
The Emperor of Darkness (DxD)

Issei Hyoudou known as the weakest Red Dragon Emperor is forced to grow stronger and overcome his cruel problems day after day, maybe it was punishment for being a pervert for all those years or perhaps... This is just the beginning of his suffering? when will he get the well-deserved rest? his well-deserved good ending with his loved ones? Find out by reading about his painful journey. Slow updates. (Part 1) I do NOT own High school dxd

George_Theperson · แอคชั่น
65 Chs

Chapter 34 They keep annoying me..

"Alright, I want to get there as fast as I can, but I can't fly in my regular form with both of you, so I'll use something that no one else has seen in this world as of yet to travel there faster" Said Issei with a grin. This excited the girls.

Issei stepped away a little so that the girls could see better.

'Shield hero?' Thought Melty as she recognised the shield on his arm only now.

"Balance breaker!" Roared Issei.

"Welsh dragon balance breaker of Protection!" Roared Ddraig.

Girls watched in awe as they saw Issei in his new crimson red armor, with green gems on his arms legs and chest, golden spikes on his head and limbs, two draconic wings and a long tail.

But what surprised Issei was that it wasn't his normal balance breaker, it had a shield shaped chest plate instead of regular armor and it fitted perfectly. But it wasn't just a normal shield it was his new shield Dragon's will, there were mini but sharp red spikes going from his shoulders to his elbows, his claws became sharper too and his defence increased dramatically.

The power that Issei felt was incredible.

"Ddraig, new subspecies?" Asked Issei.

"That's right brother, not only did you get a complete and stable version of juggernaut drive but you got a new subspecies balance breaker that is stronger in attack area and defence area at least by fifteen times and it will only get stronger if you train your body and level up" Informed Ddraig impressed and proud of such achievement.

"That's beyond cool!" Shouted Melty gaining issei's attention.

"Yeah right? this armor is my first trump card" Said Issei.

"First?" Asked Raphtalia in surprise.

"Yep, first is this armor called Welsh dragon balance breaker....of Protection, second is juggernaut drive but I guess it will be called a bit different, and third is the most important my true form that is currently sealed and as you probably already guessed it's my dragon form" Said Issei proudly.

"Wow! you are so powerful" Said Melty.

"Of course! I'm a dragon after all!" Roared Issei.

"But what is a juggernaut drive?" Asked Raphtalia.

"It's kind of a curse, at least that's what it was" Said Issei.

"Curse!?" Shouted Raphtalia worriedly.

"Yeah, with enough hatred, I trigger incomplete juggernaut drive it will consume my sanity and life force, I'll become a mindless killing machine until I die, and in this world I believe no one could stop me, even so called heroes, and it should be impossible to survive the drive" Said Issei.

Raphtalia now was so worried about Issei that she thought she would pass out, but Issei reassured her.

"Of course that would be the case if not because of this shield, it altered the drive and it became complete and extremely powerful if it wasn't before, the defences are just incredible at least that is what my partner told me because I haven't used this new juggernaut drive yet, it won't consume my sanity nor my life force anymore, it probably won't be triggered by hatred...maybe.. but it's safe to say that the drive won't be harmful to me unless I overuse it, it will take a huge toll on me" Informed Issei.

"The shield altered your juggernaut drive in this world but in your world it was incomplete....did you trigger it?" Asked Raphtalia.

"Yeah .....I have..." Replied Issei.

"And you survived? how?" Asked Melty.

"In my world there are two heavenly dragons, but they were sealed in these devices called sacred gears made by God of the Bible, I got one of them, boosted gear the other one is called divine dividing.

It has the same forms as me, except for the dragon form, of course we can get different subspecies of the gears. Divide dividing has abilities to divide power and strength from its opponents and steal it for himself, while I boost myself and can transfer the strength to my allies.

While my balance breaker is called Welsh dragon the other, is white one, called Vanishing dragon and these two dragons were rivals.

The day when I triggered the drive my rival helped me deactivate the drive and I survived" Explained Issei.

"That's interesting, but what do you mean were rivals? as I understand these dragons haven't died and when they got sealed they were rivals until the end so what changed?" Asked Melty.

"Well me and my rival mated" Said Issei.

"W-w-what?" Asked Raphtalia in disbelief. For some reason it hurt her from the inside.

"Wow! so their rivalry ended because you two became a thing?" Asked Melty.

"Yup, that's about it" Said Issei.

"But I have more mates too" Said Issei.

This statement picked Raphtalia's and Melty's curiosities.

"Valiana my rival, dragon king Tiamat, Half devil Ingvild, two magicians and swordmasters Murayama and Katase, devil Momo, angel Irina and vampire Valerie" Said Issei. It made him feel better just thinking about them, but then a bit sad because he couldn't see them.

As for Raphtalia she felt butterflies in her stomach and hope for some reason, she didn't understand why?

