
The Emperor's Legacy

Upon his deathbed, the powerful Emperor of the 12 Kingdoms divides his dominion among his 12 sons, granting each a kingdom in order of their birth. But in a shocking twist, he summons his 52 elite knights and commands them to eliminate his sons, ensuring only the strongest will survive. As the knights close in, the brothers must navigate treacherous politics, forge unlikely alliances, and confront their own destinies. Who will emerge victorious and claim the throne of all 12 kingdoms?

Salman_Awudu · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Emperor's Final Decree

The sun had long since set on the imperial palace, casting a golden glow over the grand throne room. The high ceiling, adorned with intricate frescoes, seemed to whisper secrets to the assembled princes. Emperor Maric, his once-strong frame now frail and weak, lay on his deathbed, surrounded by his twelve sons. The air was thick with tension as the emperor's voice, barely above a whisper, commanded attention.

"My sons, the time has come. I have made my decision. Each of you will inherit a kingdom, as is your birthright. But beware, for I have also summoned the Fifty-Two Knights to ensure my succession. They will not hesitate to eliminate any who stand in their way."

Prince Arin, the eldest, stepped forward, his confidence and ambition evident in his stride. His piercing blue eyes gleamed with determination as he spoke, "Father, I will not fail you. I will unite the kingdoms under my rule and bring prosperity to our people."

Prince Kael, the youngest, stood at the back, his eyes fixed on the floor, his voice barely audible. His slender frame and shy demeanor belied a sharp mind and a heart full of compassion. "I will do my best to protect my kingdom and people, Father."

Prince Ryker, the tenth son, smirked, his piercing green eyes glinting with calculation. His chiseled features and sharp jawline seemed chiseled from marble, and his voice dripped with cunning. "I will make sure to expand my kingdom's influence and power, Father. You can count on me."

The emperor's gaze swept over his sons, a hint of sadness and regret in his eyes. "I fear I have made mistakes in my rule. I hope you will learn from them and do better. Now, go! Take your places and prepare for the challenges ahead."

As the princes dispersed, each lost in their own thoughts, the Fifty-Two Knights entered the throne room, their armor gleaming in the flickering torchlight. Their leader, the formidable Sir Thrain, bowed to the emperor. "We will carry out your will, Your Majesty."

The emperor's voice grew weaker, his words barely audible. "Remember, my sons... survival is not the only goal... unity and wisdom are the keys to true greatness..." With that, the emperor's eyes closed, and his chest ceased to rise. The throne room fell silent, the only sound the soft rustling of the knights' armor as they began their deadly game of cat and mouse with the twelve princes.

As the princes departed the throne room, Sir Thrain stepped forward. "Part of your father's will was for us to give you twelve days without us doing anything." The princes, using this opportunity, dashed outside and moved to their new kingdoms.

Out of the shadows, a figure emerged. A young man, not older than the first son but not younger than the last son, walked to his dead father's bed and went on his knees. Sir Thrain moved closer and said, "Even though you are not a prince, you are still his blood. He gave you one of his favorite cities. The city of Eldrador. But the will of we, the Fifty-Two Knights, attacking his sons still falls on you. I am sorry, Kaidon."

Kaidon, the son of the fallen king and one of his mistresses, Lyra, looked up at Sir Thrain with a determined gaze. His dark hair and piercing brown eyes seemed to bore into the soul of the knight. He knew his life was about to change forever.

Kaidon's backstory:

Kaidon grew up in the shadows of the imperial palace, the illegitimate son of Emperor Maric and his mistress, Lyra. His childhood was marked by uncertainty and insecurity, as he was constantly reminded that he was not a true prince. Lyra, Kaidon's mother, was his sole source of comfort and support. She taught him the ways of the palace and the importance of loyalty and honor. However, even she couldn't shield him from the cruel whispers and snubs of the palace staff and the other princes. Kaidon's father, Emperor Maric, barely acknowledged his existence. He was a distant figure, more concerned with his legitimate sons and the affairs of state. Kaidon's attempts to catch his father's eye were met with indifference, leaving him feeling invisible and unimportant. As a result, Kaidon grew up feeling like an outsider, a mere spectator in the palace's power struggles. He was forced to rely on his wits and cunning to survive, often going unnoticed by the palace guards and staff.

Kaidon got up and moved outside of the room. He emerged into the bright sunlight, the old castle's walls looming above him. He met up with two people, one being his mother Lyra and the other being his best friend Amir Pole.

