

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Chapter 47


The Jiang family really did what Yan Shi had predicted and pushed Jiang Xiaosan out to exchange Jiang Xiaoyi's life for his.

Qu Liujing asked Jiang Tang once again incredulously, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Tang nodded solemnly, "Yes, I'm sure."

As soon as Qu Liujing pulled Jiang Tang to a secluded place, he said quietly, "Tell the truth, Xiao San is not your biological child, right?"

Jiang Tang was surprised, "What makes you say that?"

Qu Liujing snorted, "If he was your own son, why were you so cruel as to exchange him for a life?"

Jiang said, "Big brother and sister-in-law are old, they will be very sad to lose Xiao Er, I am still young, I can still have another baby."

Qu Liujing asked rhetorically "Then you are not sad when your own son dies?"

"It's a lie to say that I'm not sad," Jiang said, still stubborn, "but I've decided to do it anyway."

"You're such a fool, what about your big brother is worth doing for him?" Qu Liujing shook his head helplessly, this man was incorrigible.

Jiang Tang said, "Don't talk about my big brother like that, I'm the same mother as my big brother, his affairs are my affairs, I'd rather bear all the pain myself than let my big brother get hurt."

Qu Liujing waved his head, unwilling to say another word.

As he walked out from the corner, Boss Jiang immediately took a wary glance at Jiang Tang, who was following behind, and asked Qu Liujing in a low voice, "Sir Qu, has my second brother gone back on his word? I knew he was a selfish person since he was young, and nothing could be pointed at him. He has studied for so many years, how can he renege on something he promised? Isn't there a saying among you readers that 'no man can stand without faith'? If he wants to be an official, I think he can dream about it."

Boss Jiang chattered on and on, his tone full of resentment. Qu Liujing sneered "That's an ugly face you have."

Boss Jiang's face changed, but he held back because he still needed Qu Liu Goblet to save his son.

Qu Liujing parted the crowd and walked over to Jiang Xiao Er's bed, "I sent a message to my father just now, he said that he didn't need to exchange his life for a life, he just needed to make a paper figure of Jiang Xiao Er's height and weight, then write his birth date and eight characters on it and burn it."

Jiang's family didn't react much, but Jiang's second wife cried out with a loud "wow".

Qu Liujing sighed and told them to go and make paper figures to burn.

The fires outside were lit, and Qu Liujing took advantage of the situation to draw out the parasites in Jiang Xiao Er's body. After the paper figures were burnt, Jiang Xiao Er was well.

When Old Mrs. Jiang and Boss Jiang saw that Jiang Xiao Er had really recovered, they were naturally very happy, and their respect for Qu Liujing grew even more.

It was late at night and the Jiang family had fallen asleep.

The door to the Jiang family's guest room creaked open, and Yan Shi and his party came out from inside, Zhao Chunhai had already driven the carriage out and was waiting outside the gate.

As they walked out of the courtyard, Yan Shi suddenly said, "This man must not be an official." A single sentence set the course of Jiang Tang's future life. But what about Jiang's future life, was it not his own choice?

Hua Ling was yawning and looked very sleepy, so Yan Shi half-hugged him and took him to the carriage.

"Go to sleep." He let Hua Ling pillow on his lap and covered his body with another small quilt.

"Where are we going, brother?" Hua Ling asked in a small voice.

Yan Shi said, "Find the nearest inn and stay there, then go to Hengzhou."

"Brother, we've met two Jieyuan who can't even make it." Hua Ling's voice could not hide her disappointment.

Yan Shi smiled and gathered his hair as it fell, "Don't worry, there's always a thousand li horse."

It took almost an hour for the carriage to find an inn. By now, Hua Ling had already fallen asleep, so Yan Shi didn't disturb him and bent down to carry him from the carriage to his room.

When Hua Ling woke up the next day, he blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar surroundings, and only when he saw the one who was smiling at him did his heart settle down.

"Awake?" Yan Shi asked softly.

"Yes," Hua Ling, who had just woken up, sounded soft with a hint of a nasal voice, "why is brother here? Aren't I in the carriage? And is it light out?"

Yan Shi said as he put the quilt over his shoulders "This is an inn, we arrived last night, I saw that you were asleep so I didn't call you, are you hungry?"

Hua Ling touched his stomach "I'm a little hungry."

"Then I'll ask the waiter to bring the food."

Hua Ling nodded obediently.

After breakfast, the group continued their journey in the carriage again. After another day, they finally arrived at Hengzhou.

"Brother, who are we looking for in Hengzhou?" Hengzhou was the first big city they had seen since they came out of the Imperial City, and Hua Ling picked up the curtain to look at it for a while, unable to hold back his excitement.

Yan Shi took one of his hands and clutched it in his hand so that his hand wouldn't get cold "There is a Jieyuan here named Gao Changgeng."

Hua Ling craned his neck back and looked at Yan Shi and said solemnly "Brother, this Gao Changgeng is a good man just from his name, he will not let you down."

