
The Emperor's Legacy

Upon his deathbed, the powerful Emperor of the 12 Kingdoms divides his dominion among his 12 sons, granting each a kingdom in order of their birth. But in a shocking twist, he summons his 52 elite knights and commands them to eliminate his sons, ensuring only the strongest will survive. As the knights close in, the brothers must navigate treacherous politics, forge unlikely alliances, and confront their own destinies. Who will emerge victorious and claim the throne of all 12 kingdoms?

Salman_Awudu · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Shadow King's Return

As they waited, they noticed a peculiar symbol etched into the wall of the warehouse. It seemed to be some sort of marking, but they couldn't quite decipher its meaning.

Arin's eyes lit up with curiosity. "That symbol looks like it's from an ancient language. I think I've seen it before in some of the old texts I've studied."

Amir's eyes narrowed. "What does it mean?"

Arin thought for a moment. "I think it's a sigil, a mark of identification or ownership. But I'm not sure what it represents in this context."

Lyra's eyes scanned the area, her hand on the hilt of her sword. "We need to be careful. If we're discovered, we don't know what kind of danger we'll face."

As they continued to observe, they noticed a group of orcs leaving the warehouse, carrying crates and boxes. They seemed to be transporting goods, but Amir, Arin, and Lyra couldn't quite tell what they were.

"We need to follow them," Amir whispered. "See where they're taking those crates."

Arin nodded, his eyes fixed on the orcs. "Let's move, but stay stealthy. We don't want to be seen."

They followed the orcs at a distance, careful to remain hidden in the shadows. The orcs led them deeper into the city, towards a seedy part of town known for its criminal underworld.

As they turned a corner, Amir, Arin, and Lyra found themselves face to face with a large, ominous-looking gate. The symbol they had seen earlier was emblazoned on the gate, and they knew they had stumbled upon something significant.

"What is this place?" Lyra whispered, her eyes fixed on the gate.

Arin's face was grim. "I think we're about to find out."

Amir nodded, his eyes fixed on the gate. "Let's investigate. But stay alert, we don't know what's on the other side."

They pushed open the gate and found themselves in a dimly lit courtyard. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and something else, something pungent and acrid.

Lyra covered her nose, her eyes scanning the area. "What is that smell?"

Arin's face was grim. "I think it's the smell of dark magic. We need to be careful."

As they moved deeper into the courtyard, they noticed a group of humans and orcs gathered around a large fire. They seemed to be performing some sort of ritual, their voices chanting in unison.

Amir's eyes narrowed. "What are they doing?"

Arin's voice was low and urgent. "I think they're summoning something. We need to get out of here, now."

But it was too late. The ritual was complete, and a dark, swirling portal had opened in front of them. A figure began to emerge from the shadows, its eyes fixed on Amir, Arin, and Lyra.

The figure emerged, its eyes blazing with malevolent intent. Amir, Arin, and Lyra stood frozen, unsure of what to do next. The figure began to speak, its voice low and menacing, "You should not have come here. Now, you will never leave."

Arin drew his sword, ready to face the unknown threat. Lyra followed suit, her hand on the hilt of her sword. Amir, however, remained still, his eyes fixed on the figure.

"What do you want from us?" Amir asked, his voice firm.

The figure chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound. "I am but an old Orc king who ruled this land. No one dared of to go against me. Until that bastard of an Emperor came along. We had a great battle. And my shadow magic was unparalleled. But that sword of his was annoying. So I decided seal myself in the dept of a shadow giving interaction to my orcs for when that human passed I would raise again. Hahaha!"

The Orc king's eyes gleamed with malevolence as he began to circle around Amir, Arin, and Lyra. "You three are brave to have made it this far. But foolish to think you can defeat me. My shadow magic will consume you, and my orcs will feast on your souls."

Arin charged forward, his sword flashing in the dim light. But the Orc king was too powerful, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent Arin flying across the courtyard.

Lyra rushed to Arin's side, helping him up. "We need to work together if we're going to take him down," she whispered.

Amir nodded, his eyes fixed on the Orc king. "I think I can use my knowledge of ancient languages to weaken him. But I need a distraction."

Lyra nodded, drawing her sword. "I'll take care of that."

With a fierce battle cry, Lyra charged at the Orc king, her sword clashing with his shadowy magic. Amir took advantage of the distraction, beginning to chant an ancient phrase he had learned from his studies.

The Orc king snarled, his eyes flashing with anger. "You think you can defeat me with your little tricks? I am a king, and I will not be defeated so easily!"

But just as Amir's chant was starting to take effect, the Orc king let out a deafening roar and burst into a cloud of shadowy smoke. The three of them stumbled back, coughing and covering their eyes.

When the smoke cleared, the Orc king was gone. "He's escaped," Lyra growled, her sword still trembling with rage.

Amir's eyes narrowed. "We need to get out of here, now. He'll be back, and next time, we won't be so lucky."

As they turned to leave, they heard a faint voice echoing through the courtyard. "I will return, and when I do, you will pay for your insolence. The shadow will consume you all!"

The three of them quickened their pace, knowing that they had to prepare for the Orc king's return. They couldn't let their guard down, or they would face the consequences.


With the reinforcements led by Throne and Mira, the town was now secure, and the orcs had retreated. The head of the town, a wise old man named Thorne, approached Kaidon with a solemn expression.

"Kaidon, we've received intelligence that the orcs are hiding in an ancient ruin deep in the nearby forest. We believe this is their main base of operations."

Kaidon's eyes narrowed. "Gather our men. We'll move out at dawn and take the fight to them."

Thorne nodded. "I'll prepare the troops. But, Kaidon, be warned: the ruin is said to be treacherous, full of traps and dark magic. We'll need a solid plan to succeed."

Kaidon nodded, his mind already racing with strategies. "I'll gather our leaders and come up with a plan. We'll be ready for whatever lies ahead."

The next morning, Kaidon and his men set out towards the ancient ruin. As they approached the entrance, Kaidon called a halt.

"Alright, here's the plan: Throne, take your archers and flank left, aiming for the upper levels. Mira, lead your mage squad, providing magical support and taking out any dark magic traps. Kethril, take point with me, your swordsmanship will be crucial in close combat. I'll lead the vanguard, taking the main hall and clearing the path."

The leaders nodded, and the troops moved into position. Kaidon drew his sword, a fierce determination burning within him.

"Let's move out! For the town, and for victory!"