his power being sealed and his memory gradually being erased until he crossed the portal to the mortal realm.

He would be reborn as a human. And Yan Feng was no longer the god of war. He was just any man.