Yan Shi smiled and pinched his soft white cheeks "I hope so."

Gao Changgeng was a big family in Hengzhou, so it was easy to find his residence by asking around.

It was a very grand house, and everything about it showed the status of the owner who lived here.

Yan Shi got off the carriage and personally went to the front door of the house to explain to the concierge why he had come.

When the concierge heard that they had come from the Imperial City, he did not dare to be rude and returned the greeting, saying, "It's a bad coincidence that you have come, my master is not in the manshion at the moment. Why don't you tell us where you stay, and when my master returns, we will certainly report to you."

Seeing that this was all he could do, Yan Shi told the concierge where he was staying and left again.

He told Qu Liujing and the others to go back to the inn first, while he took Hua Ling with him and wandered around the city.

Although Hengzhou was not as grand as the Imperial City, it was not much worse.

Hua Ling saw a lot of things on the way, and ate and bought food along the way.

"Master Gao, where are you going?" The voice of a strange man suddenly came from not far ahead, the volume of this speech was not too low, Yan Shi and Hua Ling both heard it. The person they came here to look for was surnamed Gao, so when they heard a "Master Gao", they inevitably looked over there curiously.

They thought that Master Gao would be a middle-aged man, but to their surprise, he was a young man, who looked to be in his early twenties, and was very handsome and dashing.

Master Gao let out a hint: "I'll just take a walk."

The man said a few more polite words and then left, Yan Shi and Hua Ling looked at each other and finally decided to ask. Yan Shi took a few steps to stop the man who had spoken first, "Please stay here, brother."

The man stopped in his tracks at the sound of his voice, not knowing what the beautiful man in front of him wanted to stop him for.

Yan Shi said, "I wonder if the person you were talking to is Gao Changgeng Gao Jieyuan?"

The man nodded, "Yes, you are here to see him?"

Yan Shi nodded and said a few more words to dismiss him, taking Hua Ling's hand and hurrying after Gao Changgeng.

He didn't want to meet Gao Changgeng so soon now, he had seen him just now, he looked preoccupied and had a slight look of anger on his face, he wasn't just walking around, he must have something to do. If you know a person's character, you need to look behind his back to see what he has done.

Yan Shi decided to follow him first to see what he was up to.

The innocent little princess had never followed anyone before and seemed nervous and excited. At first he couldn't even walk, tripping over his left foot and almost falling over with his right, then jumping like a rabbit when he got anxious.

Yan Shi said with amusement, "What is Mingting doing?"

Hua Ling's face was flushed with embarrassment "I'm a bit scared, what if he finds out we're following him?"

"It's okay," Yan Shi rubbed his hair reassuringly, "I'll be here even if he has found out, it'll be fine."

"Well, then I'll be in

I'll try." Hua Ling shook Yan Shi's sleeve, "Brother, don't mind my stupidity."

Yan Shi smiled gently, "How could I, I won't mind you no matter what you look like."

Hua Ling heatedly laughed a few times and relaxed a lot after saying a few words, finally returning to normal.

The two of them followed Gao Changgeng to a secluded alley. Gao stopped in front of a courtyard and raised his hand to smash the door, but the hand stopped in mid-air. He didn't leave, but stood in front of the door.

Less than two metres away from where Gao Changgeng was standing, there was a large, thick tree that could have hidden Yan Shi and Hua Ling.

Standing behind that tree, Yan Shi heard the faint sound of two men talking not far away, and it was coming from the courtyard in front of the door where Gao Changgeng was standing.

"You go! You get out of here!" It was the voice of a young man, and there was a hint of stoicism in his voice.

"I just, just wanted to come and see how you were getting on, I'm the one who's sorry. I ..." It was another young man's voice, and his voice was a little lower.

"I'm doing fine, you're done reading, right? Go away when you've finished reading!"

"I haven't seen you in a long time ..."

Yan Shi and Hua Ling noticed that Gao Changgeng's hand, which was hanging down, clenched and unclenched, and his body trembled slightly.


Yan Shi nodded his head, according to this look, it seems like yes.

"You go now! I don't want to see you anymore! We don't have anything to do with each other anymore!"

There came the sound of talking again.

"Bai Lian, how can you say that? Our relationship of so many years can't be broken up just by a few words from you?"

"The moment you decided to marry Gao Changgeng we were already severed!"

"But you know I was forced to."

"Forced? Who forced you?"

"Naturally it was that Gao Changgeng, it's not like you don't know what happened back then."

"How can you say that? Do I need to tell you what happened back then?"

Hua Ling quietly clutched the hand between them tighter, trying to give Yan Shi some comfort "Brother, what the hell is going on here? Did Gao Changgeng rob a male by force?" So angry, is this Xie Yuan no good again?

T/N: So Jiang Tang actually set his life in stone by his decision, what a shame

And I think Hua Ling is the most innocent little princess I have come across, he is very innocent 😂😂😂

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