"Wow, so many women" Said Melty.

"Well that just happened, but maybe let's go to the royal capital?" Asked Issei.

With a nod Melty got on issei's back and Raphtalia in her usual spot in issei's arms.

Melty wrapped her arms around issei's neck so she wouldn't fall off.

"Ready?" Asked Issei.

"Yeah!" Replied excitedly Melty.

"Yes I'm ready" Said blushing Raphtalia, she's still not used to being carried like that.

"Alright! let's go then Jet!" Shouted Issei and with a flap of his wings and jets on his back he took off into the sky way faster than using his regular wings.

"Woohoo that's so fun!" Shouted Melty.

Issei just chuckled and had an idea to make it more fun.

"Hold on tight" Said Issei and he started to make crazy stunts in the air. While Melty enjoyed his stunts, Raphtalia on the other hand didn't, she rather fly with Issei calmly not like this, she was scared.

After an hour of flying they reached the royal capital.

Issei decided that he won't hide his armor so he just landed in the middle of the town.

Melty and Raphtalia got off of him and stood beside him.

People looked shocked, impressed and confused because out of nowhere an armored man with wings landed from the sky with two more people.

They recognised Raphtalia and Melty right away but not Issei.

Only those who have seen hie Dragon's will shield at the duel would recognise him.

"Who is this?"

"What is this armour?"

"He can fly with it? that's impressive"

People questioned each other about Issei.

Suddenly Issei sensed danger so he pushed Raphtalia and Melty away and used shield prison to ensure their safety, while he himself crossed his arms to block an attack.

As he blocked he saw who was the attacker.

"Issei!" Shouted angry Motoyasu as he held the spear against Issei.

"Are you crazy! Why are you trying to fight here in the middle of the town!?" Shouted Issei angered.

"I came for a duel!" Shouted Motoyasu as he backed off and started to attack him with his spear.

"Chaos spear!" Shouted Motoyasu but Issei didn't even move as the beam that shot out of the spear but got deflected and hit a building damaging it a bit.

"Spear lightning serpent!" Shouted Motoyasu and lightning came out of the spear but it wasn't regular lightning as it formed into a serpent that was about to hit Issei.

Issei knew that it wouldn't do anything to him but he couldn't let it deflect like earlier or it would hit people or destroy the buildings.

Issei's wings disappeared and reappeared different wings, red energy wings.

"Divide divide divide!" Roared Ddraig and the lighting serpent disappeared into nothingness. People and Motoyasu were shocked by this new display of power from Issei but Motoyasu didn't show it.

"Listen here Motoyasu, either you stop this nonsense or you'll die!" Roared angry Issei.

"Like you could kill me!" Mocked Motoyasu.

Issei's helmet disappeared and everyone saw his face, people immediately recognised him as a Shield hero.

"Stop this Motoyasu! people are scared just look around!" Shouted Issei.

Motoyasu looked around and saw people scared, men trying to hide or protect their families children or other people from danger.

Motoyasu felt guilty and he was about to say something but someone beat him to it.

"I have official permission for Spear hero and Shield hero to duel here if not you'll be arrested" Said Myne and a bunch of royal knights surrounded him.

Issei released a tired sight and used shadow chains to bind them in one place and shield prison to trap them.

He can use only one shield prison at a time so Raphtalia and Melty were released and saw what was going on.

"Stop this immediately!" Shouted Melty.

Everyone looked at her and bowed except for issei Raphtalia Motoyasu and Myne.

"P-princess Melty" Said one of the guards that Issei released.

'Princess?' Thought Issei.

"Dear sister, what are you doing here?" Asked Melty.

"None of your business Melty" Scoffed Myne as she crossed her arms.

'Wait what? sister.....'Thought Issei shocked.

"In fact it is my business, I can't let heroes fight between each other and destroy everything here and hurt the people" Said Melty harsher.

"Plus I believe you don't want mother to know about this right?" Asked Melty with a smug grin.

Myne just let out an angry growl and left with her guards and Motoyasu.

"I wanna know who exactly are you?" Asked Issei as he looked at her.

"My name is Melty Melromarc and I'm the princess and next queen of Melromarc kingdom" Introduced Melty.

"I see..." Said Issei as he narrowed his eyes.

... Small time skip.....

Issei with his armour deactivated Raphtalia and Melty were at Agil's weaponry shop.

"So what is this all about?" Asked confused Agil.

"We'll see in a moment" Said Issei.

"Sorry Agil, we didn't know where to go and you were the closest, so we decided to come here, plus Issei said we will buy something" Explained Raphtalia.

"Sure alright" Said Agil.

"So what the princess want with me?" Asked Issei.

"I came here to fix the bond between you and the king" Said Melty.

"There is no way of that happening" Said Issei with a scoff.

"B-but why?" Asked Melty.

