

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
86 Chs


This is the beginning of when shit hits the fan so get ready. Also, thanks to all who are reading this book. It means a lot to me that people like it. So, thanks for the support, and if any of you guys have any ideas you want to run by me then let me know.

Peace Out!


{Hulk Throne Room, Hulks Mindspace]

"Hulk we should go ahead and break through to the next stage. I have a feeling thing's won't be simple once the battle starts," said Banner. "I just feel like we should be stronger just in case if we can't win, we can retreat. if needed, you know."

Hulk thinking over it for a moment looks at Banner and says, "Maybe your right just in case. I don't want our people dying needless deaths, if it can be prevented." Banner nods.

On the outside of their Mindspace, Hulk closes his eyes for a moment. Then all of a sudden....



Hulks body begins to glow a bright green and a green energy that we know as gamma energy surround's his body like a raging inferno on a comet crashing on earth. Soon the energy extends from him to the entirety of his throne room. Then it stops and sinks back to his body.



'Hmmm,' Hulk breaths out and opens his eyes that pulsate with power. If his war bound were here to see this. They would be horrified for their king looked like a demon made of green flames with eyes that look as if one look would burn, they're very being. And they would not be wrong. For this Hulk is a monster in the making that will be like no other. 

"This feels incredible," Banner and Hulk both say. Hulk then gets an idea, focusing for a moment. Infront of him a burst of energy comes to life, and he wills it to create different kinds of objects. Banner looking on in awe says, "This is incredible Hulk and to think this is only the beginning." Yes, just the beginning." Hulk replies.



Hulk looks to his left and sees that the messenger droid is trying to connect to him. "Must be Hiroim," Hulk says. Then he accepts the call. 

"My king we are not far from earth what are your orders." he says.  "Let's send the Brood Mother first, along with other monsters we have, to draw their attention away from our position." "Then we will stop by the moon, as I have an old colleague to visit." Hulk says.

"Right away my king," Hiroim reply's. /Beep/

The droid clicks off. 

"And now we begin", Hulk and Banner both say in Unison.


[Deep Space, Moon]

From the surface of the moon, we see a man and a woman standing together, these two people are none other than the king and queen of the Inhumans. Black Bolt and Medusa. Though they seem concerned as they are looking up at the stars as if searching for something. And it does take long for it to show, as ship the size of the moon itself appears not far off from it.

Medusa not willing to take the chance of an invasion says to her husband, "Blast it from the sky my love as we do not need more stress than we have already form the nobles." If we let this land or whoever is trying to invade us is able to get in our home, we won't be able to cover it up, and our position will be threatened."

Black Bolt as if thinking about it, takes a moment and then nods in agreement.


  He takes off from the ground in flight. Going extremely fast as to not waste time he increases his speed to max. But as soon as he gets within 200 meters from ships bridge his danger instincts kick in and he opens his mouth to yell. 'N-' But it's to late as a green fist imprint meets his face before he can even say anything...


He is hit so hard he crosses the space quicker than he arrived. 



He crashes into the moon's surface. Creating a crater, the size off an island from earth. 

Medusa horrified runs to him. Quickley getting to him intime she yells, "my love are you alright!" Seeing no movement, she jumps into the crater with him to help him get up.


Black Bolt groans out as he gets up. He then looks up as a green comet like figure shoots towards their position. Grabbing his wife and jumping far away just in time as the green figure crashes at the spot they were at.


Putting his wife behind him to prepare himself for a fight, as he hasn't been hit that hard since... His thoughts stop as he knows that familiar pain in his face and body. The person who ever made me feel like this is Th- 


"Now let me get rid of all this dust and debris." says the intruder. All Black Bolt can do is brace himself Infront of his wife as he knows what's coming. And he is right as two big green hands outstretch from the dust and debris and then...

/CLAP!/ A thunderclap sounds as the area and debris is blasted away and the king and queen can see who the intruder is.

"HULK!!!" They both say. Black Bolt in his head for obvious reasons.


[Moon, HULK POV]

"HULK!" Medusa yells.

"ENOUGH," Hulks voice boomed out creating waves of pressure in the air.

"Why have you come here and attacked my lord Black Bolt Hulk." "You know how this will end Hulk. My Lords voice will render this fight useless, and you will lose. And with your bones broken and your body adrift off in space," Medusa says.

"Oh, be quiet women," Hulk says. Then he looks over to his target of this endeavor and says, "Skrulls." Black Bolt looking at Hulk creases his brows together in confusion. Big mistake as Hulk smiles sinisterly at him. Sending shivers up his spine. Causing him to grab wife and with a look from her husband she knows this is serious and kisses his cheek and whispers to him, "come back to me love." Hulk looking at this, is reminded of his wife. Gritting his teeth as he steps forward breaking the ground for miles around them catching their attention. He points his right fist to Black Bolt.

Black Bolt Looking at Hulk and seeing his body steaming in green energy grabs his wife, nods, and pushes her away. Medusa, knowing she is in the way runs back far away. Black Bolt seeing his wife safe and away from them is caught off guard as Hulk Blast off the ground and reappears close beside him. Black Bolt looking up at Hulk notices he is much bigger compared to the past. Caught up his own thoughts he is broken away from them as Hulk says, 'We were supposed to be teammates, colleagues' people who could rely on one another.' 'But all of you betrayed me! Cast me out into space! To my death! '

As Hulk is saying this his body tenses. Knowing his aggressor is about to strike. Black Bolt whispers, "No."



Hulk is blasted back but not far off.

Black Bolt starting to feel unnerved, notices Hulk was only moved back by five feet. His body tenses in preperation. Because he knows this is going to be a hard fight one, he might even lose.

/WRANGGGG/ A pillar of green energy shooting in the sky catches his attention.


Hulks hand grabs the ground in front of him breaking it in the process as he picks himself up and looks up at Black Bolt and smiles. Now he knows this is the real one and not that Skrull from his memories. Touching his arm as he feels and savors the impact, he crouches on the ground as if he is about to take off. He then says, "YA KNOW...


/CRACK/ Gripping the ground harder.


/WRINGGG/ His body glowing in green energy.

"COME FOR THAT WHISPER," /BOOM/ Before black bolt can react, Hulk blasts of the ground so fast it looks like a green shooting star moving at impossible speeds across the ground to Black Bolt.