
The Emperor's Legacy

Upon his deathbed, the powerful Emperor of the 12 Kingdoms divides his dominion among his 12 sons, granting each a kingdom in order of their birth. But in a shocking twist, he summons his 52 elite knights and commands them to eliminate his sons, ensuring only the strongest will survive. As the knights close in, the brothers must navigate treacherous politics, forge unlikely alliances, and confront their own destinies. Who will emerge victorious and claim the throne of all 12 kingdoms?

Salman_Awudu · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Old King's Desperation

Amir, his fire magic raging like a wild inferno, charged forward, his sword flashing in the flickering light. Gorbash and Korga, their eyes blazing with fury, met him head-on.

Gorbash, the brutish warrior, swung his axes with reckless abandon, the blades biting deep into the stone floor. Amir dodged and weaved, avoiding the deadly blows by mere inches. But Gorbash was relentless, his strength fueled by his rage.

Korga, the wood mage, unleashed a wave of wooden tendrils, the vines snapping and crackling like whips. Amir tried to dodge, but the tendrils were too fast, too agile. They wrapped around his arms and legs, binding him tight.

Gorbash took advantage of the momentary weakness, striking Amir with a powerful blow that sent him crashing to the ground. Amir's fire magic flared, incinerating the wooden bonds, but Korga was quick to react, summoning a new wave of tendrils to ensnare Amir once more.

Amir struggled against the bonds, his fire magic burning bright, but Korga's magic was too strong. The wooden tendrils tightened, squeezing the air from Amir's lungs.

Gorbash raised his axes, ready to deliver the final blow. Amir knew he had to think fast, or he would be defeated. With a surge of adrenaline, he unleashed a blast of fire magic, incinerating the wooden tendrils and sending Korga stumbling back.

Gorbash hesitated, his eyes flicking to Korga, and in that moment of hesitation, Amir struck. His sword flashed in the light, striking true, and Gorbash fell, his axes clattering to the ground.

Korga, enraged, summoned a final wave of wooden tendrils, but Amir was ready. With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a wall of flames, incinerating the tendrils and sending Korga stumbling back.

The orc mage fell, his body charred and smoldering, and Amir stood victorious, his fire magic burning bright.

Amir, his fire magic still burning bright, surveyed the aftermath of the battle. Gorbash and Korga lay defeated, their bodies charred and smoldering. But as he looked around, he realized that the masked figure was nowhere to be found.

Amir's heart sank. He had failed in his mission to stop the masked figure from obtaining Eldrida's Tear. He had been so close, but in the end, he had been unable to prevent it.

With a heavy heart, Amir searched the cavern, hoping against hope that he might find some clue as to where the masked figure might have gone. But there was nothing. No trace, no hint, no sign of where they might have escaped to.

Amir's fire magic flickered and died, leaving him standing in the darkness, surrounded by the bodies of his enemies. He knew he had to report his failure to the Council, but he couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and frustration that weighed heavy on his shoulders.

As he made his way back through the winding tunnels, Amir couldn't help but wonder who the masked figure was, and what their intentions were. He knew that Eldrida's Tear was out there, and he feared for the safety of the city..

Amir trudged through the city gates, his head hung low in defeat. He knew he had to report his failure to Kaidon and the Council, but he dreaded the thought of it.

As he entered the Council chamber, Kaidon and the others looked up at him with concern. "Amir, what happened?" Kaidon asked, his voice firm but gentle.

Amir took a deep breath and recounted his tale, leaving out no details. He told them of the battle with Gorbash and Korga, and of the masked figure's escape with Eldrida's Tear.

Kaidon's face grew grimmer with each passing moment, his eyes blazing with determination. "We will not let this defeat us," he said, his voice ringing through the chamber. "We will find out who this masked figure is, and we will retrieve Eldrida's Tear."

The Council members nodded in agreement, their faces set with resolve. Amir felt a surge of hope, knowing that he was not alone in this fight.

Throne, the master swordsman, spoke up, his voice cold and deadly. "I will help you, Amir. Together, we will track down this masked figure and put an end to their plans."

Eryndor, the young warrior, nodded enthusiastically. "And I will come too! We can't let them get away with this!"

Lyriana, the wind mage, smiled sadly. "I will help you, Amir. But we must be careful. We don't know what powers this masked figure possesses."

Kethril, the warlord, grunted. "We will need all our strength and cunning to defeat them. But we will not rest until Eldrida's Tear is back in our possession."

Amir felt a sense of gratitude and hope wash over him. He knew that with the help of his friends, he could overcome any obstacle.

Together, they began to plan their next move, their determination and courage burning brighter than ever...


The masked figure, Xandros, stood beside the throne, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "This crystal, Eldrida's Tear, will restore your strength and vitality, Old King," he said, his voice low and mysterious.

The Old King, his eyes sunken and his skin pale, gazed at the crystal with a mix of longing and desperation. "I had thought it would take me to Level 4," he croaked, his voice barely audible.

Xandros smiled, his mask glinting in the dim light of the castle. "Eldrida's Tear is not the Crystal of Ascension, Old King. It is a healing crystal, one that will restore your body and mind to their peak state. With this crystal, you will be at the height of your power, Level 3 or possibly even stronger."

Gorthok, the orc warrior who had been defeated by Kaidon, grumbled in the corner of the room, his wounded arm still trembling with pain. "Level 3 is not Level 4," he complained, his voice petulant.

Xandros' smile grew wider. "Patience, Gorthok. With time, and the power of Eldrida's Tear, the Old King will reach Level 4 and beyond. But for now, let us focus on healing his wounds and restoring his strength."

The Old King's eyes gleamed with a fierce light, his mind already turning to the conquests he would soon undertake. Xandros watched him, a knowing glint in his eye, for he had plans of his own, plans that would change the course of history forever...

Xandros' eyes gleamed with intensity as he explained the power of Eldrida's Tear. "This crystal requires a vast amount of life force to unlock its true potential," he said, his voice low and mysterious.

Gorthok's eyes lit up with excitement. "The forest is teeming with life! We can use the ancient trees and the creatures that dwell within as our host."

Xandros shook his head, his mask glinting in the dim light. "No, Gorthok. The forest is too wild, too unpredictable. We cannot risk attracting unwanted attention to our plans."

Gorthok scowled, his mind racing for alternatives. "What about a village, then? We can use the villagers as our host."

Xandros' expression turned somber. "The Old King's wounds are too great, Gorthok. A small village would not be enough to heal him fully. We need a larger source of life force."

Gorthok's face fell, but Xandros' eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement. "I remember a small city not too far from here, one that has a decent amount of people. It will be perfect for our needs."

Gorthok's eyes lit up once more. "And how do you propose we get there, Xandros?"

Xandros smiled, his mask glinting with a hint of mischief. "I will give you one of my tamed eagle beasts, a Level 1 beast, but still fast and agile in the air. You will reach the city in no time, Gorthok."

Gorthok's face twisted into a cruel grin. "Excellent. Let us prepare for our journey, then. The Old King's wounds will not heal themselves, and we have a city to conquer."