Kaidon's mother, Lyra, was a beautiful and wise woman, with long, curly brown hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to see right through him. She was his rock, his confidante, and his guiding light. She had always been there for him, supporting him and encouraging him to be his best self.

Amir Pole, on the other hand, was Kaidon's best friend and partner in crime. He was a tall, lanky young man with short, spiky black hair and a mischievous grin that could charm the birds from the trees. He was quick-witted and resourceful, always thinking on his feet and coming up with creative solutions to the problems they faced.

Together, the three of them made a formidable team, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. They had grown up together, exploring the palace and its secrets, and they knew each other like the back of their hand.

"Well, well, well," Lyra said, her eyes shining with amusement. "Look what we have here. The king's illegitimate son, all grown up and ready to take on the world."

Kaidon rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Mother, please. I'm not a child anymore."

Lyra chuckled. "Oh, I know that, dear. But you'll always be my child, no matter how old you get."

Amir snorted. "Yeah, and you'll always be the king's favorite bastard, Kaidon."

Kaidon shot him a mock-glare. "Hey, watch it, Amir. I'm still the king's son, even if I'm not the favorite."

Lyra smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. "That's right, dear. And don't forget it. You have a rightful place in this palace, and don't let anyone ever make you feel otherwise."

The three of them stood there for a moment, enjoying the warm sunshine and the cool breeze that rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. It was a peaceful moment, one that Kaidon would cherish forever."He gave us the city of Eldrador." Kaidon said still looking up at the sky.Both Amir and Lyra gasp in shock.

The city of Eldrador. Eldrador was founded over 1,000 years ago by the ancient Korv dynasty as a strategic trading post and military outpost. It was built on a convergence of rivers, making it a hub for commerce and cultural exchange. Over the centuries, Eldrador has been shaped by various influences, including the Korv dynasty, the Thorne knights, and the diverse cultures of the surrounding regions.

Eldrador is known for its vibrant cultural heritage, reflecting its history as a crossroads of trade and ideas. Eldrador is famous for its Grand Bazaar. A sprawling marketplace where exotic goods, spices, and knowledge are exchanged. Another is their River Festivals.Colorful celebrations honoring the rivers that sustain the city.The most one the city is known for is their Thorne Knights' Guild. A prestigious order of knights dedicated to protecting the city.

"Finally we can leave a peaceful life." Lyra was filled with joy but it trun to sorrow when she learnt the condition. Kaidon told them about the fifth-two knights and their goals. Both Lyra and Amir gasped in shock once again.

The Fifty-Two Knights, an elite order of warriors, have a rich backstory that has shaped their unwavering loyalty to the Emperor. Founded by the Emperor's ancestors, the Fifty-Two Knights were initially a group of skilled mercenaries who pledged their allegiance to the imperial family in exchange for land, wealth, and prestige.

Over time, the Fifty-Two Knights evolved into a prestigious order, with membership considered a highest honor. They were trained in the art of combat, strategy, and diplomacy, and were sworn to protect the Emperor and the imperial family at all costs.

Their loyalty is rooted in a deep sense of duty, honor, and gratitude. They believe that their service to the Emperor is a sacred trust, and that their loyalty will be rewarded in the afterlife. This belief is reinforced by their strict code of conduct, which emphasizes courage, loyalty, and selflessness.

The Fifty-Two Knights are handpicked by the Emperor himself, and undergo rigorous training and testing before being inducted into the order. Once a member, they are bound by a solemn oath to defend the Emperor and the imperial family, even at the cost of their own lives.

Their loyalty is unwavering, and they will stop at nothing to protect the Emperor and the kingdom. They are the Emperor's right-hand men, his trusted advisors, and his loyal guardians. They are the very embodiment of the Emperor's power and authority, and will do whatever it takes to uphold his rule and maintain order in the kingdom.

Lyra held her sons hand and started to move towards their horse. "We will move to another empire where with our resources we can leave a good life."

"Mom, I am sorry but I can't. This is my only chance to prove to myself that I belong here." Kaidon eyes showed determination. She tried stopping him from coming here today but her son would not listen.

"Well, I guess time is not on our side. We should move out. We can discuss why your crazy father did something like this and make a plan." Amir said as he climbed over his horse. Kaidon helped his mother climb her horse as he did the same. Before they departed he looked up to see here his father had his last breath.

Hello everyone. I am the creator of MY MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM and My Hero System. I lost that account and so I can not continue with those ones. I will try my best to get them back but until then please enjoy this new novel I have made. Thank you.

Salman_Awuducreators' thoughts