
Chapter 244

[Third Person's PoV] 

Lambda rested on Cid's chest, her expression brimming with satisfaction and ecstasy. Bite marks adorned her body. She looked up at him, noting the faint look of pride on his face.

"My lord…" she murmured in a breathless, whimpering tone. "I… I don't think I can walk. I can't feel my legs."

"Oh, stop it, you~ You're going to make me blush," Cid teased with a smirk.

"My lord, I'm being serious," she replied pitifully. "I used nearly all my magic just to stay conscious and keep up with you. I can't even heal myself."

"Oh… Sorry about that," Cid said, a bit embarrassed. He placed a finger along her spine, using his magic to restore the feeling in her legs.

Lambda chuckled softly, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "There's nothing to apologize for, my lord~ I had a fantastic time. I'm truly grateful for my reward."

With her strength returning, Lambda wrapped the bedsheet around her body and walked towards the bathroom.

'I love my life,' Cid thought with satisfaction before deciding to get up and ready himself.


Cid strode into the meeting room, where the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues were already gathered. The long rectangular table seated seven on one side and seven on the other, with a larger chair reserved at the head of the table.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Alexia scoffed disdainfully.

Cid walked past her and knocked on the top of her head with his knuckle. Alexia winced, rubbing her head and glaring at him.

And as he walked by them from the laps of Aurora, Beta, and Alpha; Celeste, Lorion, and Loriel, were raised and made to follow after him .

"No!" Beta cried, reaching tearfully toward Lorion.

Cid reached the head seat and spread his arms wide. "Come here, my little toe munchers~"

"Please don't call them that," Alpha said with a faint chuckle.

The twins climbed onto Cid's lap while Celeste perched on the armrest, wrapping her tiny arms around his and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Now then," Cid began, addressing the room, "let's get this meeting started."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"First, we need to discuss the reconstruction of civilization. These people have little to no knowledge of magic, and its sudden introduction might overwhelm them. Since there are seven continents, I'll be assigning each of you to oversee one. You'll be responsible for its governance and development."

Alexia raised her hand, prompting Cid to nod at her.

"But there are more than seven of us here," she pointed out.

"Astute observation," Cid replied dryly.

"You know what I meant!" she snapped, glaring at him.

Cid nodded. "I know. It's not entirely fair to make some of you rulers while others aren't. However, this is why I'm assigning only the Seven Sins as the primary rulers of the continents."

The group murmured, and a few opened their mouths to object, but Cid raised a hand to stop them.

"Hear me out," he said firmly. "There's a good reason for this. It's because the Seven Virtues all have other responsibilities."

He gestured to Claire. "For example, Claire is already the Demon Queen and oversees the Demon Realm. Alexia and Rose are princesses of their respective kingdoms, so they'll naturally govern those territories. As for Sherry…"

Sherry looked down, her face reddening slightly.

"…throwing Sherry into the role of queen of an entire continent would probably give her a heart attack," Cid finished with a smirk.

Sherry nodded timidly, acknowledging that ruling wasn't her forte.

Yukime raised her hand, and as Cid patted Lorion's head, he nodded for her to speak.

"So, I take it you have plans for the rest of us Virtues?" she asked. "Even if we're not technically queens, I assume we'll be overseeing roles that place us just as high in importance?"

"You'd be correct," Cid replied with a nod. "Let me give you an example—Aurora. I plan to appoint her as the headmistress of all academies within each kingdom. These institutions will teach and advance the use of magic for everyone."

"I'm going to be what?" Aurora asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"As I mentioned before," Cid explained, "this world was once devoid of magic. Many of its people only gained the ability to wield magic half a decade ago. Their knowledge of its applications and proper use is severely lacking. With your thousands of years of knowledge and experience, you're the perfect person to guide and advance their understanding."

"And why would we even want to do that?" Aurora asked, her expression skeptical.

"How else are our forces supposed to grow?" Cid countered. "Some of the students you teach might even go on to serve as my guards—or take up similar roles."

"Ah…" Aurora and the others murmured, understanding his intent.

'Since they'll be serving him, it makes sense to make them stronger so they can be of use.'


Everyone turned toward Delta, who had stood up and slammed her hand on the table.

"THOSE WEAKLINGS CAN'T BE YOUR GUARDS, BOSSU! THEY'RE… THEY'RE… WELL, WEAK! IF THE BOSSU EVER NEEDS PROTECTING, LEAVE IT TO ME!" Delta exclaimed, pounding her fist against her chest with determination.

Cid smiled indulgently. "I'll be counting on you then."

Delta's chest swelled with pride as she sat back down, grinning triumphantly.

Zeta glanced at Cid, her face puzzled. "Would it truly be wise to let this idiot oversee an entire kingdom?"

Judging by the expressions around the table, the others shared her concern.

Cid chuckled awkwardly. "Just make sure to help her out when she needs it."

Everyone sighed exasperatedly but nodded in agreement.

"So, if Aurora is handling education, what about me? The economy?" Yukime asked, steering the discussion back on track.

"That's right," Cid confirmed. "You'll oversee the economic sector. Your job is to rebuild and stabilize the economy, ensuring commerce and the distribution of goods return to normal. You'll have help, of course, but it's a big responsibility."

He then turned to Elisabeth. "You're the one I've had the most trouble deciding on. For now, I want you to work alongside Sherry."

Elisabeth and Sherry exchanged confused glances; the pairing was an unlikely one.

"To clarify," Cid added, "Yukime is also going a part of this but more towards the end. Sherry, I'd like you to develop an artifact that can help food and plants grow and last longer."

"Couldn't I do that?" Alpha interjected. "I have plant magic, after all."

"You could," Cid acknowledged, "but how often would we be bothering you for it? I'm looking for something more permanent. Food is currently scarce worldwide due to monster attacks, and we need a sustainable solution. Sherry and Elisabeth will work together on this, and once it's ready, Yukime will handle its distribution."

Everyone nodded in understanding. Elisabeth rested a hand on her chin, tilting her head in amusement. "Did I only get this role because of my title as the Virtue of Temperance?"

"Yes," Cid admitted, grinning. "Food and moderation—it fits. But this is just until we find something better for you or you decide on something yourself, like rebuilding your Vampire Kingdom. If that's what you want, tell me, and I'll help you."

Elisabeth smiled warmly in appreciation. "Thank you."