
The Emerald Boy

John Davidson, a man born in poverty wins 9 million in a lottery, he invested his money to make more and more money. how does John adjust into the life of wealthy and create more influence in the society of ultrawealthy? find out in this novel.

Ebony136 · สมัยใหม่
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Investing And Building An Income

John received 9 million from the lottery, he understood that it could turn his life around. But he also remembers that he had read somewhere that, lottery winners go bankrupt in 2 to 3 months due to improper management of funds and bad investments. he decided to first get some knowledge about investing before even touching the money.

He didn't leave his job, but he stopped doing his part-time job and used that time to learn more about investing and wealth building.

He decided not to tell anyone about his newly acquired fortune. He never acted like a rich man, he didn't spend a single penny out of his lottery until he learnt about government bonds.

Government bonds are bonds where you invest in the government at a certain rate of interest.

He decided to invest in government bonds. But he didn't know where to look. Then he called Lisa and told her everything from lottery to investments. Lisa was very happy for his friend but asked him why he called her.

John replied, "I need someone with connection to buy a government bond and I thought you might know someone." Lisa told him that after her shift she will come to her and then we can discuss.

As Lisa arrives at his house, she saw John waiting outside his house. he invites her in. it was surpassingly quite clean. They sit at the dinner table and John asked her if he knows anyone. she hands him a smartphone. "John we are in 21st century you can do anything on your smartphone but how would you know you still use your old Nokia.

Lisa teaches him how to use a smartphone. at first, he struggles but slowly he got used to it. She downloads him a very famous investment app. where you gain level based on your investments. It is like Instagram but for investors.

He went on investing page and saw some options such as Crypto, Stocks, Penny stocks, bonds and even real-estate. He went to the bond section there were 3 more options. Government Bonds, Local Bonds and Corporate bonds. He went to government bond and bought a bond of Belgian for 5million at 10.1% interest. Then he went to corporate bond option and saw a bond of Compass Oran 14 Bond for 1million at 29.7%. but screen showed highest amount Risk out of all other bonds.

He had 4 million left in his account so he thought maybe this rick might be worth it. So, he bought the bond, he had 3 million left in his account. Now his monthly returns will be 66000$/month. He decided to buy a Caffee for 1.2 million. Now he had an external source of income, he was earning 3000$/day from that business.

Many big authors, script writers and even readers came to his Caffee daily. there was a fee of 30$ to enter or one could buy a membership of 700$/month, 4000$/6monthes or 7900$/year. Only people of class came there, there was a shower house, and a locker-room and Caffee never closed, so some people wouldn't even leave the Caffee for days on end. Its business model was great.

Now, his income/month was 156,000$.

and all of it was automated, He didn't have to work a single day, So he could fully concentrate on making new and valuable connections.