"I don't trust him nor your sister nor the other heroes" Said Issei as he locked his cold gaze onto her.

"Please, I need you to do this" Said Melty with puppy dog eyes.

It was one of issei's weaknesses.

"Fuck can't believe I'm about to do this"Whispered Issei to himself.

"Alright sure...but if he does something I don't like I'll leave" Warned Issei.

"Great! I understand, shall we go?" Asked Melty.

"No, not yet, I need to buy something here, plus can we go meet him after a couple of days?" Said Issei as he walked up to the counter.

"Yeah okay, I'm fine with it" Said Melty.

"Well old man, give me the best sword for Raph you have"Said Issei.

"Issei, we can't buy something expensive" Scolded Raphtalia with her hands on her hips.

"You are too cute when you're angry" Teased Issei.

Raphtalia got an atomic blush on her face as she pouted.

"C'mon, calm down, you gonna make my heart melt from your cuteness" Said Issei as he patted her head but it made it only worse for her.

Melty just giggled watching their interactions.

Agil took out a sword which had a red hilt with a green ruby and the blade itself was black.

But Issei had a bad feeling about the sword.

"This is a sword created just to kill dragons, it won't harm others tho but it is quite useless because there aren't many dragons anymore" Said Agil as he showed them that the sword can't cut his fingers.

'No wonder I get bad vibes from it' Thought Issei.

"Here look" Said Agil as he swung the sword at Issei but with enough reaction time he backed away and got just a small cut on his arm.

Agil had a face full of surprise and horror.

"Issei!" Screamed both Raphtalia and Melty.

"It's alright, I'm fine" Said Issei.

"I don't understand why? it should cut only dragons" Said Agil.

"The thing is.....I am a dragon" Said Issei as he showed him his dragon wings.

Agil was so shocked that he couldn't move.

"Don't worry tho, I ain't gonna hurt you nor the people" Said Issei.

Agil let out a breath that he didn't even notice he was holding.

"I-im s-sorry for this, as compensation I'll do anything" Said Agil as he bowed.

"No need to bow, but as compensation I'll take this dragon slaying sword" Said Issei.

Agil only nodded and gave it to Raphtalia because Issei can't hold other weapons.

He opened his pocket dimension and Raphtalia put it in.

"Alright, we will buy the sword we came here for" Said Issei.

Agil took out a fine sword golden hilt sliver blade.

"Wow! this sword looks good" Said Raphtalia as she had sparkles in her eyes.

"How much for it?" Asked Issei.

"Five hundred silver" Replied Agil.

"Isn't it too cheap?" Asked Issei.

"No no, it's not" Said Agil but it was a lie, actually the sword's cost was two gold pecies but he was guilty for injuring Issei so he made a pretty big discount.

"Hey Agil, what are these stars next to Raphtalia's name" Said issei as he looked at the status bar in his vision.

"That means you are ready for a class upgrade. I had a hard time choosing mine, you can upgrade your class at the Dragon hourglass" Said Agil.

Issei didn't need more explanation as he understood what it meant from the games he had played.

Melty left, probably to the castle as Issei and Raphtalia went to the three hero church for the upgrade.

As they entered they went straight for the hourglass.

They wanted to upgrade but the nun stopped them.

"To upgrade your class you need to pay ten gold pecies each" Said the nun.

"What!? ten gold pecies, are you crazy!?" Shouted Issei.

Everything went silent and every nun watched at the scene.

"Sorry, but that was the orders from the king" Said the nun.

'So that old geezer did this' Thought Issei as he gritted his teeth.

"Let's go Raphtalia" Said Issei as he started to walk away.

They left the church and went straight to someone Issei hadn't seen in a while.

"Sup! I came back" Said Issei.

"Oh! the Shield hero, welcome back, what can I do for you today?" Asked the slave merchant.

"I need to know if there is another way to upgrade our class" Said issei.

"You can only upgrade your class by the dragon hourglass" Said Slave merchant.

"Damn, the old geezer here wants me to pay ten gold pecies per person to upgrade" Said Issei.

"Oh but there are more hourglasses" said the Slave merchant.

"More?" Asked Issei.

"Yes, this information I'll give you for free because of you my reputation rose and people from the whole kingdom want to get a slave of best quality" Said the slave merchant

"But on to the main topic, I suggest you to go to siltvelt, this is a demi-human country but they welcome humans quite well and the class upgrade is free" Said slave merchant.

"How long till we get there?" Asked Issei.

"By ship for about a week, but I heard you can fly, so I say about three days" Said the slave merchant.

"Alright, thank you for the information" Said Issei.

They said their goodbyes and left.

As they got outside they realized that it got dark so it was a good opportunity to fly in peace.

Issei decided to use balance breaker again to save his energy and time.

Raphtalia fell asleep almost immediately and he flew for the whole night...