
The Elites (The sorcerer the guardian and the girl)

He appeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't see him when my eyes were reading the dress code and the people. Either he fell from the sky or just teleported here. As soon as my eyes landed on him, they widened at his aspect. He was wearing complete white which was complementing his silver silky hair. He gleams like shiny white armor. My eyes followed him, as he was getting closer in my direction.

ErzaLockhart_8373 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 7

When I gained consciousness and opened my eyes, I could see a familiar ceiling above me. Knitting my brows, I looked carefully at the ceiling above me. Realizing its familiarity, I quickly stood in a sitting position and looked around.

"huh!" I looked down at the bed. I was surprised for a moment. How did I come here?

What am I doing here? And on his bed!!

With a swift movement, I tried to get out of bed. Throwing the sheets to the side, I climbed down the bed and arranged the messy sheets.

"How did I come here?" I murmured, making the bed. What I last remember was eating my lunch at the cafeteria...and. I should leave first.

As I was about to leave the room, he entered. We were barely saved from bumping into each other.

"Where do you think you are going?" Pushing me back inside.

I have visited his house many times, but never his room. He leaves alone and I don't find it appropriate to come into someone's room when no one is around, especially when the person is of the opposite gender.

"How am I here in the first place?" I asked, getting dragged back by him.

He pushed me to sit on the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Looking up at him, I thought for a while before answering. I feel fine but... I tried to think about what happened to me, and why he was asking me such a question. When I do so, my head begins to hurt. I quickly massaged the temples of my forehead.

He bent forward toward me and asked. "Are you feeling hurt?"

"No," I answered quickly and moved to the side. Standing up on my feet, I walked a little further away from him.

"How did I end up in your house?" I asked, turning to face him.

"I got a call from your college." He answered, taking a step towards me.

I walked towards the door to get out of the room. He followed me out. Thankfully, we were in the hall.

"What happened? Can you fill me in the details?" I asked.

"You fainted during lunch and they called me to take you home for a day. You are on a leave today." He explained.

And then I remembered what happened. I was in the cafeteria having my lunch and then suddenly, the white smoke appeared, and then from the smoke he arrived. Damn it! I remembered now. But why did I lose consciousness there? I was fit and fine back then. Am I actually becoming sick or losing my mind?

"Violet?" He waved his hand in front of me.

"Huh!" I blinked at his action.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"No, I just." I have no explanation for anything right now. It's better if I keep things at me for a while. "What's the time now?" I asked.

"It's 8 pm." He said.

"My goodness." I exhaled. "Was I unconscious for there many hours?" I questioned surprisingly. 1 O'clock was lunchtime.

"Yes." He took a step closer to me and held my hands with his. "You made me worry." He said softly.

I don't want this close proximity. Taking a deep breath, I carefully pulled my hands out of his. There are things between us, but nothing like that. "I should better go back before it's too late," I said. My words probably sound with more than one meaning. And I do mean both things. I don't want to spend more time here, nor could I take the risk of going late to the dorm. It's dangerous as well as it breaks the rules.

"You are not going anywhere." He said out of nowhere.

"What?" It came out of my mouth with any thought.

"You are leaving tomorrow morning, You got a leave for today and you are staying here."

My facial expression froze for a second with my mouth ajar and eyes wide open. I don't dare to stay for one more hour and he was thinking of night in his house. How couldn't I? I just couldn't.

"No no no no no...." I waved my hands in front of me with multiple no- in a row.

"I am not going to have any further talk on this. Take it as a command." He said strictly.

"But sir, you just can't use your masterness here." I protest. Though masterness is not a word, it does convey its meaning.

"Yes, I can. If you still respect me as your teacher you have to listen to me. He said.

"What do you mean by still? I do always respect you as a teacher." I said. He was a teacher at our orphanage, and though I was not his student back then, I passed the age of the students to him he was assigned. He was in his teen when he appeared for the job. Even though not being my teacher, he taught me many things. Every time I don't understand anything, I used to ask him. Since then l I started calling him sir. He was a great help during my studies. As we grow up, we became more close. It's been four years since we know each other.

"And here I was thinking your respect might have changed into something else." He said.

"What....do...you.... mean?" I said each word in a slow and stressed manner.

"Well, we will talk about it tomorrow morning." He said, turning around to leave somewhere.

"Sir, I really can't stay...." before I can continue to speak further. He hushed me with his finger.

"No more arguments. And you can call me by my name. I no longer teach you." He said and turned around to leave the house.

I don't know where he was going. Nor I don't know what to say after this. So, I decided to keep quiet for the moment and let him go.

Holding the doorknob, he looked at me through his shoulder. "I am to get dinner. Don't run away." With that, he shuts the door and left the house.

I stayed there for one moment and then two. Exhaling a deep breath, I rubbed my hands on my upper arms. "Where am I stuck," I murmured. It's pretty cold today. Walking towards the sofa, I sat on it. I was thinking about the time when I fainted. The face of the guardian flashed in my mind. I closed my eyes to think. His expression was as surprised as mine. His silver hair waved by the wind. His.... I opened my eyes. Bending forward, I picked up a spare diary and a pen from the table. Opening up from the back, I went to the last page and began to draw his face.

His wavy and shiny hair, His pale forehead with some strands of hair on his. His brows slightly knitted in rather confusion. And his eyes, his sky color eyes were sparkling with surprise. His eyes looked beautiful with that look. The almond shape suits the shocked facial expression. His nose...As I began to draw his nose and jaw. My hand stopped on the paper.

"What am I doing?" murmured, looking at the drawing. I do draw since I was a kid. Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies. I even draw things when I am stressed, to get stress free. I don't understand why I drew a picture of him. Shaking my head, I closed the diary and kept it back on the table. Taking the back support, I rested my head back on the sofa and closed my eyes.