What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.
[Third Person's PoV]
Cid, Claire, and Esil were already by the 99th floor, where Cid and Esil stood what they saw was a streak of black lightning running around the streets and wherever the lightning passed death followed. All slices to pieces.
Esil had a hard time keeping up and was rapidly moving her head back and forth side to side trying to get a look of Claire but Claire was moving too fast.
However Cid was able to perfectly follow her, he stood with his hands inside his sweater as she saw rapidly slashing her sword and cutting down any demon in her way.
Seeing another destroyed Clan, Esil couldn't help but chuckle, "This reminds me of when I first guided you through these floors."
"You mean how you followed me even after I told you to turn back?" Cid asked with a raised brow.
Esil pouted slightly, "You told me to do as I pleased"
"Yeah how could I have rejected you after such a declaration, 'I want to see the result of your battle!'" Cid said, mocking her.
Esil turned beet red and looked down with a faint smile, 'He remembers…'
"Cid if I may ask, what happened to you? I mean the you I knew was how do I say… A bit colder? More distance?" Esil asked, looking towards Cid curiously, "Did reincarnation really change you that much?"
Cid closed his eyes as he nodded his head, "I had a few Incarnations without the memories of Jinwoo, those memories changed a part of me, made me who I am today. I know that I'm Jinwoo and Jinwoo is me, but a part of me also knows some part of that Jinwoo has also changed"
"I see… I don't know whether to be glad or saddened… No that's a lie" Esil said shaking her head, "I know I'm a tad bit more happier than sad. I'm glad you seem to have changed… Before you seem like you were all alone, shouldering a burden all by yourself. But now, I don't sense a hint of that loneliness in you"
Cid pressed his finger on her cheek and teased her, "You sure you aren't just glad because you got to bed me?"
Esil covered her face with her hands as she was turning bright red, "I will neither confirm or deny"
They then felt a strong breeze flash behind them causing them to turn around to find Claire sliding to a stop with her sword over her shoulders, "If you guys are done flirting, we can move on to the next floor" she teased showing them the parchment she found.
Cid looked at her with a serious expression, "Claire, heed my warning. Do not underestimate Baran simply because you heard I had once defeated him when I was Jinwoo, you have to remember that he was under control so his strength was weaker. So he will be much stronger than when I fought him"
Claire's face had a serious expression as she nodded, "Don't worry, I wasn't planning too. I know how much more dangerous Monarch's are. Can I ask you to replenish my magic once again?"
Cid nodded and put a hand over her head and rapidly put her back to her peak whether it was physically and mentally.
Claire then looked towards them and ripped the parchment, they appeared in the middle of a desolated town just before the giant castle.
They heard the sound of a Mighty Roar caused Cid's eyes to widen in shock, "What the hell is that thing doing here" Cid muttered.
A shadow soon encompassed everyone, they all looked up to see an enormous dragon with dark black scales, in between the scales were glowing oranges which seemed to be in motion taking the appearance of Magma, long horns curling upwards pointing towards the skies while spikes grew along its back and tail.
"What the hell is he doing with an Ancient Dragon…"
On top of the dragon head was Baran standing with his arms crossed frowning. "Ashborn have you come to dispose of me once again–"
"WHAT!?" Shouted Cid as he looked up and put a hand by his ears as they were quite far away.
"I asked! If you have come to dispose of me once again!?!"
"No I didn't come to propose to you! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Cid shouted as he was still having a bit of hard hearing as Baran was trying to appear intimidating by standing on the dragon's head but didn't take into account that they would be too far to hear each other.
Baran felt his eyebrow twitch, while Claire just stared at him, "Didn't You tell me not to underestimate him?"
"Oh I can, you can't. It's perfectly fine If I do it." Cid scoffed, while the ancient dragon's head lowered itself.
"Ashborn…" Baran said coldly, standing with his arms crossed.
Cid scoffed, "Baran… I still see that you're still so weak and pathetic that Antares had to send you his pet to make up for your incompetence."
"This is merely a way to speed up my conquest" Baran scoffed, before turning towards Esil.
"As for you, I spared your life and that of your clans due to your father's sacrifice. However it seems I was too lenient as you still had your use, however rest reassured I won't make that mistake again" Baran said coldly making Esil face turn purple causing her to hide behind Cid.
Baran reached back, took a hold of his bastard sword and slowly began to pull it out as he said, "Don't think I'm like the rest of those idiots that have stopped training and growing stronger simply because they thought they killed you. I had a feeling you would have survived or would have found a way to revive yourself, you're a tenacious cockroach after all. So I've been honing myself to get my revenge for the time you've kept me your prisoners inside that cursed machine of yours"
"I'm not going to fight you, Baran" Cid said, rolling her eyes.
"What? Have you lost your nerve Ashborn?" Baran asked in distaste.
"Huh? Oh no, no, you just aren't worth my time" Cid said waving him off.
"What?" Baran growled.
"My sister is the one that's going to fight you," Cid said, putting a hand over her shoulders.
"Your sister?" Baran asked slowly, his eyes burning with hatred.
Claire raised her hand as she said, "Yo!"
"How about this Baran~" Cid said teasingly
Sweat riddled down his face as Cid's arm was over his neck in a friendly manner. 'I… I didn't even see him move!'
Baran didn't move an inch except for his eyes that pointed to Cid next to him.
"Defeat my sister, and I won't kill you… In fact, if you manage to defeat her I won't get in your way and even let you borrow my army~ Just imagine what you can do with immortal soldiers that don't get tired, can't be killed, can't be stopped…"
"So what do you say~" Cid asked.
"Won't you just intervene when she's losing?" Baran scoffed.
"I swear on the Absolute Being that I won't intervene and that I won't kill you and go back on my word if you manage to defeat her."
Baran gained a sinister grin exposing his sharp teeth as dark thoughts filled his head, 'With this we might actually be able to kill the Rulers!'
"You have yourself a deal," Baran laughed darkly.
Cid then appeared once more next to Claire, and began patting her shoulders, "Well sister, the time has come to shoulder the weight of the world. If Baran actually manages to defeat you, the entire world as we know it will be extinct, so good luck and no pressure" Cid said smiling warmly.
Claire looked towards her with her mouth agape, eyes twitched before she grabbed his collar and began shaking him back and forth, "WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU, YOU STUPID BASTARD!!! THE HELL YOU MEAN NO PRESSURE!?!"